Archived - Departmental Plan 2019–20: Supplementary Information Tables: page 2

The Department commits to integrating, where appropriate and data exists, gender-based analysis plus (GBA+)* into the development of policy, program and legislative options and related considerations in its advice to the Minister of Finance.

The Department delivers on this commitment by:

The Department is also responsible for:

These responsibilities are covered under the department's core responsibility of Economic and Fiscal Policy.

GBA+ sets out potential impacts of individual proposed measures on diverse groups of women, men and gender-diverse people and, where applicable, informs the development of mitigation measures. This information supports both the policy development and the decision-making processes.


The Department has put in place all elements of a robust GBA+ implementation framework as prescribed by the Department for Women and Gender Equality (formerly Status of Women Canada):


The departmental GBA+ Champion, a position held by an Assistant Deputy Minister, is responsible for leading, supporting and monitoring the integration of GBA+ into the day-to-day operations of the Department. The GBA+ Champion also serves as a liaison with the broader Government of Canada GBA+ network.

The GBA+ Champion is supported by a departmental GBA+ Advisory Committee. When it was established in the summer of 2017, this committee was made up of analysts. In the fall of 2018, it became an executive–level committee.

GBA+ action plan

The Department's GBA+ action plan outlines the GBA+ implementation framework and sets out the main activities to be undertaken to ensure that GBA+ is integrated into departmental decision-making processes.

The plan covers the following areas:

  1. Integration of GBA+: The Department requires that a GBA+ be conducted on all policy options developed for the Minister's consideration and that the GBA+ performed by other federal departments for Cabinet consideration be reviewed by the analyst. A mandatory Finance assessment note must be completed, and summary conclusions must be reported in a dedicated section of the briefing note to the Minister.
  2. Monitoring and reporting: The Department systematically tracks the extent to which GBA+ has been conducted and integrated into the advice to the Minister, the uptake of training, and the key issues that analysts face when integrating GBA+ into their work. Internal monitoring and tracking tools are:
    • Excel spreadsheets (for example, for the integration of GBA+ into policy proposals, as well as training completion rates)
    • regular updates to senior management and continuous discussion of issues at the GBA+ Advisory Committee
    • surveys and questionnaires of analysts' experiences with GBA+ training activities to assess the quality and relevance of training, as well as the challenges and needs, to inform the development of the next year's GBA+ action plan
    • reporting on the Department's implementation of GBA+ through the Annual GBA+ Implementation Survey conducted by the Department for Women and Gender Equality
  3. Institutional processes: The Department provides detailed instructions on GBA+ processes, requirements and records management to each branch through its internal network of GBA+ advisors
  4. Training: The Department has an established GBA+ learning plan that consists of:
    • the Department for Women and Gender Equality's online Introduction to GBA+ course, mandatory since 2016–17 for all departmental analysts and executives involved in policy development or the challenge function
    • in-house courses and learning activities (for example, Budget GBA+ Boot Camp)
    • other GBA+ learning opportunities (for example, events offered by the Canada School of Public Service and information sessions for other federal departments and agencies)
    • on-the-job coaching on GBA+ for analysts through feedback from the GBA+ focal point and the GBA+ Advisory Committee
    • the integration of GBA+ into the orientation and on-boarding processes for new employees
  5. Tools and data: The Department annually updates internal GBA+ templates and the GBA+ guidance document to provide analysts with robust and efficient tools. Using its review of lessons learned and best practices, the Department also develops new tools as needed.
  6. Engagement and outreach: The Department actively engages with the Department for Women and Gender Equality and central agencies to strengthen the quality of GBA+ conducted across federal departments and agencies. It also participates in quarterly interdepartmental GBA+ network meetings to share information, guidance and best practices.
  7. Communications: The Department communicates key GBA+ information internally through the departmental intranet, the GBA+ Advisory Committee, the InfoBulletin, and infoscreen announcements.

Accountability mechanisms

GBA+ is supported by internal accountability mechanisms, including regular reporting to senior management on the uptake of mandatory training, the status of GBA+ work, and the implementation of the GBA+ Action Plan.

The Department also reports on its implementation of GBA+ through testimonies to, and responses to reports of, parliamentary committees, and the Annual GBA+ Implementation Survey conducted by the Department for Women and Gender Equality.

Both GBA+ specialists and subject-matter experts from across the department contribute to GBA+:

In 2019–20, the Department of Finance Canada will continue to:

Key initiatives include:

* GBA+ is an analytical process used to help identify the potential impacts of policies, Programs and services on diverse groups of women, men and gender-diverse people. The "plus" acknowledges that GBA goes beyond sex and gender differences. We all have multiple identity factors that intersect to make us who we are; GBA+ considers many other identity factors, such as race, ethnicity, religion, age, and mental or physical disability.

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