Notes for a video address by The Honourable David Lametti Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada at the Advocates’ Society End of Term
Notes for an address by:
The Honourable David Lametti
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
June 11, 2020
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Hello everyone.
I’m pleased to send greetings as you mark your End of Term. I hope that you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe during this time.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced change on every aspect of society—and the justice sector is no different. Despite the challenges, our courts have managed to continue operations to ensure urgent matters were addressed.
And while the task ahead may be daunting, I know that together—with strong resolve and close collaboration—we will succesfully navigate this road ahead as we resume court operations and help Canadians resolve their legal issues
It has been a privilege to witness the extraordinary measures that judges, lawyers, court staff and others across the country have taken to protect the integrity of court processes and to preserve access to justice.
More than ever, Canadians need to trust their justice system and their government, and know that their rights are protected.
I want to thank the Advocates’ Society for your unwavering pursuit of a fair and accessible justice system for all Canadians.
And I applaud your decision to donate the proceeds from today’s event to Pro Bono Canada—your generous act will help those in need to overcome barriers during this very difficult time.
Your work will be even more crucial in the weeks and months ahead. Together, I know that we can build a more open, resilient and people-focused justice system for the future.
Thank you.
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