The Government of Canada renews funding for immigration and refugee legal aid services in Manitoba

News release

October 17, 2024 - Winnipeg, Manitoba – Department of Justice Canada

Access to justice is a fundamental value in the Canadian justice system and an essential part of a fair society. It is a priority of the Government of Canada to ensure access to justice for low-income persons and make sure that the Canadian justice system is fair, efficient and accessible and that public confidence in the justice system is maintained.

On October 17, Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South, Terry Duguid, on behalf of the Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, announced funding of $1.038 million over three years (2024 – 2027) for Legal Aid Manitoba to provide a range of immigration and refugee legal aid services to eligible persons. It includes:

  • Preparing the Basis of Claims for refugee claimants, a mandatory document for all claimants;
  • Providing legal representation at hearings before the Immigration and Refugee Board; and
  • Offering legal assistance for detainees at Immigration Holding Centres.

Providing this type of legal support helps keep the entire court system running more efficiently for all people in Canada.

Legal Aid Manitoba receives this renewed funding from Justice Canada’s Legal Aid Program, and through a bilateral Agreement Respecting Immigration and Refugee Legal Aid.  The Legal Aid Program funds the provinces and the territories to deliver legal aid services. This includes criminal legal aid, and immigration and refugee legal aid.

Legal Aid Manitoba provides free or affordable legal services to low-income adults and youth, groups promoting issues of public concern, and refugee claimants. 


"We continue to build a justice system that is fair, efficient and accessible. Through this funding, Legal Aid Manitoba will be able to provide predictable long term immigration and refugee legal aid services to those in need.  This will result in faster resolution of refugee claims and help to maintain the integrity of the immigration and refugee system."          

The Honourable Arif Virani, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

"Canada acknowledges and applauds Legal Aid Manitoba’s efforts to make immigration and refugee legal aid services more readily available, which are essential to ensure those eligible receive the legal support they need. Canada fully supports Legal Aid Manitoba’s goal of increasing access to justice."

Terry Duguid
Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South

"This guaranteed funding over the next few years will assist Legal Aid Manitoba in providing high quality legal services for those persons who are at their most vulnerable. With an ever increasing number of claimants seeking asylum in Canada, it is vital that legal representation be available to ensure that our immigration system remains accessible, balanced, and just.  We appreciate and rely on our strong relationship with the federal government to ensure a fair justice system for all Manitobans."

Peter Kingsley, K.C.,
Executive Director, Legal Aid Manitoba

Quick facts

  • Legal Aid Manitoba has offices in Winnipeg, Brandon, Dauphin, The Pas and Thompson. During the year 2022-23, 96,587 persons received assistance through Legal Aid Manitoba [Legal Aid Manitoba].

  • Refugee claimants have the right, under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), to be represented at immigration and refugee (I&R) proceedings. Through the Legal Aid Program, the federal government contributes annual funding to the eight provinces where I&R legal aid services are provided (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, and Quebec).

  • To improve access to justice, the Government of Canada recently increased overall funding to legal aid for immigrants and refugees. Budget 2024 announced $ $274 million over five years for immigration and refugee legal aid.

Associated links


For more information, media may contact:

Chantalle Aubertin
Deputy Director, Communications
Office of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

Peter Kingsley, K.C.
Executive Director
Legal Aid Manitoba
204 985-5246

Media Relations
Department of Justice Canada

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