Warrant Officer (WO.) Avril Jno-Baptiste-Jones

Warrant Officer Avril Jno-Baptiste-Jones has a position in the Forces working in administration and finance. It has been a secure career that has allowed her to maintain a very balanced lifestyle. The Forces has offered her a place to grow as a professional with opportunities to excel, while still being part of a team. “I feel part of an organization that did not judge from the exterior but rather focused on my dedication and inner strength.”

Joining the Forces has truly changed her life in many ways and she would do it all over again if given the chance. She also feels that the training opportunities the Forces offers are a valuable benefit to all who join. She has been offered chances to learn and grow within the Forces throughout her career that she feels she would not have found elsewhere.

One of the highlights of joining the Forces for Warrant Officer Jno-Baptiste-Jones was meeting her husband, who is also a Forces member, while they were both on training in Toronto. Before joining, Avril did not expect to see a lot of women of colour in the Forces. She was worried she wouldn’t fit in because of the portrayal of female soldiers as abrasive. However, she experienced a very accepting environment that has truly allowed her to be herself.

Consider the Forces as a viable choice right from High School; take advantage of what the Forces and military life and culture has to offer sooner.

She believes she would tell her pre-Forces self: “Consider the Forces as a viable choice right from High School; take advantage of what the Forces and military life and culture has to offer sooner.”

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