Health Promotion - Smoking to relieve stress?

April 8, 2021

Is smoking your go-to stress management technique? You are certainly not alone if you use cigarettes as a way to feel less stressed. Tobacco contains nicotine, a psychoactive or mood altering drug. When you smoke, nicotine reaches the brain in eight seconds and releases dopamine. Dopamine causes feelings of pleasure and relaxation, a sensation the body craves again and again. The irony is that while you may experience temporary relief from stress on a cognitive level, the body is experiencing increased stress. Your blood pressure and heart rate increases, muscles become tense, and less oxygen is available to the body and brain.

The most effective way to manage your stress is to identify what it is that causes anxious feelings and learn how to change the way you react to these events and situations.

So, here’s what you can do. Make a list of the things that stress you out. Be aware of stressful situations that occur repetitively. For example, if you feel stressed in the morning because you have a difficult time waking up, try getting to bed earlier, prepare your lunch and clothing the night before and set your alarm clock at a time that allows you wake up and get organized for your day in a relaxed fashion.

Effective stress management

While there is no one right way to work through stress, there are negative ones (smoking) and positive methods (exercise) to overcoming stress. It is important to find positive ways to improve your health and well-being and to find what works for you when faced with stressful situations:

Managing stress while quitting smoking

You are more likely to be successful in quitting smoking if you use the resources available to you.

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