Relocation Directive - APS 2014 - Chapter 13

13.01 In this chapter

This chapter describes the relocation benefits specific to Reserve Force members on Class B and C service.

It is divided into the following sections:

13.02 Entitlements

Reserve Force members on Class B and C service are entitled to the same benefits as those contained in Parts 1 and 2, except for the following:

(TB amended, effective 1 September 2012)

13.03 Eligibility

Entitlement to relocation benefits shall apply when the period of employment is for a minimum duration of one year or more and recommended by the appropriate Command or Hiring Authority and approved by DCBA for relocation of (D) HG&E.

13.04 Time limitation

Class B Reserve Force members must relocate as soon as possible, within six months of the commencement date of the period of employment, provided there is at least one year remaining in the period of employment. No separation expense benefit exists for members on class B Reserve service.

Class C Reserve Force members must relocate within six months of the commencement date of the period of employment, provided there is at least one year remaining in the period of employment. When imposed restriction (IR) status is recognized and separation expenses authorized, the six month period will commence once the IR has been lifted.

Failure to meet this deadline, for other than service reasons, will result in forfeiture of relocation benefits.

(TB amended, effective 1 September 2012)

13.05 Return to assist

When the move is conducted after the commencement of the period of employment, Res F members are entitled to five days special (relocation) leave to facilitate returning to the initial place of duty to assist with the move and return to new place of duty. They will be reimbursed:

Core benefit

Transportation, traveling and ILM&M expenses for up to five days

Custom benefit

Expenses in excess of five days

(TB amended, effective 1 September 2012)

13.06 Funding and authority for HHT/DIT/TNL – Class A

When a relocation has been approved, Reserve Force members may proceed on HHT/DIT or TNL on Class A service prior to commencement of employment. Therefore, authority must be granted by the gaining employing unit to fund these days paid as duty, before proceeding on HHT/DIT or TNL.

13.07 Sale and purchase of residence – conditions and limitations

This item replaces art 8.1.03.

Relocation benefits related to the sale of the principal residence must be claimed within one year of the commencement date of the period of employment.

This item replaces conditions contained in art 8.3.02. Reserve Force members are entitled to relocation benefits related to the purchase of a replacement residence:

rovided that the purchase is made within six months of the commencement date of the period of employment or when the period of employment is extended, with at least one year remaining in the period of employment, six months from the date of extension.

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13.08 Reserve relocation allowance

Reserve Force members authorized to relocate are entitled to the Reserve Relocation Allowance of $1000.

Reserve service couple - Both are entitled to the benefit when they are both relocated.

Reserve, Regular Force service couple - This benefit is not payable to a Reserve service spouse when relocated in conjunction with the Regular Force member unless there are other dependants.

13.09 Service couple

When the Regular Force member is posted and the Reserve Force member obtains a period of employment:

Reserve Service Spouses who obtain employment after relocating with their Regular Force spouse are considered locally hired.

13.10 Return move

Upon completion or termination of the period of employment by the employer/hiring authorityReserve Force members are entitled to a return move. There is no entitlement to a Reserve Relocation Allowance.

The relocation should be completed within one year of termination of the employment; however, when there are further periods of full time employment within the same geographical location the time limit will be extended by the corresponding number of days served in the new employment.

Reserve Force members may move to:

13.11 Early termination of employment

CF members who voluntarily terminate their employment and complete less than one year of their employment shall have all expenses associated with the relocation fully recovered.

CF members who voluntarily terminate their employment have no entitlement to a return move.

Component Transfers (CT)
Reserve Force members who are offered and accept a CT into the Regular Force will not have relocation expenses recovered.

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