Policies and standards

Policies, standards, orders, directives and regulations from the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces.

Type of policy Description
Acts and regulations Acts and regulations administered by the Department of National Defence.
Canadian Armed Forces Drill and Ceremonial Provides step-by-step instruction on all foot, rifle and Canadian Armed Forces ceremonial drill movements and procedures.
Canadian Armed Forces Military Personnel Instructions (CAFMPI) Administrative direction from the Chief of Military Personnel.
Our North, Strong and Free A renewed vision for the future of defence in Canada, focusing on building a Canadian Armed Forces that continues to keep us strong at home, secure in North America, and engaged in the world.
The Canadian Armed Forces Dress Instructions Provides Canadian Armed Forces personnel with the instructions for dress and personal appearance, what badge and insignia items are authorized for wear and the methods for wearing all uniforms and insignia.
Canadian Forces Administrative Orders (CFAOs) Administrative orders that apply to members of the Canadian Armed Forces.
Canadian Forces General Messages (CANFORGENS) CANFORGENS are important messages from Canadian Armed Forces leadership and are applicable to all CAF personnel. Find out how to read them.
Compensation and Benefits Instructions (CBI) Instructions on financial compensation and benefits for Canadian Armed Forces members and their families.
Defence Administrative Orders and Directives (DAODs) Administrative orders that apply to members of the Canadian Armed Forces and directives that apply to employees of National Defence.
Deputy Minister and Chief of the Defence Staff Directives Directive specific to National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces.
The Heritage Structure of the Canadian Forces Provides information and policies regarding Canadian Armed Forces honours and identity based on Canadian military heritage and tradition.
Relocation Directive Policy for the relocation of Canadian Armed Forces members and their families.
Leave Policy Manual Rules associated with various types of leave for Canadian Armed Forces members.
Legal policies and directives Legal policies and directives issued by the Judge Advocate General and the Director of Military Prosecutions of the Canadian Armed Forces.
Medical standards for military occupations Current military occupation medical standards and guidance for health care providers to evaluate medical conditions and assign employment limitations if needed.
Queen's Regulations and Orders (QR&O) Regulations and orders for the organization, training, discipline, efficiency, administration, and government of the Canadian Armed Forces.
Science Integrity Policy This Policy puts forward principles that apply to the design, conduct, review, management, communication and use of research, science, as well as all other related activities.
Queen's Regulations and Orders for Canadian Cadet Organizations (QR Cadets) Regulations and orders for Canadian Cadet Organizations, instructors, cadets, training, discipline, medical, financial, and administration of the Corps.
Voting and elections The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects every Canadian citizen’s right to vote. Canadian Armed Forces members will find below important information regarding Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial electoral events.
Defence Scientific Service Group – Pay Plan Defines the core elements of the career progression framework for the Defence Scientific Service (DS) group, as explained in the DS Salary Administration System.
Financial Administration Manual (FAM) Policies covering the various aspects of the department's financial administration are stated individually in the ensuing chapters of this part of the manual.

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