CFIRP 2009 - Clarification Bulletin 12

Clarification of rate of exchange for meal rate when posted from/to a destination outside Canada

Releasing Authority: Director of Compensation and Benefits - Administration - 24 Jul 09

Reference: CFIRP 2009

The following clarification is provided to the CFIRP 2009 article 3.1.01

Clarification of rate of exchange for meal rate when posted from/to a destination outside Canada

Releasing Authority: Director of Compensation and Benefits - Administration - 24 Jul 09

Reference: CFIRP 2009

The following clarification is provided to the CFIRP 2009 article 3.1.01


DCBA has determined that meal rates on postings from/to outside Canada are currently calculated by using the TB applicable rate pertaining to the place of origin. The TB travel directive is very specific in that "A traveller shall be paid the applicable meal allowance for each breakfast, lunch and dinner while on travel status." The intent of “applicable” is for the CF member to be reimbursed at the rate where the meal was consumed. It should be noted that if the CF member chooses to travel by PMV through the USA on a posting within Canada, all meals shall be reimbursed in Canadian funds (without a rate of exchange applied) as if travel had occurred in Canada.


In order to provide clarification to regarding the rate of exchange to be utilized when proceeding on a move from/to outside Canada the following statement is to be added to article 3.1.01:

  • When proceeding on a posting from/to outside Canada including the continental USA, meals shall be paid using the TB applicable rate based on where the meal was consumed.

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