CFIRP 2009 - Clarification Bulletin 13

Clarification on PMV storage cost reimbursement when on posting outside Canada

Releasing Authority: Director of Compensation and Benefits - Administration - 13 Aug 09

Reference: CFIRP 2009

The following clarification is provided to the CFIRP 2009 Policy 9.1.06


DCBA has received several requests for adjudication to reimburse PMV storage cost beyond the two year time limitation from the COS date. This occurs when CF members are posted for 3 or more years but the storage company will only bill for storage costs for a maximum of 2 years at a time. When required to store a PMV, the intent is to reimburse storage costs for the duration of the posting including any extensions.


In order to provide clarification to CF members who store their PMV while on a posting outside Canada, the following note is to be added to article 9.1.06:

Note: Time limitation noted at Article 2.9.01 does not apply for reimbursement of PMV storage costs – members posted outside Canada.

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