CFIRP 2009 - Clarification Bulletin 3

Clarification on the time limitation applicable for IPR moves

Releasing Authority: Director of Compensation and Benefits - Administration- 28 Apr 09

Reference: CFIRP 2009

The following clarification is provided to the CF IRP 2009 Policy article 1.1.04 & 14.1.02


The CF IRP for APS 2009 changed the time limitation to claim for relocation benefits on IPR to two years as per article 14.1.02 from the three year limitation in the CF IRP for previous years.

Released CF members were briefed on the time limitation to exercise their IPR move prior to their release and will therefore not be aware of this change in the CF IRP until they actually elect their IPR.


In order to ensure that CF members briefed on their time limitation to exercise their move to IPR are not put into a position that would place undue stress on their attempt to relocate to their IPR the following is added to article 14.1.02:

CF members whose effective date of release is between 1 Apr 00 and 31 Mar 09 and whose entitlement has not expired shall remain entitled to fully exercise their IPR move within three years of their release date.

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