CFIRP 2010 - Clarification Bulletin 2

Clarification of calculation of Miscellaneous Allowance

Releasing Authority: Director of Compensation and Benefits - Administration- 26 Apr 10

Reference: CFIRP 2009

The following clarification is provided to the CFIRP 2009 Policy Article 1.4


Definition: Miscellaneous Allowance. The calculation of Miscellaneous Allowance for CF members transiting multiple countries in one day of travel is unclear. Clarification has been provided within the definition of Miscellaneous Allowance to indicate that the allowance is to be calculated and paid at the rate in effect at the location where the day commences.


Insert corrected definition:

When on TNL and ILM&M means 12% of the full daily meal rate for the CF member and 6% of the full daily meal rate for each dependant regardless of age and is payable anytime CF member or dependants are on travel status. When a CF member travels to multiple countries on the same day, the miscellaneous allowance paid shall be that for the location where the day commences. The miscellaneous allowance is intended to pay for expenses such as, but not limited to, gratuities, dry cleaning, laundry, bottled water, phone calls, home grass cutting, snow removal, home security check, plant watering, mail services, pet care, telecommunications hook-ups and service.

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