Supplementary Data on Budget 2012 Implementation
Program Activity | FY12/13 ($000) | FY13/14 ($000) | FY14/15 and Ongoing ($000) |
Defence Science & Technology | 20,688 | 35,986 | 63,674 |
Recruiting of Personnel and Initial Training | 38,988 | 49,767 | 62,824 |
Equipment Acquisition and Disposal | 460 | 44,960 | 109,169 |
Real Property and Informatics Infrastructure Acquisition and Disposal | 545 | 5,427 | 13,658 |
Maritime Readiness | 40,574 | 74,377 | 106,961 |
Land Readiness | 98,330 | 195,665 | 267,165 |
Aerospace Readiness | 35,965 | 60,208 | 81,794 |
Joint and Common Readiness | 27,982 | 74,701 | 116,074 |
Situational Awareness | 681 | 6,586 | 20,368 |
Canadian Peace Stability and Security | 0 | 13,373 | 13,575 |
Continental Peace Stability and Security | 0 | 16 | 59 |
International Peace Stability and Security | 51,194 | 61,546 | 67,155 |
Defence Team Personnel Support | 1,012 | 18,525 | 42,662 |
Canadian Identity | 590 | 3,778 | 6,011 |
Environment Protection and Stewardship | 193 | 5,882 | 15,954 |
Non-Security Support | 1 | 138 | 517 |
Internal Services | 1,645 | 41,448 | 118,496 |
Total | $318,849 | $692,384 | $1,106,114 |
* Due to rounding, figures may not add up to totals shown.
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