Founded Disclosures of Wrongdoing


The location where Founded Wrongdoings are published has changed. Narratives of Founded Wrongdoings can now be found at: Search Government Acts of Founded Wrongdoing | Open Government - Government of Canada. Please update your bookmarked websites accordingly.

Please note that this website will no longer be active as of April 1st, 2025. 

Requirement to Report

In accordance with section 11(c) of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA), if wrongdoing is found as a result of a disclosure, the chief executive must “promptly provide public access to information that:

  1. describes the wrongdoing, including information that could identify the person found to have committed it if it is necessary to identify the person to adequately describe the wrongdoing, and
  2. sets out the recommendations, if any, set out in any report made to the chief executive in relation to the wrongdoing and the corrective action, if any, taken by the chief executive in relation to the wrongdoing or the reasons why no corrective action was taken."

In accordance with section 16.5 of the Access to Information Act and section 22.3 of the Privacy Act, information created for the purpose of making a disclosure under the PSDPA, or in the course of an investigation into a disclosure under the PSDPA, is protected and cannot be released.

Internal Disclosure of Wrongdoing investigations are conducted by the Directorate of Investigations and Internal Disclosures (DIID) on behalf of the Senior Officer of Internal Disclosure (SOID). DIID reports do not contain specific recommendations pertaining to administrative or disciplinary sanctions to be taken against an individual when the allegations of wrongdoing have been founded. This is the purview of management and/or the chain of command.

In keeping with the requirements of the PSDPA, the specific information with respect to founded disclosures of wrongdoing within the Department of National Defence (DND) is made public and can be found at the following link: Search Government Acts of Founded Wrongdoing | Open Government - Government of Canada

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