Capt(N) Matthew Coates, Director of Human Rights and Diversity took the 60 Seconds challenge

Video / October 19, 2020


What's your favourite thing to do when you're not at work?

Camping, but I don't tent. That's why I'm not in the Army.

Hi there! I'm Matthew Coates. I'm a Captain in the Royal Canadian Navy and I'm the Director of Human Rights and Diversity within CMP (Chief Military Personnel) and I'm here to take the 60 Seconds Challenge, so here we go.

What's the Director of Human Rights and Diversity and what do they do?

DHRD is a team made up of civilian and military members. We work in CMP to ensure that the conditions are set for a safe and inclusive work environment for the entire Defence Team.

How does embracing diversity enhance military operational effectiveness?

Diverse teams create optimization in decision-making, innovation, speed, advancement in change. Without diversity, we cannot advance.

Who do you work with on a typical day?

Who don't we work with on a typical day? Our primary folks are the Advisory Networks all across the country. We work with Vice’s shop at VCDS. We work in the Corporate Secretary realm. We work with our counterparts in Human Rights and Diversity over in the HR-Civ world.

What's the key quality that contributes to welcoming and fair work environment?

There's one foundational statement. Respect. Respect the dignity of everybody you work with. 

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