Remembrance Day 2020 may not look like previous years but our commitment to remember is enduring
Video / November 9, 2020
Remembrance Day 2020 may not look like previous years but our commitment to remember is enduring.
Wherever you may be this Remembrance Day, I ask that you pause and think of those who sacrificed so much for the freedoms we enjoy today. Those who donned the uniform did so during uncertain times, but they were steadfast in their love of country and their duty to defend it. They fought bravely, many now rest in foreign lands where they laid down their lives in the name of freedom.
While we cannot gather, like previous years, in our act of remembrance, we can continue the tradition of remembrance. Although the pandemic brings uncertainty to our lives, there is an element of comfort in the traditions that we have adopted for November 11th. The reading of names, the wearing of poppies, the minute of silence, the playing of the Last Post, all give meaning and expression to the gratitude and regret for lives lived and lost in the service of Canada.
The torch of remembrance is in our hands, we hold it high. We will Remember them.
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