Defence Team pushes ahead on key infrastructure for CAF personnel
June 17, 2020 - Defence Stories
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect major sectors of the Canadian economy, staying on track with our investments in major defence infrastructure projects while boosting local economies is a key priority for the Defence Team. While most business has slowed in Canada, we’re full-speed ahead to provide modern and green infrastructure for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel, and create economic opportunities for Canadian industry.
The Defence Team has been hard at work over the last several months. We’ve opened bidding on design and construction contracts for new fighter aircraft facilities at 3 Wing Bagotville and 4 Wing Cold Lake, our two main operating bases for Canada’s fighter aircraft. This infrastructure will support the long-term operation and maintenance of 88 new aircraft that will be procured for the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) through the Future Fighter Capability Project (FFCP).
These infrastructure investments will have a significant economic impact in Alberta and Quebec – combined, we expect these construction contracts to total over $500 million, and create more than 900 jobs over the next several years. We’re planning to award the design-build contract for the Cold Lake fighter aircraft facility in August 2020, with Bagotville following in September 2020.
On top of that, we’ve just awarded the design portion of a design-build contract for an $87-million quick reaction facility at 3 Wing Bagotville. This facility will provide Bagotville personnel with the infrastructure they need to deploy faster, plan more effectively, and maintain the future fighter to support NORAD missions. This investment demonstrates Canada’s longstanding commitment to our NORAD alliance, our friends and allies, and to the protection of our airspace. We expect the construction of this facility will create about 260 jobs in Quebec.
Most importantly, these milestones are major steps forward to ensuring our members have the infrastructure they need to do the important work we ask of them. By opening bidding on fighter aircraft infrastructure now – ahead of choosing a future fighter – we will start on work that is needed, regardless of which aircraft is selected. This will ensure both wings are ready for the first aircraft deliveries. Additionally, our investment in the new quick reaction facility in Bagotville will help RCAF personnel quickly respond to any threats in North American airspace, thus contributing to our NORAD commitment.
For the Defence Team, providing modern infrastructure for CAF members and helping stimulate local economies is a part of what we do that makes us proud – and this task is as important as ever right now. These infrastructure projects, in lockstep with the aircraft procurement they support, will ensure the Canadian Armed Forces remains strong, secure, and engaged for the future.
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