MyGCPay pay stub consultations
June 19, 2020 – Defence Stories
Last year Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) introduced the MyGCPay web application, and announced in early March 2020 that employees in all federal departments and agencies have access to this tool.
During the development of MyGCPay, we asked users what they needed to better understand their pay. The number one response was for an easy-to-understand pay stub. The MyGCPay team has designed a new online pay stub that is ready to be tested with employees. We will be seeking employee feedback on this proposed new pay stub, from June 17th until July 10th, 2020.
The proposed MyGCPay pay stub includes:
- Identification of the pay type and pay period;
- Three tabs to separate information on earnings, taxes, and deductions;
- The department or agency that is issuing the pay;
- A deductions tab with three sections that identify the employer deduction contributions, voluntary deductions and other deductions.
All Government of Canada employees will be invited to watch a video explaining each section of the proposed pay stub, and then they will be asked to provide their feedback on the new design in the form of a questionnaire.
As the video and the questionnaire will be hosted on GCIntranet, we understand that there may be questions about the pressure this could put on VPN access. We have taken the necessary steps to keep the video short while clearly explaining the changes presented in the new pay stub.
Following the review and analysis of all responses, the MyGCPay team will make final improvements to the MyGCPay pay stub and make the new pay stub available to all Government of Canada employees by end of Summer 2020.
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