Security awareness - Let's talk social!
November 9, 2020 - Defence Stories

Infographic - Text version
Let’s talk social!
You are probably on multiple platforms such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.
Don’t forget that you represent the Department of National Defence (DND) / Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) ON and OFF duty. Everything you post may potentially compromise DND/CAF information, assets and resources, and could have severe consequences to operational tasks and to the safety of personnel.
Key facts
- Be careful what you post or comment, it is public and should be considered a permanent part of the public record.
- If not careful, your personal information (and your family’s information) could be readily accessible to the general public and to undesirable audiences.
- It is important to remain respectful and ethical, and to follow security policies that are in place.
Think before you click!
- Ask yourself before you post:
Could the video, images or comments have an inappropriate impact or reflect discredit on DND/CAF or on any of its members? - Be aware of your affiliation with the DND/CAF. This may seem harmless to you, but you must be careful when you share any information which could compromise the personal security with details such as:
- Pictures of you in uniform
- Event photos with family or colleagues
- Current or past information on postings/deployments
- Remember to review your account’s security and privacy policies often. They change with little notice.
- Be informed before releasing DND/CAF information on social media. You must follow release procedures as found in NDSOD Chapter 6: Security of Information.
Don’t be THAT person!
- Do not share DND/CAF information on social media
Unclassified information does not automatically mean it can be released to the public or be open to all DND/CAF without a need-to-know. Approved release procedures must be followed. - Do not tag or share photos of colleagues or friends without their permission
Ensure that all individuals whose images or personal information you use, have given their consent. - Do not over share personal information
Only YOU need to know your home address, phone number, social insurance number and banking information. - Do not share your official or personal e-mail
Use a generic e-mail address instead. - Do not include images or identifiers
DND/CAF logos, badges, crests and emblems. - Do not speak on behalf of DND/CAF, unless you are designated as an official spokesperson
- Do not post to, like, comment or share from, an organization that is known to promotediscriminatory views
(CANFORGEN 016 / 18, CDS Direction on Professional Military Conduct, Para 8); and QR&O 19.14 - Improper comments.)
Suspected security incidents related to social media may be reported to the Director General – Defence Security (DGDS) Security Incident Management at ++DGDS SIMGIS@VCDS DGDS@Ottawa-Hull (DWAN) or to your Chain of Command, USS, ISSO, or the Military Police. Follow the procedures in NDSOD Chapter 12: Security Incident Management.
For more tips and information:
NDSOD Chapter 17: Security and Social Media (Accessible only on the National Defence network.)
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