“Understanding is the key factor” - A Spotlight Interview with Sgt Devon “M12” Malazdrewicz

October 1, 2021 - Defence Stories


The promotion of Sgt. Devon Malazdrewicz to Sergeant.

You won’t want to miss this spotlight interview! This October for Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month, check out what some of your colleagues have to say about workplace wellness.

You can also participate in a series of virtual activities to support in creating a workplace we all feel good to be a part of.

Today we highlight Sgt. Malazdrewicz, who has been an Aircraft Structures Technician since 2008. He was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba and enlisted in the Canadian Armed Forces in 2006. Sgt. Malazdrewicz says that joining the RCAF has been the highlight of his life, and intends to remain employed beyond his contract end date.

Sgt. Malazdrewicz is the 4 Wing Military Co-Chair for the Defence Advisory Group for Persons with Disabilities (DAGPWD). He has several invisible disabilities (anxiety, ADHD, depression), and is trying to do his part to make employment on 4 Wing modern and fully inclusive.

We spoke to him about his experience.   

1) What would you like people to know about you as a person living with a disability?

I operate under the assumption that everyone wants to succeed, taking pride in your work is human nature. I put an exhausting amount of energy into everything I do, this doesn’t always mean physical energy either. A full day of work can be debilitating sometimes and it wears down on me throughout the week.

2) What does wellness mean to you as a person living with a disability?

Carrying-out a productive and comfortable lifestyle at home and at work epitomizes wellness in my opinion. Regardless of the situation, I strive to contribute to the success of myself and the RCAF and pride myself in doing so.

3) How can colleagues actively help to create a healthier workplace for people living with a disability?

I would say that understanding is the key factor. In the event that an individual has an invisible disability, it may explain a performance deficiency. Try to understand the internal forces working against that individual and educate yourself as a peer/supervisor.

4) What is a piece of advice or guidance you received that has stuck with you? (related to mental health and well-being)

The most useful skills acquired was a combination from several design thinking courses put on by the RCAF and mental health courses offered by EAP. I find that re-framing and exercising empathy are critical with both work and personal choices.

5) Can you please share a couple of resources (i.e., books, documentaries, videos, etc.) that you found accurate and impactful in learning about or supporting your community?

Some Employee Assistance Program webinars that I recommend include:

The recordings of these webinars are made available on the ADM(HR-Civ) YouTube channel (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website).

I also recommend RCAF: Introduction to Design Thinking (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website) by Communitech, and Developing Your Leadership Voice and Impact (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website) by Learning Tree.

If you need additional support EAP and CFMAP are here for you.

For additional educational resources please consult the links below:

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