Message from the new Deputy Minister
January 11, 2022 - Defence Stories

Now that I am officially in the Deputy Minister (DM) seat at National Defence (DND), I wanted to introduce—or in some cases, reintroduce—myself to you and share that I am very happy to be back at DND.
First, let me say that I can appreciate if the arrival of a new DM is not at the top of the list of things you expected to think about as we dive into 2022 while navigating the ongoing pandemic. I recognize that this may generate additional work but I will do my best to minimize the impact and assure you that I look forward to working together on our considerable list of mandate letter deliverables.
My main areas of focus will be on the items in the Minister’s mandate letter, broadly speaking:
- continuing the significant work around culture change;
- advancing the vision set out in Strong, Secure, Engaged; and
- working to support the rules-based international order through our partnership and alliances like NATO, the UN, and NORAD—including the critical work we are currently doing around NORAD modernization.
DM Thomas was an active advocate around Mental Health, and I will be stepping directly into the role of Defence Team Mental Health Co-Champion along with Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, LGen Frances Allen, and Wanda Boudreau, President Federal Government Dockyard Chargehands Association.
What’s being asked of us as a team is considerable, and I have no doubt feels daunting. All the more so because so many eyes are fixed on DND/CAF to deliver enormous support to vulnerable Canadians, navigate the rapidly evolving international security situation, and simultaneously undergo massive internal self-reflection and cultural renewal.
All that to say, I recognize the complexity of the challenges we are facing together, and I will do everything I can to really understand the nuances of those challenges, and how I can work with General Eyre to support Minister Anand so we achieve the best possible outcome for you, for our institutions, and for Canadians.
I’ll be in touch again soon, but in the meantime, stay safe and thank you for your professionalism and hard work.
Bill Matthews
Deputy Minister of National Defence
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