Hiring managers: Are you doing your part in the name of ethical hiring practices at DND?

April 19, 2022 -  Defence Stories

value and ethics

Code of Values and Ethics

Summer is fast approaching and student hiring is happening across the country. Together, HR-Civ and hiring managers have a responsibility to protect the integrity and health of our staffing process. Nepotism and conflict of interest are not tolerated at DND. Influencing the hire of students or other staff who are relatives or friends is against our Code of Values and Ethics as public servants.

At National Defence, we are committed to fairness, diversity, inclusion and respect. These values need to be followed when making all hiring decisions. To mitigate any risk of conflict of interest, here are some questions that, as a hiring manager, you should ask yourself to ensure a conflict of interest doesn’t arise when making hiring decisions:

DND is a fair and inclusive workplace and this includes our hiring practices. Spread the word.

If you have any questions, please speak with your Staffing Advisor (accessible only on the National Defence network).

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