The SMSRC invites you to an event on its programs, services and initiatives
March 27, 2023 - Defence Stories
The Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC) is pleased to invite you to attend a live event.
Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Time: 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (Eastern Time)
Join on Zoom (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website)
This is an opportunity for the Defence Team community to get updates on existing SMSRC programs, services, and initiatives as well as new ones to come and ask questions about the following:
- The Independent Legal Assistance Program
- The Community Support for Sexual Misconduct Survivors Grant Program
- The Military Sexual Trauma Peer Support Program
- The Restorative Engagement Program
- The expansion to our existing support services
- Future engagement opportunities
The event will be held on Zoom (not accessible on the DWAN). The platform has been carefully selected to ensure the anonymity of all participants is protected. The event will be in both official languages with simultaneous interpretation and sign language interpretation (ASL/LSQ) available.
We hope that these new opportunities for services and support will be a positive step forward as we continue to consult, improve, and expand to better meet the needs of people affected by sexual misconduct.
We encourage you to share this invitation with anyone you think might like to attend. If you are not available to attend, the event will be recorded and made available for those who wish to view it on our website in the weeks following the event.
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