Royal Canadian Navy concludes successful anti-submarine warfare drills in St. John's

News Release

September 23, 2016 – St. John’s, N.L. — National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces

More than 3,000 personnel from five partner nations successfully concluded the inaugural edition of CUTLASS FURY, a joint maritime training event conducted off the coasts of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and St. John’s, Newfoundland, from September 12 to 26. 

The high-tempo training conducted over the last two weeks was a valuable opportunity for allies to work together to sharpen skills in advanced anti-submarine warfare. CUTLASS FURY contributes to the operational readiness of the Canadian Armed Forces by enhancing cooperation and interoperability as well as strengthening the combat effectiveness between Canada’s military and its allies in the North Atlantic.


“CUTLASS FURY 16 exceeded all my expectations. I was thoroughly impressed by the energy, focus and professionalism demonstrated by crews at sea and support forces ashore. Ship, submarine, and aircraft crews worked tirelessly to enhance undersea surveillance skills, interoperability, and coordinated effort across a large and difficult ocean area. 

To the people of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, the hospitality that you offered to sailors and crew will go a long way to encourage active participation from our alliance partners in activities to follow this inaugural event. Thank you for your continued support of the Royal Canadian Navy and our North Atlantic allies from France, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.”

Rear-Admiral John Newton, Commander Joint Task Force Atlantic and Commander Maritime Forces Atlantic

“I am proud of the excellence displayed by sailors and air crews from multiple countries performed throughout CUTLASS FURY. In addition to the anti-submarine and multi-threat warfare training conducted, having submarines, ships, and aircraft from a variety of nations simulating the complexity of real-world operations enhances interoperability for real-world action. To host such an exercise in Canada’s ‘maritime backyard’ is an added privilege and a testament to the skills of all those involved in the planning.”

Commodore Craig Baines, Commander Canadian Fleet Atlantic and overall Task Force Commander for Exercise CUTLASS FURY

“HMCS Fredericton was honoured to be one of the Task Group flagships throughout the exercise and the ship’s company rose to the challenge. I was extremely pleased with how the crew — people who come from all parts of Canada — responded to the many challenges thrown our way. Being able to track submarines, defend against air attacks, operate the Sea King by the embarked air crew, and train the newly formed enhanced naval boarding party speaks volumes about the high calibre of our sailors and airmen and women, and the state-of-the-art capabilities of the modernized frigates.”

Commander Yves Tremblay, Commanding Officer of HMCS Fredericton

Quick Facts 

  • CUTLASS FURY 2016 brought together more 3,000 participants from Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, and France, and included 11 ships, three submarines and approximately 25 aircraft.
  • Canadian participants included Her Majesty’s Canadian Ships (HMCS) Fredericton, Athabaskan, Goose Bay, and Summerside, as well as HMC Submarine Windsor. Royal Canadian Air Force air units from Bagotville, Comox, Greenwood, Shearwater, Ottawa, and Winnipeg.
  • CUTLASS FURY will be hosted bi-annually by Maritime Forces Atlantic. The Canadian Armed Forces, as a whole, routinely conducts international training with like-minded nations to strengthen interoperability, reinforce ties and understanding amongst global partners, and improve our ability to successfully work together in support of multinational operations and missions.
  • On September 17, CUTLASS FURY participants effectively reacted to a real-world Search and Rescue. Coordinated through the Halifax Joint Rescue Coordination Center (JRCC), Her Majesty’s Ship (HMS) Monmouth and the Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 28 from United States Naval Ship (USNS) Robert E. Perry medically evacuated a patient suffering cardiac issues from a nearby fishing vessel. The combined maneuver demonstrated the flexibility of maritime assets and demonstrates the professionalism, dedication, and readiness of our partners in the North Atlantic.

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Media Contacts

Maritime Forces Atlantic Public Affairs
Phone: 902-427-3766
After Hours: 902-452-5280 or

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