Media opportunity during Major Air Disaster Exercise for Operation NANOOK 2018 

Media advisory

September 6, 2018 – Ottawa – National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces

Media are invited to witness a major air disaster exercise named Exercise READY SOTERIA as part of Operation NANOOK 2018, which is taking place in Yellowknife, North West Territories on September 18, 2018.

Operation NANOOK has taken place each year since 2007 and consisted of one or two major activities during August and September. This year, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has amalgamated some northern operations that form separate deployments throughout the year, allowing CAF to work more effectively with other government departments and partner agencies. A more persistent presence in the North through Op NANOOK will enhance surveillance and control of the Arctic region.

When: September 18, 2018

September 17, 2018. Media and guests will be transported from Ottawa International Airport to Edmonton International Airport via military aircraft, spending overnight in a hotel.

September 18, 2018. Media and guests will be transported to Yellowknife via military aircraft where they will observe the major air disaster exercise and demonstrations. They will then return to Ottawa via military aircraft.

Where: Yellowknife, NWT. 

What: Media will be provided with the opportunity to observe the deployed Major Air Disaster (MAJAID) Task Force response to the incident, including Search and Rescue technicians and Airborne support group rescue activities at the incident site, and Health Service team casualty management activities at the forward base. Interviews will be arranged onsite.


Notes to editor / news director

Media must confirm travel and accommodation details, and register for participation with the contacts below no later than September 12, 2018. Hotel costs are the responsibility of the visitors.


Capt Valérie Lanouette
Public Affairs Officer for the Canadian Joint Operations Command
Phone: 613-945-2322

Capt Ian Grant
Public Affairs Officer for the Canadian Joint Operations Command
Phone: 613-993-6986

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