Department of National Defence Indigenous Reconciliation Program - Grants and contributions

Do you have an idea to improve how the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces work towards reconciliation with Indigenous communities?

The Indigenous Reconciliation Program provides funding for work that helps build and maintain relationships between Indigenous communities and the Department of National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF).

Who is eligible for funding

Indigenous people (First Nation, Inuit and Métis), Indigenous governments and organizations, including bands, tribal councils, Indigenous self-government entities, and local, regional and national representative organizations.

How much funding is available

Starting in fiscal year 2023-2024, up to $1.5 million in grants and contributions funding will be allocated each year through the Indigenous Reconciliation Program. This funding will be available for up to four years, ending in 2026-2027.

What funding is available

The following streams of funding are available under the Indigenous Reconciliation Program:

Grant funding

Engagement and Collaboration Grants

You can request Engagement and Collaboration Grants to support costs associated with targeted or occasional events that encourage dialogue between Indigenous communities and military establishments and/or Defence programs.

You may request up to $50,000 to:

Proposals involving costs exceeding $50,000 per year or that span more than one fiscal year will only be eligible for consideration under the Contributions streams below.

Contribution funding

You can request annual or multi-year contribution funding (not to exceed 3 years and ending before March 31, 2027) for:

Research Support Contributions

You can request Research Support Contributions to support costs of various research activities or events intended to encourage participation and collaboration between Indigenous communities and/or organizations and military establishments and/or Defence programs. These research activities or events can pertain to or include specific departmental projects, activities, military exercises, infrastructure projects, real property transactions, research related to departmental policy, decision making, activities, projects or events to: 

Policy Development Contributions

You can request Policy Development Contributions to support the costs of longer term relationship-building and policy development projects related to the Defence mandate and Canada’s Defence Policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged. Eligible activities, projects, or events include, but are not limited to:

All submissions will be considered in relation to the department’s mandate and its objective to advance reconciliation with Indigenous partners.

How to request funding

A written or verbal funding submission must be made to the Indigenous Reconciliation Program by no later than March 1 of each fiscal year (or the next business day where March 1 falls on a weekend or statutory holiday) to allow sufficient time for processing before the end of the fiscal year.

Funding submissions will be accepted as long as funds remain available for the fiscal year.

There is no standard format required for funding requests, however, the following information should be provided as part of your funding submission:

General information

Funding requested

Proposal information

The following additional information is to be included in your project, activity, or event description where contribution funding is requested:

Estimated budget

Eligible expenses include:

Request funding by email

You can request funding in writing in the language of your choice (including Indigenous languages) at the following address:

Request funding in person or by phone

You can request funding, in English or French, in person or by phone by making an appointment with the Indigenous Reconciliation Program team. Team members are available to help support you through the funding request process. 

To schedule a time with a member of the Indigenous Reconciliation Program team, email us at

Contact us

The Indigenous Reconciliation Team is available to answer your questions. Email us at

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