Annex D - Decision Tree: Heat Stress Monitoring and Action in a Field Setting
- Soldier presents with suspected heat illness:
- Lightheaded
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Dry mouth
- Nausea
- Weakness
- Muscle cramps
- Unsteady walk
- Do they present with any one of:
- Vomiting
- Unresponsiveness
- Mental status change
- Convulsions
- Core tempurature above 40.5°C
- Involuntary bowel movement
- No:
- Loosen clothing
- Place patient in shade
- Provide fluids by mouth
- Do not exceed 1 Liter per hour
- Give snack
- Keep cool
- Yes or status of patien does not improve after 30 minutes:
- Place patient in shade
- Loosen and remove clothing
- Fan patient
- Actively cool by covering patient in a cold wet sheet
- Evacuate
- IV hydration ONLY if emergency evacuation is delayed, up to a max of 500cc of normal saline
- Confirm core tempurature when evacuation arrives
- Report patient temp and WBGF on injury report
- Status of patien does improve after 30 minutes:
- Limited indoor duty for remainder of day
- Medical evaluation within 24 hours (sooner if paitent is not at baseline)
- No further heat stress until medical evaluation has been completed
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