Patient feedback

We want to hear from you about your experience in our care! Take a moment to send us a comment or describe your experience. We believe in a good working relationship between patients, families and healthcare providers and we trust that an open communication is essential to quality care. 

How can you provide feedback?

Please share your compliments or concerns with us simply by sending us an e-mail at:

We are also looking for feedback through a patient feedback survey. Understanding how our patients experience health care provided by CFHS will help us identify what we are doing well and where we should focus our improvement efforts. To participate in the survey go to: Patient Care Feedback Tool

Our Quality and Patient Safety Team investigates and follows up on concerns, complaints and compliments brought forward by patients and their families. If you would like more information on how to provide feedback please feel free to speak to our Nurse Liaison Officer at (780) 973-4011 ext 6003.  

Share your compliments

Patients are welcome to provide feedback about their experiences with the clinic. Staff are encouraged when you share compliments or the positive experiences you had because of them. When you share with us the positive impact a staff member had on your experience we will ensure to acknowledge, recognize and share their exemplary work. 

Share your concerns

While visiting our clinic, if you feel that something did not occur the way it should have or if you have concerns about services received we want to hear about it! We are committed to working with you to address your concerns in a respectful, compassionate and fair manner.

Thanks for your time and contribution!

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