Monday to Friday: 0730-1600 hrs (Closed 1200-1300)
The Medical Records section (Building 417, Room 1137) can advise you in obtaining copies of your medical document. Depending on your needs, you may:
1. Reporting to the medical records section and completing an informal access to personal health information form; or
2. Through the Privacy Act by completing the request form which can be found on the Access to Information Website.
The medical records section can also advice you on how and what is required to have your medical file released to Veteran Affairs, Lawyers, and Insurance companies.
If you have been released from the military for more than 12 months you will need to request any documents through the Access to Information website.
Changes to obtaining you medical Files
All releasing members will receive a Releasing CAF Member Documents Package, usually in electronic format but sometimes as a printed package. This will include, at minimum, the following:
• Scan-CF2017 Medical Examination for Release
• PHA Part 2 Medical Note (for the past 5yrs)
• Scan-Audiogram OR Scan-CF2036 Audiogram
• Scan-Visual Acuity
• Scan-Medication Reconciliation OR list of Current Medications
• Immunization Summary
• All laboratory results (for the past 5yrs)
The Releasing CAF Member Documents Package can and should be provided to any primary care physician or specialist assuming aspects of your care after release. In the majority of cases, the release medical package provides a sufficient summary of your medical documentation. In some select circumstances, there may also be handoff of your care from a CAF clinician to a primary care provider or specialist.
If you apply for VAC benefits, VAC will directly access your medical records through CFHS. VAC will not use medical records provided by a member to adjudicate requests, even if you provide them.
You may need portions of your medical records not included in the medical release package, whether to assist you in preparing a VAC claim or for other purposes. You have the right to request portions (or all) of your medical records at any time while you are serving or after release, in accordance with DAOD 1002-1, Privacy Act Requests and Correction of Personal Information. The recommended process is to make an informal request for your medical records as follows:
Currently Serving and Released up to 1 year
CAF members currently serving or released up to 1 year can request a copy of their personal health information from CAF health records. They can contact the clinic medical records section and / or dental clinics directly. A DND 4794 - Informal Request for Copies of One’s Own Personal Health Information (PHI) from CAF Health Records can be used to submit the request.
Released over 1 year
CAF members released over 1 year can request a copy of their personal health information from CAF health records by email at A DND 4794 Informal Request for Copies of One’s Own Personal Health Information (PHI) from CAF Health Records can be used to submit the request.