1. The purpose of this CANCDTGEN is to announce the publication of the official 2005 version of QR (Cadets) and inform personnel of the intent to update these regulations and orders.
2. This official 2005 version of QR (Cadets) supersedes the 1988 version that was the previous source reference in our organization. All personnel are to ensure all older versions are rescinded, ceased to be referenced and are redirected to this address.
3. The CAF acknowledges the requirement to make updates to these regulations and orders. Therefore, the VCDS has directed Comd Natl CJCR Sp Gp to work with applicable DND/CAF organizations (e.g., Corporate Secretary, Canadian Forces Legal Advisor) to prepare these changes. The Natl CJCR Sp Gp will also be working with the Canadian Army to include a new section on the Junior Canadian Rangers, the fourth Canadian Cadet Organization.
4. These changes will take time (e.g., 2 years) as they are processed through a detailed corporate submission process for each regulatory change authority (i.e., Governor in Council, Treasury Board, Minister) and for the Chief of Defence Staff as the change authority for all orders.
5. The CAF also acknowledges the resulting impact the required changes will have on the 2005 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with our League partners. The required collaborative effort with our League partners is already underway and reported on at both the National Cadet Council and Cadet Program Management Committee levels of governance.
6. Inquiries or comments regarding the current QR (Cadets) or MOU can be directed to the Natl CJCR Sp Gp OPI, LCol D. Oulton, DCOS Strat Plan, at
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