Canadian Cadet General Order (CANCDTGEN)
The Canadian Centre for Child Protection and Mandated Training Requirement – Amendment
Refs: A. 4500-3 (D Cdts & JCR 6-4) Deployment of the Positive Youth Development and Program Outreach (PYDPO), 19 January 2015 (NOTAL)
B. Engagement with the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P), 23 January 2018 (NOTAL)
- CANCDTGEN 001/18 is rescinded effective immediately.
- As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we are engaged widely with other youth development organizations across the country to share resources, consult with them regarding prevention programs, and exchange best practices that can be incorporated into our programs.
- In demonstrating our commitment, the National Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group (Natl CJCR Sp Gp) has been working proactively with the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. This charitable organization is dedicated to the personal safety of all children, with a goal to reduce child victimization by providing programs and services to Canadians. They operate several programs including,, Kids in the Know, and Commit to Kids.
- As a result of our relationship, the Canadian Centre for Child Protection have made available some of their online training, and have reviewed our existing training to identify opportunities for improvement. After careful review of our learning package, Positive Youth Development and Program Outreach (PYDPO), one such opportunity has been identified within the learning module on child sexual abuse, specifically regarding the grooming and luring process that can occur in child sexual abuse.
- For all current adult leaders in the CCO who have not yet completed PYDPO (as per reference A) and for all new adult entrants to the CCO, an updated PYDPO, including access to Commit to Kids: Helping Organizations Prevent Child Sexual Abuse, will be launched in the Defence Learning Network (DLN) immediately.
- Reference B directs all adult leaders who previously completed PYDPO to take advantage of this new learning by completing the relevant portion of the online learning program, Commit to Kids: Helping Organizations Prevent Child Sexual Abuse. Below you will find instructions to access this training. As with any subject of a sensitive nature, I encourage you to practice self-care while participating in the online module.
- Our Positive Social Relations for Youth, PYDPO, and Preventing Harassment and Abuse through Successful Education training programs are mandatory for cadets, Junior Canadian Rangers and adult leaders. This training prepares youth and their adult leaders to recognize and deal with inappropriate behaviour, interact comfortably within the community and positively with others, exercise sound judgment, accept personal responsibility for actions and choices, deal with interpersonal conflict, and seek help from available resources when needed.
- To be absolutely clear, the protection, safety and welfare of cadets and JCRs is my highest priority—I will not tolerate inappropriate behaviour involving cadets and JCRs, their instructors or anyone involved in the CCO. In order to ensure that we are able to recognize and deal with inappropriate behaviour, it is my expectation that all members will complete this online training NLT 30 June 2018.
- For CAF members and paid Civilian Instructors to access the training: log onto the DLN and search for “%PYDPO - Gap Package”. Enroll yourself in the package, "PYDPO - Gap Package - Luring and Grooming" and follow the instructions to access training. Your participation is tracked automatically in the DLN. The Natl CJCR Sp Gp HQ J35 will coordinate with each RCSU to produce a quarterly report, indicating the rate of compliance. CAF members and Civilian Instructors MUST take the DLN version to be compliant with this order.
- For members of the Navy, Army Cadet and Air Cadet Leagues to access the training: please go to the Army Cadet League Website at and select either the “Positive Youth Development and Program Outreach (PYDPO)” or “Module 3: Grooming of the Commit to Kids: Helping Organizations Prevent Child Sexual Abuse” link, depending on your circumstances. CAF members and Civilian Instructors MUST take the DLN version to be compliant with this order.
- Table 1 - Training by audience – quick reference
- Questions may be addressed to Lieutenant Colonel Trevor Campbell, Deputy Chief of Staff – Training Operations, Plans and Development and National Cadet Air Operations Officer, by email at trevor.campbell2@forces.gc.a or by telephone at 1-613-992-6081.
CAF members
Search for “%PYDPO - Gap Package”
Civilian Instructors
Search for “%PYDPO - Gap Package”
Civilian Volunteers
Army Cadet League Website
NOW – Army Cadet League Website (for all league volunteers)
Army Cadet League Website -> Resources -> Toolbox -> Positive Youth Development and Program Outreach (PYDPO)
League members
Army Cadet League Website
NOW – Army Cadet League Website (for members of all 3 leagues)
Army Cadet League Website -> Resources -> Toolbox -> Positive Youth Development and Program Outreach (PYDPO)
JCR CAF members
Search for “%PYDPO - Gap Package”
JCR Adult Committee members
Pending direction from JCR OIC and CRNA staff
Contact your CRPG
Page details
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