Canadian Cadet General Order (CANCDTGEN)
CANCDTGEN 027/20 - Change to Sea Cadet Ranks
Ref: A: CANFORGEN 112/20
B. Queen's Regulations and Orders for Canadian Cadet Organizations (QR Cadets) - Chapter 4.10
C. Cadet Administrative and Training Order 13-02
1. The direction provided in Ref A by the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) provided the opportunity for the National Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group (Natl CJCR Sp Gp) to review its naming convention for cadet ranks in the Canadian Cadet Organizations (CCO).
2. On review of Ref B, it was determined that the authorized names for cadet ranks meets the intent of inclusiveness as they are gender neutral.
3. The review additionally brought to light that there is some disparity between Refs B and C regarding cadet ranks, including the requirement to update some rank titles.
4. Effective immediately, all cadet ranks shall follow the direction as provided in QR Cadets. Additionally the rank of Master Cadet for Sea Cadets, Flight Corporal for Air Cadets and Lance-Corporal for Army Cadets shall be authorized in order to ensure cadets from all three elements progress in the same manner.
5. All policy, reference material, posters and training documentation related to cadet ranks will be corrected over the next training cycle and QR Cadets will be amended through the normal update process.
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