Canadian Cadet General Order (CANCDTGEN)
CJCR Communication Platforms
- Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (CJCR) is conducting a review of its information management (IM) practices starting with the validation and overhaul of current platforms used for communicating information. As an interim policy, an overview of changes and direction regarding the management and utilization of CJCR communication platforms is outlined below.
- This initiative is in line with the CJCR Digital Strategy and the implementation of Cadet365.
- A communication platform is defined as a system used to publish information to audiences. CJCR communication platforms include, and Cadet365 SharePoint sites. Audiences of CJCR are CAF and civilian personnel, cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (JCRs), parents/guardians, and designated Cadet League members.
- CJCR communication platforms will be used in accordance with the following principles:
- quality, life cycling and stewardship of information is a shared responsibility at all levels of the formation;
- information should be open by default and restricted only when disclosure creates a risk to the institution or people;
- information will be stored once and links to the original document are to be shared as required;
- information should be displayed in a way that is audience-driven in order to facilitate access, search and consultation by users; and
- practices will be aligned with Department of National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) policies and standards.
- is the platform of choice to publish information that does not change rapidly and should be open by default to all audiences. It will primarily serve for:
- the publication of official DND/CAF documents including training publications and policies;
- official information and backgrounders about the Cadet Program and JCR Program;
- recruitment of cadets, JCR, and Cadet Organizations Administrative and Training Service (COATS) members;
- information for each Cadet Training Centre (CTC);
- official announcements such as CANCDTGENs, lists of summer courses, etc.; and
- information on how to connect and utilize IT resources.
- Cadet365 SharePoint sites will replace existing SharePoint sites available within CCO Net. Cadet365 SharePoint sites will be available to cadets, CAF members and civilian personnel, and will have a common look, feel and structure which will include:
- a national site which will contain resources, directives and guidance, orders, plans, etc. managed by CJCR HQ;
- a National Training Establishment (NTE); and
- five Regional sites which will contain:
- information specific to the RCSU such as a staff directory, calendar of activities, regional directives, plans and orders, message boards, regional processes and tools, and regional training; and
- specific content based on the individual region requirements.
- Cadet365 Teams are essentially a collaboration tool between users of the platform and therefore are not specifically covered by this CANCDTGEN. However, to allow corps/squadron staff to share files and documents publicly with parents, a new library has been added to each corps/squadron Teams that is accessible without connecting to Cadet365. A similar option is available for RCSUs and HQ.
- Implementation of these changes is ongoing. Specific changes will be communicated as they occur which will provide additional support and information to contributors and audiences. The current implementation plan includes:
- the migration of existing training publications and Cadet Administration and Training Orders (CATOs) to As a result of this data migration, the Extranet, available at within the CCO Net, will be entirely decommissioned; and
- the rollout of new Cadet365 SharePoint sites followed by the decommissioning of existing sites on the CCO Net.
- As the implementation of Cadet365 continues, more direction and guidance will be promulgated on use of collaboration tools (e.g. Teams, email, etc.), storage of information and record keeping.
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