11-08 Annex D - Hazardous Materials
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)
1. Hazardous materials, if improperly used or handled, could endanger the health of personnel, the environment, or could damage equipment. Federal, provincial, municipal governments and the Department of National Defence have established laws and regulations for the use, storage, transport and disposal of hazardous materials.
2. The procedures prescribed in this annex shall be employed whenever hazardous materials are used, stored, transported or disposed of.
3. Examples of hazardous materials used in the CCO/CIC include paint, naphtha, cleaners, adhesives, ammunition, photographic chemicals, fuels, oils and electronic chemicals.
Harzardous Materials Procedures
4. Hazardous materials shall be used, stored, transported and disposed of in accordance with the appropriate regulations/guidelines, which can be obtained through the support base or procurement source. At the minimum, hazardous materials shall be:
- labelled clearly with their substance and date of acquisition; and
- tored and transported in an environment which does not pose a threat either to people or equipment.
5. To reduce the consequences of a spill or release during use, storage, transportation or disposal, the officer in charge (OIC) of an activity must ensure that procedures and appropriate equipment are readily available for each hazardous substance in the unit’s possession. Equipment must include a hazardous materials spill response kit appropriate to the substance.
Spill Reponse Kits
6. A spill response kit should contain:
- an absorbent suitable for the hazardous material (see appendix 1 for common absorbents);
- boom, socks;
- a receptacle to contain the contaminated absorbent in, for instance plastic bags-2 to 4;
- a receptacle to contain the leaking container in;
- protective gloves, goggles, and face/eye/nose shield;
- dust pan or shovel;
- carrying bag; and
- specific clean up procedures relevant to the stored hazardous material.
Spill Response Procedures
7. When a spill of a hazardous material occurs, the same procedure for environmental incidents, as detailed in Annex C paragraph 6, should be applied.
8. More detailed procedures will need to be employed depending on the material spilled. These procedures can be obtained from the procurement source of the material (usually on the material safety data sheet that accompanies hazardous materials).
9. Measures should be taken to ensure that the contaminated absorbent is disposed of according to the appropriate legislation or orders (including Base/Wing procedures and municipal regulations).
Appendix 1
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