Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)

CATOs are gradually being replaced by CJCR Gp Orders and CJCR Gp Instructions and are therefore no longer being updated or amended. To meet compliance standards, the web pages that host CATOs must undergo occasional updates which affect the "Date Modified" appearing on the bottom of each page. This change in date does not indicate a change in the policy content. Each CATO has an official publication date at the end of the policy text. CATO annexes may not show a date and may have been updated since publication of the main CATO, however, no modification has occurred since 2015.

Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs) are issued by Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group (CJCR Gp) to supplement Queen's Regulations and Orders for Cadets (QR(Cadets)), amplify Canadian Forces Administrative Orders (CFAOs), replace Canadian Forces Cadet Policies and Procedures (CFCPP), and to minimize the requirement for specialized Region Orders and Instructions.

Be advised that the CATOs are in the process of being superseded by CJCR Gp Orders, manuals, standard operating procedures (SOPs) or other instruments, or are being cancelled completely with no replacement instrument, as required.  As such, CATOs are neither being written nor amended.

Volume 1 - General

Volume 2 – Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service

Volume 3 – Royal Canadian Sea Cadets

Volume 4 – Royal Canadian Army Cadets

Volume 5 – Royal Canadian Air Cadets

Page details

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