12-06 – Heraldic Badges – Cadet Organizations – Schools and Training Centres
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)
1. This order describes the policy regarding Heraldic badges for Canadian Cadet Organizations, Schools and Training Centres. It supersedes the Canadian Forces Cadet Policies and Procedures, Article 9002, dated 1991 and is effective on receipt.
2. In keeping with the intent of CFAO 62-4, Director of History and Heritage (DHH) will process requests for heraldic badges for the following cadet organizations:
- Regional Cadet Sailing Centres (RCSC);
- Regional Cadet Instructors Schools (RCIS);
- Regional Gliding Schools (RGS);
- Regional Cadet School of Music (RCMS);
- National Cadet Pipes and Drums Coordination Centre (NCPDCC); and
- Cadet Summer Training Centres (CSTC).
3. It will be necessary for applying units to comply with CFAO 62-4 and follow the chain of command (i.e. request for heraldic badges will be staffed through regional headquarters to NDHQ/D Cdts for onward transmission to DHH).
4. To facilitate the production of heraldic badges for the cadet organizations :
- the badge frame noted at Annex A will be used for Cadet Summer Training Centre (CSTC);
- the badge frame noted at Annex B will be used for Regional Cadet Instructors Schools; and
- the name of the cadet organization will appear below the badge frame. This is caused by the length of the names, the prohibition of the use of acronyms and the necessity to render unit names in a bilingual format.
Annex A
Heraldic Badge Frame – Cadet Summer Training Centre (CSTC)
Annex B
OPI: D Cdts 5
Date: April 1997
Amendment: Original
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