10012 SIR Procedures

Cadets and Junior Canadian Ranger Group Order (CJCR Gp O)

On this page

  1. Identification
  2. Abbreviations
  3. Definitions
  4. Significant Incidents Involving the JCR Program
  5. Examples of Significant Incidents
  6. Protection of Personal Information
  7. Frequency of Publication
  8. References

1. Identification

Date of Issue: 2021-03-19

Date of Verification: n/a

Application: This order applies to DND/CAF personnel who provide support to the JCR Program.

SupersessionJCRATO 64-02, Training Safety and Supervision

Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the Comd CJCR.

Office of Primary Interest (OPI): DCOS Strat Plans

Enquiries: CJCR/CA HQ LO

2. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Complete Word or Phrase
CA Canadian Army
CAF Canadian Armed Forces
CJCR Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers
CR Canadian Ranger
CRPG Canadian Ranger Patrol Group
DAOD Defence Administrative Orders and Directives
JCR Junior Canadian Ranger
SIR Significant incident report
VCDS Vice Chief of Defence Staff

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3. Definitions

Age of Majority. Age at which a person is legally considered an adult. It differs between provinces and territories, but is generally either 18 or 19 years old. If someone is under the age of majority for their province or territory, that person is still considered a minor even if they are a member of the CAF. 

4. Significant Incidents Involving the JCR Program Policy

4.1 Significant incidents involving the JCR Program must be reported in a timely manner according to CA direction, with the following two additional caveats:

  1. when a JCR or CR involved in a significant incident is a minor according to provincial/territorial age of majority, their parents/guardians must be notified immediately; and
  2. understanding the CA will report up their chain of command, the CJCR has a responsibility to inform the VCDS of significant incidents that occur within the JCR Program therefore, CA initiators are to add ++JOCC - CCOI@VCDS Natl CJCR SP Gp@Ottawa-Hull, for inclusion in the CJCR reporting process.

5. Examples of Significant Incidents

5.1 Examples of significant incidents can be found in DAOD 2008-3, Issue and Crisis Management. These apply to the CAF as well as the JCR Program.

5.2 Specific to the JCR Program, damage or theft of equipment or property that could impact a JCR activity, or result in a claim being submitted against the Crown, is also considered a significant incident.

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6. Protection of Personal Information

Privacy Act

6.1 The protection of personal information under the Privacy Act must be maintained at all times. Personal information is defined in section 3 of the Privacy Act and includes information relating to the individual’s:

  1. race;
  2. national or ethnic origin;
  3. colour;
  4. religion;
  5. age;
  6. marital status;
  7. medical, criminal or employment history;
  8. home address; or
  9. blood type.

6.2 When it relates to current JCRs, the following is not considered to be personal information and can be included in an SIR:

  1. their rank, name, position and function; and
  2. their unit number, name and location.

6.3 The Privacy Act restrictions on disclosure of information are not applicable to personal information that is publicly available; therefore it is acceptable to provide information published in media or other publicly available reports in an SIR. However, names will not be included unless it is essential to the case. The age/sex may be more appropriate (e.g. 16 year old male). Before any names are released the next of kin must be notified.

Information Not to Include

6.4 The following information must not be included in SIRs:

  1. any personal information in respect of a minor;
  2. a personal address; or
  3. any personal information concerning a suspect or an accused person if a criminal or service offence may have occurred.

Youth Criminal Justice Act

6.5 Except as provided for under Part 6 of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, the Act prohibits the publication, access to records, or disclosure of any information that would identify a person less than 18 years old as:

  1. a person dealt with under that Act; or
  2. a victim or witness in connection with an offence committed or alleged to have been committed by a person less than 18 years old.

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7. Frequency of Publication

7.1 Annual or more frequent review and updates, as required.

Errors/Omissions or Suggestions

7.2 Users of this document are encouraged to identify any errors, omissions or suggested orders to the attention of CJCR/CA HQ LO.

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8. References

Source References

Related References

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