10021 JCR Patrol Viability
Cadets and Junior Canadian Ranger Group Order (CJCR Gp O)
On this page
1. Identification
Date of Issue: 2021-03-XX
Date of Verification: n/a
Application: This order applies to DND/CAF personnel who provide support to the JCR Program.
Supersession: JCRATO 61-03, JCR Patrol Formation, Viability, Probation and Disbandment
Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the Comd CJCR.
Office of Primary Interest (OPI): DCOS Strat Plans
Enquiries: CJCR/CA HQ LO
2. Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Complete Word or Phrase |
2IC | Second-In-Command |
AC | Adult Committee |
CA | Canadian Army |
CJCR | Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers |
CR | Canadian Ranger |
CRPG | Canadian Ranger Patrol Group |
JCR | Junior Canadian Ranger |
3. Definitions
Adult Committee. An AC is formed to support a JCR Patrol in its home community. It is made up of Patrol leadership and community volunteers.
Disbandment. The complete dissolution of a JCR Patrol which is no longer able to function effectively or deliver training.
Enhanced training session. Enhanced training sessions are activities outside of regular JCR training and are designed to complement the community-level program. Enhanced training sessions often provide a chance for JCRs to travel away from home, and should include activities that JCRs could not participate to within their own patrols.
Probation. Trial period during which the JCR Patrol staff and the AC/community will be required to address whatever issues are keeping the JCR Patrol from being viable.
Viability. The ability of a JCR Patrol to function independently in the long term and effectively deliver the program to local youth.
4. Viability of a JCR Patrol
4.1 CRPGs will report the viability of their JCR Patrols to CJCR through their respective chain of command using the Annual JCR Patrol Participation List.
4.2 A JCR Patrol is deemed viable when:
- JCRs are registered in the JCR Patrol;
- a Patrol Leader and a Patrol 2IC are supervising the JCRs;
- the JCR Patrol is supported by a CR Patrol;
- the JCR Patrol conducts JCR activities on a regular basis; and
- the JCR Patrol is supported by an AC.
4.3 There are a number of factors that could negatively affect a JCR Patrol’s viability, such as:
- a significant decrease in the number of JCR Patrol members;
- a significant decrease in training and activities;
- loss of the JCR Patrol’s training facility;
- having too few instructors or supervisors to carry out safe, effective training; and
- loss of the AC or of overall community support.
5. When Additional Attention is Needed
5.1 When a JCR Patrol is struggling to remain viable, the JCR Patrol may require additional assistance until the CRPG deems the JCR Patrol viable. The CRPG may:
- conduct community visits more often or more frequently;
- provide additional enhanced training sessions for the JCR Patrol;
- offer activities specifically tailored to the needs or interests of the JCR Patrol;
- use public affairs activities and products targeted to the JCR Program stakeholders in the community; and
- coordinate assistance from nearby CR and JCR Patrols, such as bringing in a CR or JCR Patrol Leader from another community to help the struggling JCR Patrol, or having a CR or JCR Patrol Leader from that JCR Patrol visit others.
5.2 The CRPG may take other actions as deemed appropriate and necessary, including requesting additional funding to assist in maintaining a JCR Patrol’s viability.
6. When Immediate Action is Required
6.1 When factors have persisted or have harshly impacted a JCR Patrol’s viability, immediate action must be taken. CJCR shall receive notification through CA HQ of the circumstances and evaluate the situation.
6.2 The CRPG may continue to use strategies outlined above, along with more advanced efforts including:
- conduct refresher workshops for the JCR Patrol’s CRs and AC;
- conduct professional development for the CRs;
- correspond officially with community leaders, such as with a letter expressing a shared concern for the JCR Patrol’s continued presence in the community; and
- conduct community meetings.
6.3 The CRPG may take other actions as deemed appropriate and necessary.
7. Probation
7.1 If the CRPG’s attempts to improve the viability of a JCR Patrol remain unsuccessful, the JCR Patrol may be placed on probationary status in consultation with the Patrol’s AC and community leaders.
7.2 Probation is a trial period during which the JCR Patrol staff, the AC and community leaders will be required to discuss what is keeping the JCR Patrol from being viable.
7.3 The CRPG will confirm the probation of a JCR Patrol in writing to the AC and community leaders, the JCR Patrol Leader. CJCR shall receive notification through CA HQ. Other JCR Program stakeholders may also be notified. The circumstances, conditions and length of the probation must be included in this document, along with a definitive end date for the probationary period.
7.4 The CRPG will evaluate the probation on a yearly basis. If the JCR Patrol shows signs of improvement and is considered marginally viable, the probationary period can be removed or extended as required.
7.5 During the probationary period, the CRPG will take the necessary steps to rebuild the JCR Patrol. The CRPG may request additional funding to assist in maintaining a JCR Patrol’s viability.
7.6 If the steps to rebuild the JCR Patrol are unsuccessful, a JCR Patrol may be given a pause in operations. During this pause, JCR Program stakeholders will demonstrate there is a compelling reason to keep the JCR Program in the community.
7.7 If the probation period and a pause in operations are unsuccessful, the CRPG will need to consider disbanding the JCR Patrol.
8. Disbandment
8.1 A JCR Patrol may be disbanded if:
- the conditions of the JCR Patrol’s probation are not satisfied; and
- CA HQ supports the CRPG/Division recommendation and Comd CJCR provides authorization.
8.2 The CRPG CO’s decision to recommend a JCR Patrol disbandment is made in consultation with the Patrol’s AC or community leadership. The CO CRPG will formally recommend this course of action to their respective Division HQ for its endorsement and onward submission to CA HQ.
8.3 The CA HQ will review the disbandment request and make a recommendation to Comd CJCR for approval. Comd CJCR will provide CA HQ with an approval notification.
8.4 When a JCR Patrol is disbanded, the CRPG must account for all DND materiel (such as uniforms and equipment) which had been issued to the JCR Patrol.
9. Publication
Frequency of Publication
9.1 Annual or more frequent review and updates, as required.
Errors/Omissions or Suggestions
9.2 Users of this document are encouraged to identify any errors, omissions or suggested orders to the attention of CJCR/CA HQ LO.
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