2020-3 Corps/Squadron Change of Name, Affiliation, Designation, Sponsor, Badge and motto

Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Order (CJCR Gp O)

1. Identification

Date of Issue: 2022-12-05

Date of Verification: N/A

Application: This is an order that applies to members of the Canadian Armed Forces, and a directive that applies to Civilian Instructors, volunteers, and employees of the Department of National Defence employed within the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers.


Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the Comd CJCR.

Office of Primary Interest (OPI): COS

Enquiries: CJCR RM

2. Abbreviations​​

Abbreviation Complete Word or Phrase
Area OC Area Officer Commanding
CAF Canadian Armed Forces
CJCR Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers
CO Commanding Officer
Comd Commander
DDFP Director Defence Force Planning
DND Department of National Defenceg
NCSC National Cadet Steering Committee
P Res Primary Reserve
QR (Cadets) Queens Regulations and Orders for Canadian Cadet Organizations
Reg F Regular Force
RCAG Regioanal Cadet Advisory Group
RCSU Regional Cadet Support Unit
Z Trg O Zone Training Officer

3. Definitions

Affiliated Unit.
Reg F or P Res affiliated units provide support to their corps/squadrons. They are encouraged to provide any assistance possible in helping in the training and general performance of the corps/squadron. Affiliated units are more common within the Royal Canadian Army Cadets.
The official, principal visual identifiers for corps and squadrons.
Cadet Leagues.
Are national federally incorporated not-for-profit organizations willing to support cadets and corps and squadrons in specific key areas, as requested by the CAF. 
Consultative Framework.
Framework by which the CAF and Cadet Leagues interact to enable the provision of support in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between these participants.
The organizational titles given to each corps/squadron such as corps/squadron name and number.
Word, phrase or short sentence expressing a maxim, sentiment, or watchword.
A namesake is a person, geographic location, building or other entity that a corps/squadron may be named after. (e.g. Royal Canadian Sea Cadet corps may be named after one of His Majesty’s Canadian Ships)
National Cadet Steering Committee.
Committee whose objective is to operationalize Strategic Direction from the National Cadet Board and address issues identified by the RCAGs. The chair for this committee is the Deputy Commander CJCR, and the membership includes the National League Executive Directors, or designated representatives, and the Deputy Chief of Staff Strategic Plans.
Regional Cadet Advisory Group.
A Tactical-level Group that includes senior Cadet Program stakeholders from within the Region. It allows for direct verbal exchanges that provide the RCSU CO with decision support and advice, with respect to tactical-level issues relating to the administration and management of the Cadet Program. The chair for the RCAG is the CO of the applicable RCSU, and the membership includes the provincial chairs of the Cadet Leagues and the Area OCs.
The organization or person accepted by or on behalf of the Chief of the Defence Staff and the applicable Cadet League to undertake responsibility for the formation and financial support of the cadet corps or squadron, other than that provided by the appropriate Cadet League or the Canadian Armed Forces

4. Policy



5. Guidance for Changes






6. Procedures

7. Publication

Frequency of Publication

Errors/Omissions or Suggestions

8. References

Source References

Related References


Annex A

Corps/Squadron Application for Change of Affiliation or Identity  (You are now leaving Canada.ca. link accessible only on the Cadet365 Sharepoint) 

Page details

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