2020-3 Corps/Squadron Change of Name, Affiliation, Designation, Sponsor, Badge and motto
Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Order (CJCR Gp O)
1. Identification
Date of Issue: 2022-12-05
Date of Verification: N/A
Application: This is an order that applies to members of the Canadian Armed Forces, and a directive that applies to Civilian Instructors, volunteers, and employees of the Department of National Defence employed within the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers.
- CATO 11-10, Annex B, Change of Affiliation
- CATO 11-10, Annex C, Change of Designation
- CATO 11-10, Annex D, Change of Sponsor
Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the Comd CJCR.
Office of Primary Interest (OPI): COS
Enquiries: CJCR RM
2. Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Complete Word or Phrase |
Area OC | Area Officer Commanding |
CAF | Canadian Armed Forces |
CJCR | Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers |
CO | Commanding Officer |
Comd | Commander |
DDFP | Director Defence Force Planning |
DND | Department of National Defenceg |
NCSC | National Cadet Steering Committee |
P Res | Primary Reserve |
QR (Cadets) | Queens Regulations and Orders for Canadian Cadet Organizations |
Reg F | Regular Force |
RCAG | Regioanal Cadet Advisory Group |
RCSU | Regional Cadet Support Unit |
Z Trg O | Zone Training Officer |
3. Definitions
- Affiliated Unit.
- Reg F or P Res affiliated units provide support to their corps/squadrons. They are encouraged to provide any assistance possible in helping in the training and general performance of the corps/squadron. Affiliated units are more common within the Royal Canadian Army Cadets.
- Badge.
- The official, principal visual identifiers for corps and squadrons.
- Cadet Leagues.
- Are national federally incorporated not-for-profit organizations willing to support cadets and corps and squadrons in specific key areas, as requested by the CAF.
- Consultative Framework.
- Framework by which the CAF and Cadet Leagues interact to enable the provision of support in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between these participants.
- Designation.
- The organizational titles given to each corps/squadron such as corps/squadron name and number.
- Mottoes.
- Word, phrase or short sentence expressing a maxim, sentiment, or watchword.
- Namesake.
- A namesake is a person, geographic location, building or other entity that a corps/squadron may be named after. (e.g. Royal Canadian Sea Cadet corps may be named after one of His Majesty’s Canadian Ships)
- National Cadet Steering Committee.
- Committee whose objective is to operationalize Strategic Direction from the National Cadet Board and address issues identified by the RCAGs. The chair for this committee is the Deputy Commander CJCR, and the membership includes the National League Executive Directors, or designated representatives, and the Deputy Chief of Staff Strategic Plans.
- Regional Cadet Advisory Group.
- A Tactical-level Group that includes senior Cadet Program stakeholders from within the Region. It allows for direct verbal exchanges that provide the RCSU CO with decision support and advice, with respect to tactical-level issues relating to the administration and management of the Cadet Program. The chair for the RCAG is the CO of the applicable RCSU, and the membership includes the provincial chairs of the Cadet Leagues and the Area OCs.
- Sponsor.
- The organization or person accepted by or on behalf of the Chief of the Defence Staff and the applicable Cadet League to undertake responsibility for the formation and financial support of the cadet corps or squadron, other than that provided by the appropriate Cadet League or the Canadian Armed Forces
4. Policy
- 4.1 Corps and squadrons are formed as constituent parts of their parent RCSU without any requirement for separate ministerial authorization.
- 4.2 Comd CJCR, in consultation with the national office of the applicable Cadet League, and environmental commands, if required, is responsible for changes in corps/squadron name, affiliation, designation, sponsorship, badge or motto
- 4.3 A change of affiliation, designation, sponsorship, badge or motto will be initiated by the corps/squadron CO by completing the Corps/Squadron Application for Change of Affiliation or Identity at Annex A and, with the concurrence of the sponsoring committee/branch, submitted to the RCSU for consideration.
- 4.4 Corps/squadrons may only change their affiliation, designation, sponsorship, badge or motto once approved by the NCSC.
5. Guidance for Changes
- 5.1 When a corps/squadron considers changing their affiliation, designation, sponsorship, badge, or motto there are a number of items that must be considered. For all changes, corps/squadron COs must determine if:
- there is a financial impact or gain to entities associated with the change, such as an affiliated unit or sponsor, if information is known and available;
- the change is occurring at an appropriate time, is relevant and appropriate for the future of the corps/squadron, and the significance of the change;
- the prior history of the corps/squadron will be retained and incorporated into the change;
- there is a requirement for consultation with the elemental commands, i.e. Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army or Royal Canadian Air Force, or other community based organization such as City Council, Band Council, etc. via the chain of command or applicable Cadet League;
- there will be financial implication of the change, such as the cost to update designs, banners, accoutrements, etc.;
- the change will result in required changes to other aspect of the corps/squadron identify such as the badge or motto; and
- there is a need to engage with the Regional Public Affairs Office.
- 5.2 Additional considerations specific to the desired change may also be necessary.
- 5.3 In addition to logistical and human resource support, affiliated units or namesakes play a key role in fostering CAF Engagement. Before changing an affiliated unit or namesake, the corps/squadron CO must assess the degree to which the new affiliated unit or namesake will be able to support the Cadet Program’s goals, especially the goal of stimulating interest in the sea, army and air activities of the CAF.
- 5.4 The corps/squadron CO must consider the following questions before requesting to change the affiliated unit or namesake:
- Is the current affiliated unit or namesake aware of the desire to change?
- Has the corps/squadron communicated concerns or issues to the current affiliated unit or namesake and provided an opportunity for the affiliated unit or namesake to address the concerns or issues?
- Has the Area OC been provided with correspondence or documentation as to the reasons for the requested change?
- Has the current affiliated unit provided written concurrence with the change?
- Has the proposed new affiliated unit or namesake provided written concurrence with the change and are aware of the expectations and obligations associated with affiliation to the cadet unit?
- Will the requested change result in additional changes to the corps/squadron designation, badge, or motto?; and
- What are the statements, reasons, and benefits for the change?
- 5.5 The corps/squadron designation is an intrinsic part of the corps/squadron identity. The designation can be a staple in the community, symbolizing positive youth development. As such, all designation changes must consider the impact the change will bring to the corps/squadron identity.
- 5.6 A corps/squadron designation will be inclusive and will reinforce the key principle of “inviting all Canadian youth” to the Cadet Program.
- 5.7 A corps/squadron designation will not bear the name of a living person.
- 5.8 When a proposed designation of a corps/squadron is similar to or the same as the name of any Reg F or P Res unit, concurrence from the unit CO must be sought via the chain of command, and supported by the applicable Cadet League. In the case of a disbanded Reg F or P Res unit, concurrence will be obtained from the appropriate authority via the chain of command.
- 5.9 When considering a change in designation, the corps/squadron CO will consider the following questions:
- If the change in designation results in the corps/squadron being named after a deceased person, has the estate of the named individual provided written consent to use the deceased person’s name?
- How much meaning does the current designation have within the community?
- Will the change instill pride in cadets and staff?
- 5.10 Designated sponsors must conform with the applicable Cadet League’s policies, direction, and guidance as they relate to the role of corps/squadron sponsor. The roles, responsibilities, and expectations of a sponsor must be clearly explained to prospective sponsors prior to the submission of a request to change.
- 5.11 When considering a change in sponsorship, the corps/squadron CO will consider the following questions:
- Is the current sponsor aware of the desire to change?
- Does the current sponsor agree/support the change?
- Has the corps/squadron communicated concerns or issues to the current sponsor and provided an opportunity for the sponsor to address the concerns or issues?
- Has the proposed sponsor been provided with the applicable Cadet League’s policies, directions, and guidance on the roles of a sponsor? This is to be coordinated between the corps/squadron CO and applicable Cadet League.
- Does the proposed sponsor meet the requirements as identified by the applicable Cadet League?
- Has the current sponsor provided concurrence with the change?
- Has the proposed sponsor provided concurrence with the change and are they aware of the expectations and obligations with being a corps/squadron sponsor?
- Will the requested change result in additional changes to the corps/squadron affiliation, designation, badge, or motto?
- 5.12 Corps/squadron badges must be in accordance with all creation guidelines and principles found in The Heritage Structure of the Canadian Forces, Chapter 6 and any guidelines laid out by the applicable Cadet League.
- 5.13 Army Cadet Corps may use the badge of their affiliated unit, or the universal-pattern badge of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets. If using the badge of the affiliated unit, a separate line or scroll shall always be added for the cadet corps to prevent confusion.
- 5.14 For Sea or Air units, when considering a change in badge, the corps/squadron CO will consider the following questions:
- If the badge includes reference to the sponsor or namesake unit, has the entity provided explicit authorization to use their imagery?
- Are all images free of copyrights?
- How much meaning does the current badge have within the community?
- Will the change in badge instill pride in cadets and staff?
- Will the requested change result in additional changes to the corps/squadron affiliation, designation, or motto?
- 5.15 Corps/squadron mottoes must be in accordance with all creation guidelines and principles found in The Heritage Structure of the Canadian Forces, Chapter 6, Section 14, Mottoes.
- 5.16 A corps/squadron motto can be an intrinsic part of the corps/squadron identify. By custom, mottoes are generally unique or shared only by those with a direct connection to the corps/squadron, such as an affiliated unit. Mottoes may be in any single language but preferably one of the official languages. If a language other than English or French is used, the mottoes translation will be checked by appropriate linguistic experts.
- 5.17 Army Cadet corps will use the motto of their affiliated unit or the motto of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets.
- 5.18 Mottoes are often represented on badges however, corps/squadrons may have a motto without a badge and a badge without a motto.
- 5.19 When considering a change in motto, corps/squadron COs must consider the following questions:
- If the motto is shared with another organization, does the corps/squadron have the explicit consent for the use of the motto by the other organization?
- Will the change in motto instill pride in cadets and staff, and foster a heightened sense of identity?
- If the new or the old motto is included on the corps/squadron badge, has a new badge been approved?
6. Procedures
- 6.1 The procedures to change the affiliation, designation, sponsorship, badge or motto of a corps/squadron are as follows:
- the corps/squadron CO will forward a completed Annex A, Corps/Squadron Application for Change of Affiliation or Identity to the Area OC providing as much details as possible in order for the RCAG to make an informed decision. In addition to the Annex A, Corps/Squadron Application for Change of Affiliation or Identity, the corps/squadron CO will provided the following documentation, as applicable:
- if the request is for affiliated unit change, the request must also be accompanied by a letter from the applicable current and proposed affiliated units supporting this request;
- if the proposed designation is the same as or similar to the name of any Reg F or P Res unit, written concurrence of that unit CO will accompany the application;
- if the request is for a badge change, in addition to the new badge draft design, the request must include a description of the different distinctive elements of the proposed badge; and
- if the request is for a motto change, if the proposed motto is in a language other than English or French, the request must include an official translation in either of the two official languages.
- upon review of the application, the Area OC will forward the application to the RCAG for regional concurrence;
- upon review of an application, if the RCAG members concur with the request, the RCAG Chair will sign the application form and forward the package to the NCSC for approval;
- upon review of an application, if the NCSC members concur with the request, the NCSC Chair will sign the application form;
- as required, an establishment change will be submitted by CJCR HQ to DDFP for formal amendment of the corps/squadron’s designation;
- once finalized, a formal notification of the status of the request will be submitted to the appropriate Cadet League, RCSU CO and corps/squadron CO; and
- all decisions related to a change in affiliation, designation, sponsorship, badge and/or motto will be recorded in the corps/squadron’s file.
- the corps/squadron CO will forward a completed Annex A, Corps/Squadron Application for Change of Affiliation or Identity to the Area OC providing as much details as possible in order for the RCAG to make an informed decision. In addition to the Annex A, Corps/Squadron Application for Change of Affiliation or Identity, the corps/squadron CO will provided the following documentation, as applicable:
- 6.2 If a request is denied during the process, the applicable OPI at the level which the application was denied, will provide feedback and substantiation for the denial to the original requestor in order to amend and resubmit for consideration.
7. Publication
Frequency of Publication
- 7.1 Annual or more frequent review and updates, as required.
Errors/Omissions or Suggestions
- 7.2 Users of CJCR Gp Orders are encouraged to identify any errors, omissions or suggested orders to the attention of CJCR HQ J1 Policy.
8. References
Source References
- National Defence Act
- A-AD-200-000/AG-000, The Heritage Structure of the Canadian Forces
- A-AE-219-001/AG-001, Canadian Forces Organization and Establishment Policy and Procedures
- Canadian Cadet Organizations Governance Terms of Reference
- Canadian Armed Forces and Cadet Leagues Memorandum of Understanding (2020)
Related References
Annex A
Corps/Squadron Application for Change of Affiliation or Identity (You are now leaving Canada.ca. link accessible only on the Cadet365 Sharepoint)
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