2030-5 Lessons Learned and Best Practices

Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Order (CJCR Gp O)

On this page

  1. Identification
  2. Abbreviations
  3. Definitions
  4. Policy
  5. Objectives and Expected Results
  6. Coordination
  7. Publication
  8. References

1. Identification

Date of Issue: 2021-10-12

Date of Verification: n/a

Application: This is an order that applies to members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and a directive that applies to Civilian Instructors and employees of the Department of National Defence (DND) employed within the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (CJCR).

Supersession: n/a

Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the Comd CJCR.

Office of Primary Interest (OPI)DCOS Ops

Enquiries: CJCR HQ J3

2. Abbreviations

Abbreviations Complete Word or Phrase
AOR Area of Responsibility
CAF Canadian Armed Forces 
CJCR Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers 
CO ​Commanding officer 
COATS Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service 
Comd Commander 
COS Chief of Staff
DAOD Defence Administrative Orders and Directives
DComd Deputy Commander 
DCOS Deputy Chief of Staff 
DLLS Defence Lessons Learned System
GBA+ Gender-based Analysis Plus
HQ Headquarters 
LFR Lesson Finding Report
LL Lessons learned
LLC Lessons Learned Coordinator
LLM Lessons Learned Manager
LLO Lessons Learned Officer
OC Officer commanding 
OCI Office of collateral interest 
RCSU Regional Cadet Support Unit 
SME subject matter expert

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3. Definitions

Best Practice. A best practice is an action/practice with a proven positive effect that could be re-created in another setting.

Change authority. The change authority is the person identified in the LL process (post-analysis) who has the authority to resolve the lesson or implement the best practice. Change managers are responsible to the change authority for analysing, advising, planning and managing change initiatives.

Defence Lessons Learned System. The Defence Lessons Learned System is a CAF-wide online (DWAN-based), collaborative LL data collection, finding processing and knowledge management tool.

Gender-based Analysis Plus. Gender-based Analysis Plus is an analytical tool used to assess how diverse groups of women, men and gender-diverse people may experience policies, programs and initiatives. The “plus” in GBA+ acknowledges that GBA goes beyond biological (sex) and socio-cultural (gender) differences.

Lesson. A lesson is knowledge generated from the analysis of an issue to determine underlying cause.

Lesson learned. A lesson learned is a lesson identified for which validated remedial action has been implemented, resulting in a tangible improvement in performance or capability.

Lessons learned. See DAOD 8010-0, Lessons Learned.

Lessons Learned Coordinator. The Lessons Learned Coordinator is the first level of review for observations and develops them into findings or can forward within their chain of command for immediate action.

Lessons Learned Manager. The Lessons Learned Manager plans and enacts a collection plan, leads staff analysis, and coordinates the validation of lessons/best practices that have been approved by the change authority and implemented. They also provide training and mentoring to the LL staff and are overall responsible for the quality of LL and for the rapidity and accuracy of LL and best practice sharing.

Lessons Learned Officer. The Lessons Learned Officer (one or more members) disseminates LL information to the unit and gathers information from it. Within CJCR, LL Officers enter observations collected from stakeholders into the DLLS.

Observation. An observation is a recorded comment based on something seen, heard or otherwise noticed.

Organizational Learning. Organizational learning is the process of creating, retaining, and transferring knowledge within an organization. An organization improves over time as it gains experience. From this experience, it is able to create knowledge.

4. Policy


4.1 CJCR is committed to continuous improvement of its programs, services and processes in accordance with DAOD 8010-0, Lessons Learned. In most literature, best practices are considered an equal part of a LL process, and often the term LL is intended to incorporate both – as is the case in this order.

4.2 LL is primarily a knowledge generation system that employs a straightforward structure of collecting information, collating and analysing it, and producing informed action plans or recommendations for positive change. It is command-driven and enables organizations to learn and be better positioned for success during future activities. Failure to implement LL promotes repetition of previous errors.


4.3 CJCR will establish and sustain an effective and resilient LL program, modelled on the CAF Defence LL Program, which will result in a tangible positive change in attitude, capability, and behaviour.


4.4 DCOS Ops will manage the LL program, to include:

  1. facilitating the development of information requirements and lines of inquiry;
  2. developing and maintaining common LL doctrine, tools, processes and documents;
  3. providing support to LL efforts; and
  4. leading engagement with CAF LL Program stakeholders.

4.5 COs and OCs at all levels will:

  1. champion the LL process in their AOR;
  2. assign personnel to fill LL roles;
  3. ensure the LL process is followed to produce timely, relevant and useful feedback;
  4. ensure all major staff activities contribute to the LL process; and
  5. follow the steps in the LL processes.

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5. Objectives and Expected Results

5.1 The CJCR LL program has the following objectives:

  1. optimize delivery of CJCR programs through evidence-based decisions using current data;
  2. engage all members in two-way communication on improving capabilities;
  3. conduct routine post-activity LL actions at all levels; and
  4. ensure formal organizational learning opportunities.

5.2 The expected results are:

  1. CJCR leadership is up to date on critical performance issues and opportunities, with relevant data to support decisions;
  2. LL for JCR Program is conducted in collaboration with the Canadian Army;
  3. the LL process adds value to other organizational systems (e.g. planning, performance measurement, continuous improvement of Cadet and JCR training and COATS professional development, resource management, GBA+, etc.);
  4. the flow of feedback, information and analysis matches the battle rhythm of program governance and enhances the critical issues management process; and
  5. continuous improvement as a routine part of the strategic agenda, with LL actions occurring at all command and HQ staff levels.

6. Coordination

Roles and Responsibilities

6.1 Roles and responsibilities specific to command driven operation and management of LL are:

Position Role Responsibility
Comd CJCR Direct LL within CJCR.
  • Determine and revise information requirements for LL Topics list.
  • Act as Change Authority as required.
DComd CJCR and RCSU CO Direct LL within AOR.
  • Provide input to information requirements for LL Topics list.
  • Act as Change Authority as required.
CJCR HQ COS Executive Review – strategic changes.
  • Act as Executive Review for all LFR where Comd CJCR or DComd CJCR are indicated as Change Authority.
DCOS Ops Champion LL within CJCR.
  • Provide guidance and support to conduct LL.
  • Liaise with OCI for LFR conflict resolution as required.
  • Advise command on organizational LL efforts and oversee management efforts in the development and maintenance of CJCR LL program guidance and tools to promote organizational learning.
  • Advise command on the incorporation of LL information and activities into formation/strategic governance and planning cycles.

Oversee and guide LL efforts.

Executive Review – significant operational changes.

  • Act as Executive Review Authority for all LFRs where RCSU CO is indicated as Change Authority.
DCOSs (all), RCSU OCs and Staff Department Heads (all) Oversee and guide LL efforts within their AOR.
  • Assign LL staff roles (LLC or LLO) within their AOR as appropriate or directed by command.
  • Act as Review/Executive Review/Change Authority or Change Manager as assigned to a LFR.
CJCR HQ J3 and RCSU J35 Ops & Plans Oversee and support LL.
  • Advise command on the incorporation of LL information and activities into annual regional level governance and planning cycles.
  • Assign LL staff roles (LLC or LLO) within their AOR as appropriate or directed by command.
  • Act as Review/Executive Review/Change Authority or Change Manager as assigned to a LFR.
CJCR LL Manager (LLM)

Manage CJCR use of DLLS.

Act as SME for LL within CJCR.

  • Coordinate DLLS accounts and establish/maintain CJCR LL SOP.
  • The CJCR LLM (CJCR HQ J3-LL) is a primary-duty role responsible to plan and enact a collection plan, coordinate staff analysis, and coordinate the validation of lessons/best practices that have been approved by the change authority and implemented, at a formation level.
  • Develop and maintain CJCR LL program guidance and tools (e.g., policy documents, SOPs, job aides, etc.)
  • Provide training and mentoring to staff regarding the LL process, the use of the DLLS tool.
LL Coordinator Coordinate and conduct LL within AOR.
  • Promote and conduct LL process actions – including planning, approving observations, analysis, production of findings, and reporting LL activity to the chain of command.
  • Coordinate/support LL Officer taskings.
  • Maintain situational awareness on observations applicable to AOR.
  • Develop LFR in DLLS, including engaging SME for analysis, context, and development of recommendations.
Note: The RCSU LLC is a secondary-duty role assigned to a member of the J35 staff department in an RCSU. In addition to carrying out the LLC function within the DLLS, the RCSU LLC also performs many of the functions of a LLM, at a regional level.
Supervisor of LLC Manage LFR in DLLS (as required).
  • Accept/deny LFR.
  • Conduct Review of LFR and prepare LFR for Executive Review – e.g. produce validation plan, garner cross-sectional input from OCI and ensure GBA+.
  • Report LL activity to chain of command.
Cadet Training Centre/Cadet Flying Training Centre CO Promote and support LL.
  • Employ the principles of the LL process in the conduct of their duties and guide those under their charge in contributing to the CJCR LL program by providing observations and other LL data sources, as directed by RCSU CO.
  • Assign LL staff roles (LLC or LLO) within their AOR as appropriate and/or directed by command.
Corps/Squadron CO and Regional Training Establishment (Cadet Nautical Sites, Cadet Expedition Sites and Cadet Flying Sites) Officer in Charge Promote and support LL.
  • Employ the principles of the LL process in the conduct of their duties and guide those under their charge in contributing to the CJCR LL program by providing observations and other LL data sources, as directed by their OC.
LL Officer Carry out tasks of LL data collection plans.
  • Promote LL within AOR.
  • Collect LL observations from stakeholders (ensure completeness and accuracy), and input into DLLS.
Observer Provide a LL observation based on direct experience.
  • Provide a written observation to include contact information, and update the observation if required.

6.2 More details on roles and responsibilities specific to action stages of the LL process are described at B-GL-025-0A2/FP-001 CFJP A2, Lessons Learned.


6.3 The outputs of the CJCR LL program include:

  1. LL Topics List and lines of inquiry;
  2. direction for improvements in capabilities;
  3. Lesson and Best Practice Finding Reports, in accordance with B-GL-025-0A2/FP-001 CFJP A2, Lessons Learned;
  4. LL and Best Practices, in accordance with B-GL-025-0A2/FP-001 CFJP A2, Lessons Learned; and
  5. supporting research, reports and returns in accordance with Government of Canada, DND, CAF, and Comd CJCR direction.

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7. Publication

Frequency of Publication

7.1 Annual or more frequent review and updates, as required.

Errors/Omissions or Suggestions

7.2 Users of CJCR Orders are encouraged to bring any errors, omissions or suggested orders to the attention of CJCR HQ J1 Policy.

8. References

Source References

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