5511-1 Promotions – Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service Members
Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Order (CJCR Gp O)
1. Identification
Date of Issue: 2021-12-14
Date of Verification: N/A
Application: This is an order that applies to all COATS members serving within and outside the CJCR.
- Natl CJCR Sp Gp Order 5022-0 COATS Promotion Policy.
- CANCDTGEN 021/19 Acting/Lacking Promotions.
Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the Comd CJCR.
Office of Primary Interest (OPI): DCOS Sp CJCR
Enquiries: CJCR HQ J1
2. Abbreviations
Abbreviations | Complete Word or Phrase |
2Lt | Second Lieutenant |
A/SLt | Acting Sub-Lieutenant |
AWSE | Acting While So Employed |
BOTC | Basic Officer Training Course |
CAF | Canadian Armed Forces |
Capt | Captain |
CIC | Cadet Instructors Cadre |
Cdr | Commander |
CISS | Cadet Instructor Supplementary Staff |
COATS | Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service |
COATS GSNCM | COATS General Service Non-Commissioned Officer |
COATS GSO | COATS General Service Officer |
EPZ | Enter Promotion Zone |
ETC (S/L/A) | Environmental Training Course (Sea/Land/Air) |
IOTC | Intermediate Officer Training Course |
LCdr | Lieutenant Commander |
LCol | Lieutenant-Colonel |
Lt | Lieutenant |
Lt(N) | Lieutenant (N) |
Maj | Major |
MOSID | Military Occupational Structure Identification |
NCdt | Naval Cadet |
NCM | Non-Commissioned Member |
OCdt | Officer Cadet |
OTC | Occupational Training Course |
PLAR | Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition |
P Res | Primary Reserve |
Reg F | Regular Force |
SLt | Sub-Lieutenant |
SOTC | Senior Officer Training Course |
3. Definitions
Acting/Lacking Rank. An acting/lacking rank is an acting rank one rank higher than the member’s substantive rank which may be granted when the member is missing either the time in rank or qualification for promotion to the next rank, but not both.
Acting While So Employed Rank. An acting while so employed rank is an acting rank one rank higher than the member’s substantive rank, which may be granted to a member who meets all the promotion requirements of the next rank and there is a military requirement to carry out the full spectrum of duties and responsibilities of the higher ranked position for a temporary assignment.
Substantive Rank. The substantive rank of an officer is the officer’s confirmed rank. The substantive rank of an NCM is that rank below which the member cannot be reduced otherwise than by a sentence of service tribunal or reversion for inefficiency or misconduct.
4. Policy
4.1 Pursuant to the CDS Directive on CAF Command and Control of the CCO and the COATS Reserve Force Sub-component, dated 2 February 2018, the Comd CJCR is responsible for establishing promotion criteria for COATS members.
4.2 COATS members will be promoted to meet CAF requirements.
4.3 A COATS member may be promoted to the next rank when:
- they are posted or attached posted to a vacant position of a higher rank;
- they meet the promotion criteria as detailed in Section 5 and Section 6; and
- they receive the CO’s recommendation having demonstrated the potential to accept greater responsibility, apply sound decision-making skills, and have demonstrated the leadership skills required of the next rank.
4.4 A CIC Officer will be enrolled as an OCdt/NCdt and will be commissioned once promoted to the rank of 2Lt/A/SLt or higher upon achieving the required promotion criteria outlined in this order.
4.5 A promotion may be authorized after the member has been appointed or selected to the position and should be backdated to the start of the appointment.
4.6 A member on non-effective strength or exempt duty and training cannot be promoted, except when on maternity or parental leave.
5. Promotion to Substantive Rank
5.1 The promotion of a CIC Officer (MOSID 00232) to a substantive rank is subject to the following:
Criteria | Promotion to the rank of: | ||||
2Lt/A/SLt | Lt/SLt | Capt/Lt(N) | Maj/LCdr | LCol/Cdr | |
EPZ | 1 year | 1 year | 2 years | 3 years | 3 years |
Qualification | BOTC & OTC | ETC (S/L/A) | IOTC | SOTC | n/a |
Authority | RCSU/CJCR HQ CO | Comd CJCR |
5.2 A CIC officer at the rank of OCdt/NCdt with an undergraduate degree who has completed the BOTC and OTC may be granted the rank of 2Lt/A/SLt effective on the day of all three criteria are met.
5.3 The promotion of a COATS GSO (MOSID 00360) to a substantive rank is subject to the following:
Criteria | Promotion to the rank of: | ||||
2Lt/A/SLt | Lt/SLt | Capt/Lt(N) | Maj/LCdr | LCol/Cdr | |
EPZ | 1 year | 1 year | 2 years | 3 years | 3 years |
Qualification | Training requirement of former MOSID | ||||
Authority | RCSU/CJCR HQ CO | Comd CJCR |
5.4 The promotion of a COATS GSNCM (MOSID 00359) to a substantive rank is subject to the following:
Criteria | Promotion to the rank of: | |||||
EPZ | 2 years | 2 years | 2 years | 3 years | 3 years | 3 years |
Qualification | Training requirement of former MOSID | |||||
Authority | RCSU/CJCR HQ CO | Comd CJCR |
5.5 The time in rank to EPZ is computed in calendar years, months and days from the effective date of a member’s promotion to their substantive rank. Time in rank will not include periods that a member is exempted duty or training in excess of 30 calendar days, except periods of maternity or parental leave, or periods of non-effective status.
5.6 Recognition of previous service towards time in rank is in accordance with CBI 204.511 - Pay Increments – Reserve Force and CJCR Gp Order 5031-3, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Process.
6. Promotion to Acting Rank
6.1 The promotion authority may authorize the promotion of a COATS member to an acting rank, i.e. acting/lacking rank or AWSE rank, provided that, in addition to meeting criteria listed in paragraph 4.3:
- the member holds the substantive rank of 2Lt/A/SLt or higher in the case of a CIC Officer or COATS GSO; or
- the member holds the substantive rank of Private (Trained) or higher in the case of a COATS GSNCM.
6.2 When the promotion authority has authorized the promotion of a COATS member to an acting rank, i.e. an acting/lacking or AWSE rank, it remains valid until such time that the member is no longer in the position that warranted the higher rank.
Promotion to Acting/Lacking Rank
6.3 The Comd CJCR is the promotion authority for COATS members promoted acting/lacking in the following ranks:
- LCol/Cdr;
- Maj/LCdr;
- CWO/CPO1; and
6.4 The RCSU/CJCR HQ CO is the promotion authority for COATS members promoted acting/lacking in the following ranks:
- Capt/Lt(N);
- Lt/SLt;
- WO/PO1;
- Sgt/PO2;
- MCpl/MS; and
- Cpl/S1.
6.5 The member must obtain the missing qualification within three years from the date of promotion to the acting/lacking rank. When a member is unable to obtain the required qualification in the time allotted, the RCSU/CJCR HQ CO may:
- consider an extension to the timeline for completion; or
- revert the member to their substantive rank.
6.6 Once all promotion requirements have been met, the member will be promoted substantive or AWSE in accordance with this order.
Promotion to AWSE Rank
6.7 The Comd CJCR is the promotion authority for COATS members who, in addition to the conditions listed at paragraph 4.3, meet all criteria outlined in section 5 for AWSE rank promotions of LCol/Cdr.
6.8 The RCSU/CJCR HQ CO is the promotion authority for COATS members who, in addition to the conditions listed at paragraph 4.3, meet all criteria outlined in section 5 for AWSE rank promotions of Maj/LCdr and below.
6.9 A COATS member already serving a period of Class “B” Reserve Service, who is appointed or selected to temporarily fill a Class “B” position at a higher rank, may be promoted AWSE in that rank providing the following criteria are met in addition to the conditions listed at paragraph 4.3:
- the appointment or selection is for a period of 90 consecutive days or more; and
- the position or responsibilities justify the higher rank.
7. Transfer to and Re-enrollment in COATS
Serving CAF Members – Officers
7.1 A Reg F or P Res officer may transfer to the COATS as a GSO or CIC Officer at their substantive rank providing a vacancy exists in that rank. If no such vacancy exists, the officer may have to accept a lower rank, either temporarily or permanently depending on the situation.
Serving CAF Members – Non-Commissioned Members
7.2 A Reg F or P Res NCM may transfer to the COATS as a GSNCM or as a CIC Officer under the following conditions:
- if the transfer is as a GSNCM, they will keep their substantive rank providing a vacancy exists in that rank or will have to accept a lower rank, either temporarily or permanently depending on the situation;
- if the transfer is as a CIC Officer, they will be enrolled as an OCdt/NCdt and, providing a vacancy exists in that rank, will be promoted effective the date of enrolment:
(1) to the substantive rank of Lt/SLt if their previous service was at the substantive rank of Sgt/PO2 or WO/PO1; or
(2) to the substantive rank of Capt/Lt(N) if their previous service was at the substantive rank of MWO/CPO2 or CWO/CPO1.
Former CAF Members
7.3 Former CAF members are only permitted to be enrolled in COATS as a CIC Officer.
7.4 A member who has enrolled less than five years after release, will be enrolled as an OCdt/NCdt and promoted in accordance with paragraphs 7.1 or 7.2 effective the date of re-enrollment.
7.5 A member who has enrolled more than five years after release will be enrolled as an OCdt/NCdt. They may be promoted to a higher rank effective the date of re-enrollment, upon recognition of previous training through the PLAR process.
Former Foreign Military Members
7.6 Former foreign military members are only permitted to be enrolled in COATS as a CIC Officer at the rank of OCdt/NCdt. They may be promoted to a higher rank effective the date of enrolment, upon recognition of previous training through the PLAR process.
8. Relinquishment of Rank
8.1 For additional information see QR&O 11.12, Relinquishment of Rank and CF Military Personnel Instruction 20/04 Administrative Policy of Class "A", Class "B" and Class "C" Reserve Service.
9. Promotion While in Cadet Instructor Supplementary Staff Position
9.1 COATS members held against CISS positions may be promoted substantive up to and including Lt/SLt or WO/PO1 providing that they meet the promotion criteria, but not higher.
10. Publication
Frequency of Publication
10.1 Annual or more frequent review and updates, as required.
Errors/Omissions or Suggestions
10.2 Users of CJCR Gp Orders are encouraged to identify any errors, omissions or suggested orders to the attention of CJCR HQ J1 Policy.
11. References
Source References
- CFAO 18-30, Officers’ Commission Scripts and Chief Warrant Officers (CWO) Scrolls
- CFAO 49-5, Career Policy – Non-Commissioned Members – Primary Reserve
- CFAO 49-12, Promotion Policy – Officers Primary Reserve
- DAOD 2020-0, Reserve Force
- DAOD 2020-3, Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service
- QR&O 2.034, Reserve Force – Sub-Components
- QR&O 3.03, Substantive Rank
- QR&O 3.05, Acting Rank
- QR&O 11, Promotion, Reversion and Compulsory Remustering
- CBI Chapter 204 – Pay of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members
- CF Military Personnel Instruction 20/04 Administrative Policy of Class "A", Class "B" and Class "C" Reserve Service
- Military Human Resources Records Procedures, Topic 17, Maternity and/or Parental Benefits Administration (MATA/PATA)
- A-PD-055-002/PP-001 Canadian Forces Manual of Military Employment Structure, Volume 2 Part 1, Officer Job Based Specifications for the Cadet Instructor Cadre CIC 00232
Related References
- CANFORGEN 146/17, Clarification on Effective Promotion Date Policy and Established Position
- CANFORGEN 038/17, Promotion Policy for Members on Maternity and Parental Leave
- CJCR Gp Order 2020-4, Organization and Establishments – Cadet Corps and Squadrons
- CJCR Gp Order 5511-2, Appointment and Promotion – Cadet Training Centre Commanding Officer
- CJCR Gp Order 5520-5, Appointment – Cadet Corps or Squadron Commanding Officer
- CJCR Gp Order 5023-1, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Process
- CATO 23-25, Cadet Instructors Supplementary Staff
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