5530-4 Annex A - Application to Volunteer with the Navy League Cadet Program

Application to Volunteer with the Navy League Cadet Program


Cadet's Surname:

Cadet's First Name:


Cadet's Address:

Cadet's Phone Number:

Cadet's Email:

Emergency Contact Name: 


By signing this form the cadet and their parent/guardian acknowledge that:

By signing below, the cadet and their parent/guardian acknowledge that they have read and understood CJCR Gp Order 5530-4, Cadets Volunteering with Navy League Cadets.

It is requested that ______________________________________________________ be permitted to wear their cadet uniform while voluntarily participating in the Navy League Cadet Program activities at:

____________________________________________________________________ Navy League Cadet Corps.

The Parent/Guardian and cadet confirm that they have read and understood the conditions of voluntarily participating in Navy League Cadet Program activities as outlined above.

The Parent/Guardian acknowledges that there may be risks to person or property when participating in Navy League Cadet Program activities and assumes any risk on behalf of the cadet. The parent/guardian further acknowledges and accepts that they are responsible for raising any concerns and/or addressing those risks with the Navy League Cadet Program directly as outlined above.

Parent/Guardian Name:



Cadet's Name:



To be completed by the corps/squadron Commanding Officer:

I confirm that the cadet is in good standing at the corps/squadron. I support their request to volunteer with the __________________________________________ Navy League Cadet Corps on  ________________________________  date(s).

I     authorize /     do not authorize the above named cadet to wear their cadet uniform while volunteering with the Navy League Cadet Corps.

I confirm that I have read and understood CJCR Gp Order 5530-4, Cadets Volunteering with Navy League Cadets, and confirm that the cadet participation in the Navy League Cadet Program activities while in uniform complies with applicable CJCR policies or directives.

Name of Commanding Officer:




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