8002-2 Annex C - Staffing Establishment for CFTC Operations

Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Order (CJCR Gp O)

Operations Staff

1. A CFI shall be designated at any CFTC that conducts GPIC and/or GPS training. The CFI shall report directly to the CFTC CO.

2. A Stds O shall be designated at any CFTC that conducts GPIC and/or GPS training. The Stds O shall report directly to the CFTC CO.

3. A FSO shall be designated at any CFTC that conducts GPIC and/or GPS training. The FSO shall report directly to the CFTC CO.

Flight Staff

4. The required number of CFTC glider instructors will be dependent upon number of students, number of airfields, size of airfield(s), number of gliders, number of tow aircraft, and duration of training as per the applicable QS.

5. To ensure maximum efficiency and provide sufficient numbers to manipulate the gliders on the ground all while providing air traffic separation, adhering to the required Glider Airfield Operation Criteria, and providing adequate supervision, the following matrix shall be the minimum when assigning CFTC students to Flights and assigning flight supervisor positions:

Total number of students Min number of Flights Min number of Flt Comds Min number of D/Flt Comds per Flight Min number of Staff Cadets per Flight
up to 35 * 1 1 1 2
36 - 70 * 2 2 1 2
71 - 100 * 3 3 1 2
more than 100 use 71-100 then add requirements for 1-35, 36-70, or 71-100 as applicable
* NOTE - an overage of up to 5 students per Flight is acceptable.

6. In addition to the above minima:

  1. Flight Operations Duty Time requirements shall apply to students and staff;
  2. Glider Instructors shall not be assigned more than four students;
  3. First-year Glider Instructors shall not be assigned more than three students;
  4. Glider Instructors may carry out Tow Pilot duties. The maximum student number assigned to a glider instructor who carries out tow pilot duties shall be two students;
  5. D/Flt Comds who have been assigned junior instructor mentoring duties, conducting pre-solo check flights, flight tests, and chairing Independent Reviews shall not normally be assigned students. However, if the requirement exists, the maximum number shall be one student. If the D/Flt Comd will not be carrying out such functions, the maximum number shall be two students;
  6. The CFI, Flt Comds, Stds O, and FSO shall not normally be assigned instructional responsibilities for specific students.
  7. D/Flt Comds who carry out tow pilot duties that are more than occasional (i.e. part of the tow pilot schedule) shall not be assigned a gliding student;
  8. GPS gliding operations shall also include:
    1) Supervisor of Flight (SOF) - Shall be designated by RCA Ops O. Shall not conduct instruction, flying, or ground duties while assuming the role of SOF. Shall not assume role of SOF and Launch Control Officer (LCO) simultaneously if more than 2 ACGP aircraft are in operation; and
    2) LCO - Shall not assume role of SOF and LCO simultaneously if more than 2 ACGP aircraft are in operation.
  9. Successful completion of GPS glider training requires smooth ground operations and limited delays between glider launches. To achieve this, and in addition to the above requirements, highest consideration should be given to ensure staffing levels provide a minimum of two gliding instructors per glider, plus the LCO, plus the SOF. This will allow flight training to continue concurrently while the required pre and post flight briefings are completed, gliders are being retrieved and moved into launch position, and provide some flexibility when leave and sickness occur.

Licensing Administration Staff Requirements

7. To fulfill TCCA solo flight and glider pilot licensing requirements, any CFTC conducting a TCCA licensing course must have staff, or contractors, who have the following qualifications. These positions in themselves do not constitute an individual staffing requirement and all three qualifications may be held by the same person.

  1. Transport Canada Authorized Person:
    (1) May be held by any RCA Ops O or CFTC staff.
    (2) Contracting this requirement is not feasible unless the entirety of CFTC flight instruction is through a contracted civilian FTU in which case this person will be part of the FTU staff.

  2. Transport Canada Language Tester:
    (1) May be held by any RCA Ops O or CFTC staff.
    (2) This requirement may be contracted out to local industry.

  3. Industry Canada Radio Licence Examiner:
    (1) May be held by any RCA Ops or CFTC staff.
    (2) This requirement may be contracted out to local industry.


Taking the training and exam for an aviation radio licence is now part of LHQ training thus students may arrive at the CFTC with the required licence.

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