Conduct and culture change progress tracker
Additional information on culture change reforms underway can be found here.
On this page
- Spectrum of harms
- About Pathways to Progress
- Efforts are on two tracks
- Current State and Planned Actions
- Outlook
- Initiatives
- Pathways to Progress (P2P) Conduct and Culture Change Progress Tracker
Harmful behavior, including sexual misconduct, within the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) is an ongoing threat to personnel and undermines the institution’s capability to defend Canada and Canadians.
The Defence Team is committed to preventing all forms of systemic misconduct and we understand that achieving measurable, positive and enduring cultural change is critical to supporting Defence Team members and restoring public confidence in our ability to provide defence for Canadians.
We are taking action to achieve sustainable and intersectional cultural change. Our continued efforts will focus on addressing and preventing all forms of systemic misconduct and supporting those who have been harmed. We are committed to doing more than just preventing harm. We will create an environment where members can reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully to the Defence of Canada.
This tracker will be updated on a quarterly basis, or as new information becomes available.
Spectrum of harms
The negative effects of misconduct fall along a broad spectrum, including the negative behaviours below.
- Lack of Inclusivity
- Unsupportive Environments
- Microaggressions
- Bullying
- Intimidation
- Harassment
- Threats
- Violence
About Pathways to Progress
Taking a whole-of-Defence-Team approach, Pathways to Progress was conceived as an action plan to capture and consolidate some of the key efforts planned or underway in the near term to remediate and prevent further harm to Defence Team members while building a foundation for positive and measurable change.
We will ensure that the voices of survivors and other internal partners and external stakeholders inform and guide all lines of effort.
Since the launch of its renewed approach to culture change, the department has been engaging with internal programs, personnel, and external stakeholders to learn from their lived experiences and gather their feedback and suggestions. The department held a Defence Team Conduct and Culture Consultation, which provided Defence Team members—military and civilian—with a safe and supported space to share their points of view, ideas, and feedback on Defence culture and what must be done to build a safer, more welcoming institution. The consultation’s summary report can be found here.
We welcomed an Independent External Comprehensive Review led by Former Justice of the Supreme Court Louise Arbour. This review examined our institutional policies, practices, procedures and culture. The report was released in May 2022, with 17 recommendations immediately accepted for implementation. In December 2022, the Minister of National Defence tabled a report in Parliament, which outlines the path forward for DND/CAF to move forward on all 48 of the recommendations in the IECR.
We are now moving forward with a holistic approach, looking at these recommendations together with those of other accepted external review reports, such as the Third Independent Review Authority of the National Defence Act by Former Justice of the Supreme Court Morris J. Fish and the Minister of National Defence's Advisory Panel on Systemic Racism and Discrimination. This will allow us to address common thematic issues, moving us beyond a checkbox, recommendation-focused approach, to one linked to desired outcomes, which will ultimately better serve Defence Team members.
We will continue focused efforts to enhance transparency by capturing and consolidating prior, current and future efforts. We will do this through internal and external reporting and communication, continuous stakeholder engagement and demonstrating ongoing accountability.
Efforts are on two tracks
1 - Remediation of harm
People-focused, creating systems to support the timely and appropriate resolution of cases that come forward, ensuring procedural fairness and transparency; providing comprehensive supports for those affected; and examining options for external reporting mechanisms.
2 - Culture change
Prevention-focused programs and policies aimed at setting the conditions for improving the work environment for all Defence Team members and targeting the full spectrum of harms and misconduct.
Current State and Planned Actions
Shifts in culture require sustained effort within every organization across DND and the CAF, with the active engagement of personnel at all levels. This work includes:
- challenging and addressing systemic norms, practices, and attitudes,
- actively building a climate where members feel safe to come forward with complaints or concerns,
- emphasizing that diversity and inclusion positively impact operational effectiveness.
Lines of Effort | Current State / Planned Actions |
Supports to Survivors Bottom line: Building comprehensive support structures through dialogue with survivors, increasing scope and access to resources. |
Current state: Access for current members only. Strong involvement by survivors in the priorities for improvement and approaches to change. Planned action: Increased availability of support for former members, Veterans and DND Public Servants; increased availability of services across different regions; increased reach of services through expansion of online, peer support and community based services. |
Justice and Accountability Bottom line: Timely and appropriate resolution of cases that come forward, ensuring procedural fairness and transparency, and examination of options for external reporting mechanisms. |
Current state: Work has been done to better support victims with victim-centric and trauma-informed processes; however, continued implementation of legislated changes is required to fully enshrine the rights of victims into the military justice system. Multiple points for recourse/complaints are available; however, there is lack of clarity on the specific administrative processes, and concerns around transparency. Not all processes are trauma-informed, and most systems are not integrated. There is limited access to prevention and restorative programs for teams/workplaces. Planned action: Enhance the military justice system through the implementation of the remaining provisions of Bill C-77; the recommendations from the 3rd Independent Review of the National Defence Act; and, the forthcoming Independent External Comprehensive Review. Streamline complainants’ process and improved access to available recourse, and expand prevention efforts. |
Culture Change Bottom line: A cohesive, comprehensive approach to culture change across the Defence Team, including direct monitoring of efforts to identify gaps and ensure an organization where all Defence Team members have a sense of belonging, are valued for their unique capabilities and are encouraged to be their authentic selves while participating fully in the workplace. |
Current state: Multiple efforts for change and improvement underway, driven by strong and effective networks and local champions; however, there is limited cohesion and diffusion of change efforts. Existing approaches to leadership development include training and development focused on inclusivity and diversity. A different method for leader selection – where senior leaders are assessed and evaluated on their approach to diversity and inclusion, has been launched. A comprehensive review of the efforts of change is planned, the results of which will inform initiatives that will cascade to more junior leaders. Planned action: Improved alignment of culture change efforts within DND/CAF and a centralized focus for accountability and change. Inclusive leadership institutionalized as essential to career progression; systemic barriers to inclusion identified and remediated. |
Shifts in culture will continue to require a sustained effort at all levels of the organization. This work will include addressing common misconceptions, such as the belief that diversity and inclusion can negatively impact operational effectiveness, and in building an organizational climate where members feel safe to come forward with complaints or concerns.
But change is happening. Emerging organic efforts to address the need for change are being seen at the working level; comprehensive approaches to professional conduct and culture are being developed by large internal departmental organizations and increased numbers of people coming forward to disclose and report adverse events are all indicators of both the urgent need for change and to our commitment to change at all levels.
Initiatives for fiscal year 2021-2022
Supports to Survivors
Bottom line: Building comprehensive support structures through dialogue with survivors, increasing scope and access to resources.
Initiative | Current Status |
Addition of SMSRC Liaison Officer at Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC). Target: Aug 21 |
Completed. An individual has been appointed and is working as the VAC-Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC) Liaison Officer as of September 2021. |
Expand SMSRC services to DND Public Service Employees. Target: Aug 21 |
Completed. Services were made available to DND Public Service Employees in August 2021. |
Expand SMSRC services to former CAF members. Target: Nov 21 |
Completed. As of November 2021, services are now available to former CAF members. |
Expand SMSRC Response and Support Coordination services to two additional regions outside the National Capital Region. Target: Mar 22 |
Completed. SMSRC has expanded services to Quebec and Pacific regions. |
Expand SMSRC Response and Support Coordination services to three additional regions. Target: FY 2022-2023 |
In Progress. The Quebec and Pacific region are now actively providing services. The expansion of the three additional regions is currently underway. |
Expand transfer payment program to support community-based service providers, including sexual assault centres. Target: Mar 23 |
In progress. The current transfer payment program will continue to provide support to service providers until its end date in March 2023 as the new grant program is implemented. The first callout for the new Community Support for Sexual Misconduct Survivors Grant Program closed on 15 November 2022, and applications for funding are in the process of being reviewed. |
Launch stakeholder consultation to build Joint Military Sexual Trauma Pilot Peer Support Program. Target: Aug-Sep 21 |
Completed. Consultations successfully completed on 12 November 2021. |
Adapt online platform for both the SMSRC 24/7 expansion and the online component of the peer support program. Target: Nov 21 |
Completed.Existing online application adapted to reflect requirements for and branding of SMSRC support services. Functionalities continue to be refined, with the application undergoing continuous testing as new components are added and updates are made. |
Establish a joint DND/VAC peer support program Phase 1: Launch pilot of initial online components of the joint DND/VAC Military Sexual Trauma (MST) peer support program. Target: Jun 22 |
Completed. The MST Peer Support Program launched an online peer support discussion platform through a third-party provider called Togetherall. Confidential, anonymous and clinically-moderated 24/7, the platform is available to all current and former CAF members/Veterans, DND public service employees as well as their family members/supporters aged 16 and older. This contracted solution was made available to the MST community 22 June 2022. As of today, there are 185 registrants who spend an average of 67 minutes on the site. |
Establish a joint DND/VAC peer support program Phase 2: Launch pilot of initial face-to-face components of the joint DND/VAC Military Sexual Trauma (MST) peer support program. Target: Apr 23 |
In progress. The SMSRC and VAC will be holding an initial pilot/feedback session in early 2023 for the in-person and virtual (depending on interest) formal peer support offerings. The formal group would consist of a closed group of up to 12 participants who have lived experience with military sexual misconduct either in-person and/or virtually (depending on preference). While the formal group sessions would likely be conducted over 12 weeks, for the purposes of this initial pilot session, the group sessions will take place over six weeks. The group will be led and facilitated by a trained peer facilitator with lived experience and co-facilitated by a mental health professional. The mental health professional will explore various themes each week, such as coping with trauma, working with anger, building resiliency, etc. |
Include updated version of Military Sexual Trauma (MST) in 3.0 Glossary of Terms. This will achieve a shared understanding of the common terms used to describe psychological trauma. Target: Winter 23 |
In progress. A draft definition has been finalized by the stakeholder community, validated with the lived experience community to ensure it resonates with them, and reviewed by SMSRC, VAC and CMP GENAD. The draft definition has been submitted to the Defence Terminology Board for review and approval. Once approved, it will be included in the Defence Terminology Bank (DTB), and in the Glossary of Terms 3.0. The date of announcement and publication is expected to be confirmed in December 2022. |
Establish an interim mechanism to provide victims access to independent legal information, advice and representation through a reimbursement mechanism. Target: To be determined |
Delayed. This is related to the Independent External Comprehensive Review (IECR) recommendation #14 and the Third Independent Review of the National Defence Act (IR3) recommendation #72. Immediate interim options were explored in light of Former Justice of the Supreme Court Arbour’s interim recommendation of 20 October 2021, and due diligence was conducted to ensure appropriate financial authorities were in place. Launch of an interim program model is planned for early 2023, which will provide reimbursement of legal expenses incurred by victims of sexual misconduct. |
Establish a long-term, sustainable independent legal advice program for victims to access legal information, advice and representation in both the civilian and military justice systems. Target: Sep 23 |
In progress. This is also related to IECR recommendation #14 and IR3 recommendation #72. The design and development of a permanent program model is underway. |
Restorative Engagement - requirement of Schedule K of the Heyder-Beattie Class Action Final Settlement Agreement. Target: Nov 21 |
Completed. The Restorative Engagement program was launched on 15 November 2021 and is currently at Initial Operational Capability (IOC). IOC is national in scope, and inclusive of all members of the Defence Team. |
Increase and expand the functionality of the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC) application to encompass all requirements of existing SMSRC services and the online component of the peer support program Target: FY 2023-24 |
Delayed. The application is still under development based on feedback from the testing and identification of new requirements. As we ensure the safety and confidentiality of the application, development and testing phases have taken longer than anticipated. It is unknown at this time when the public launch of the application will occur, but anticipate that it will be in mid to late 2023. |
Justice and Accountability
Bottom line: Timely and appropriate resolution of cases that come forward ensuring procedural fairness and transparency, and examination of options for external reporting mechanisms.
Initiative | Current Status |
Initiate the development of the CAF Grievance Systems Transformation Action Plan Target: Jan 23 |
In progress.This initiative is related to IECR recommendation #10 and IR3 recommendations #86 to 94. In Jan 23, DND/CAF will initiate the development of the CAF Grievance System Transformation Action Plan to improve the current system. This will include assessing the status of the implementation of IR3 and IECR recommendations, the effectiveness of ongoing initiatives from the CDS Directive on CAF Grievance System Enhancement issued in March 2021, and developing an action plan that will articulate objectives, define key milestones and performance measurement indicators, identify critical resources and prioritize key activities. |
Complaint system review and process transformation Target: FY 2023-24 |
In Progress. CPCC-led review and working groups consisting of leadership stakeholders and business process owners; seeking to achieve end-to-end improvement of the complaints process: beginning when someone first thinks they may wish to submit a complaint through final resolution, for all Defence Team members, and across all major complaints processes. Alongside, ADM (RS) undertook an advisory review of the CAF Grievance System which will inform next steps towards implementation of the IECR. A report from AD (RS) is expected in April 2023. |
Confirm the critical changes to facilitate access to services for Defence Team complainants. Target: Nov 21 |
Completed. The current complaints system has been mapped, the strategic system review has begun, and two key deliverables are identified:
Complete implementation of remaining provisions of Bill C-77 Target: Spring 22 |
Completed. On 24 Mar 2022, the regulations necessary to support the implementation of the remaining provisions of Bill C-77 were approved by the required regulatory-making authorities with a coming-into-force date of 20 June, 2022. |
Fast-track implementation of Restorative Services and establish a 12/5 toll-free conflict and complaint resolution helpline for Restorative Services. Target: Dec 21 |
Completed. The implementation of restorative services was expedited to fill the restorative services lead position and put the contract for Subject Matter Expert support in place. This allowed for initial launch of the 12/5 toll-free conflict and complaint resolution helpline, providing provide accessible, coast-to-coast service. Active offices in Gagetown, Bagotville, Cold Lake and Esquimalt were in place to answer the phone line in rotating shifts throughout the day. |
Expand access to Restorative Services across the Department by staffing RS practitioners, focusing on addressing interpersonal harm and restoring healthy workplaces. Target: Mar 22 |
Completed.Initial Operating Capacity has been reached and further expansion and refinement of the program is expected to continue through Dec 22. |
Establish a governance committee to implement the recommendations of the Third Independent Review of the National Defence Act as well as recommendations from the Independent External Review. This will be to include a whole-of-government approach. Target: Sep 21 |
Completed. The directive establishing the direction, guiding principles and structure of the External Comprehensive Reviews Implementation Committee (ECRIC) was finalized in October 2021. ECRIC is co-led by the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff and the Judge Advocate General and composed of multiple stakeholders, with a permanent secretariat that has also been stood up. |
Completion of the internal DND/CAF Declaration of Victims’ Rights in the Military Justice System Survey and launch of the external DND/CAF Declaration of Victims’ Rights in the Military Justice System Survey. Target: Sep 21 |
Completed. The internal survey was completed in July, 2021. The external survey was launched in June, 2021 and closed in August. |
Establish Military Justice Modernization Division within the Office of the JAG. Target: Jul 21 |
Completed. The Military Justice Modernization Division was established informally on an interim basis within the Office of the Judge Advocate General in July 2021. The new division is responsible for supporting the implementation of the 3rd Independent Review of the National Defence Act and recommendations related to the military justice system from any other external review. Steps are being taken to permanently establish the division in 2022. |
Interim Recommendation from Madame Arbour: “Implement recommendation 68 from the Fish report immediately. Offences of a sexual nature under the Criminal Code, including historical sexual offences, alleged to have been perpetrated by a CAF member, past or present (“sexual offences”) should be referred to civilian authorities. Consequently, starting immediately, the Canadian Forces Provost Marshal (CFPM) should transfer to civilian police forces all allegations of sexual offences, including allegations currently under investigation by the CFNIS, unless such investigation is near completion. In any event, in all cases charges should be laid in civilian court. Correspondingly, civilian authorities should exercise investigative and prosecutorial jurisdiction over all sexual offences by CAF members. Should civilian authorities decline to proceed, the matter should be returned to the CAF to determine whether disciplinary action is desirable under the National Defence Act. No Target date |
In progress: On November 3, 2021, the Minister of National Defence accepted the interim recommendations of the Independent External Comprehensive Review and informed Madame Arbour that the Defence Team will begin work immediately to implement them. The Canadian Forces Provost Marshal (CFPM) and the Director of Military Prosecutions (DMP) issued a joint statement on 5 Nov 21 that they would implement Madame Arbour’s interim recommendations immediately and the work on implementation is underway. Following this the CFPM issued direction in Dec 21 indicating that all allegations received by the MP regarding criminal offences of a sexual nature under the Criminal Code (as defined in the Police Policy Advisory 06/2021 (PPA)) were to be referred to the federal, provincial, and territorial (FPT) partners of concurrent jurisdiction. The MP were to remain poised to conduct investigations into any allegations refused by the FPT. Further, the MP were directed to conduct a review of any ongoing files into allegations of criminal offences of a sexual nature and where possible transfer the files to FPT of concurrent jurisdiction. This action has now been completed, with files transferred where possible. In Aug 22 the CFPM amended the original PPA issued in Dec 21 directing that all MP investigations into allegations of criminal offences of a sexual nature were to be processed through the civilian justice system. That is to say that the MP, when applicable, are to lay charges under the Criminal Code of Canada vice the National Defence Act (NDA). The actions of the CFPM to date are indicative of the desire to ensure that there is a victim-centered approach to address sexual misconduct, specifically as it refers to allegations that are of a criminal offence of a sexual nature, affording the ability for allegations of criminal offences of a sexual nature to be referred to the FPT meanwhile safeguarding, through the application of concurrent jurisdiction, the ability for the MP to continue to investigate allegations that are refused by FPT counterparts. The MP continue to work with their FPT counterparts to refer allegations of criminal offences of a sexual nature reported to the MP in a deliberate, victim-centric trauma informed approach. |
Culture Change
Bottom line: A cohesive, comprehensive approach to culture change across the Defence Team, including direct monitoring of efforts to ensure no gaps and an organization where all Defence Team members have a sense of belonging, are valued for their unique capabilities and are encouraged to be their authentic selves in participating fully in the workplace.
Initiative | Current Status |
Launch the Chief of the Defence Staff and Deputy Minister Initiating Directive, defining expectations for the organization-wide change and creation of the Chief, Professional Conduct and Culture (CPCC). Target: May 21 |
Completed. Deputy Minister and Chief of the Defence Staff published the Initiating Directive on Culture Change in April 2021. The Directive served as an initial guiding document provided to DND/CAF to progress culture and governance to better embody shared professional values and ethos that embrace the diversity and values of Canada. |
Establish CPCC as the oversight body for the Defence Team for all lines of current and future culture change efforts. Target: Sep 21 |
Completed. CPCC’s structure is established as of the beginning of the fiscal year and will continue to expand as conduct and culture-related programs are consolidated from other L1 organizations. CPCC’s specific functional authorities are being finalized to support the tasks and responsibilities assigned in the Initiating Directive for Professional Conduct and Culture. The development of a culture change framework and strategy is underway. |
Consolidate and expand existing services/initiatives focused on anti-racism, GBA+, and systemic discrimination under the auspices of CPCC. Target: Jan 22 |
Completed: A number of existing programs have been consolidated within CPCC to give them common leadership, direction and shared support to reduce stovepipes and realize synergies. The services joining CPCC to date include the Anti-Racism Secretariat, Gender Equity and Intersectional Analysis, Official Languages, and the Human Rights directorate. CPCC achieved Initial Operating Capacity (IOC) in October 2021. Informed by the consultations, expansion of key areas will be identified and developed in Fiscal Year 2022/23. |
Define a framework for monitoring and evaluation of culture change Target: FY 2022-2023 |
In progress.The Culture Evolution Framework is informed by academic research and the lived experience of Defence Personnel. The Culture Evolution Framework will establish standards, objectives and performance indicators to inform, align, guide and monitor progress of existing and future culture evolution initiatives across the Defence Team so as to build and maintain a healthy culture in alignment with our core values and principles, The Framework incorporates key initiatives, such as an Enterprise Approach to GBA Plus and implementation of an anti-racism lens to inform policy, practices, and initiatives. The performance measurement process will include the generation and publication of a yearly report. |
Launch a website tool which will publicly track progress on initiatives related to misconduct. Target: Dec 21 |
Completed. DND/CAF launched the first iteration of this public-facing webpage that outlines information on Pathways to Progress. Further enhancements are planned and updates will be made on a rolling basis to capture and consolidate prior, current and future efforts. |
Publish updated CAF Ethos to describe the foundational principles, values, professional expectations of CAF members. Target: Nov 21 (Publication expected in spring/summer 2022) |
In progress – delayed. The Canadian Defence Academy published the new CAF ethos, Trusted to Serve in June 2022.This updated Ethos includes comprehensive learning aids to support the professional socialization of CAF Ethos. Additional socialization aids such as ethos-themed podcasts, an ethos-related military dilemmas game (app), and an ethos audio-book are forthcoming. Key to socialization efforts are leaders’ engagements with direct subordinates three times per year to discuss socialization of the CAF Ethos in unit lines. CAF Ethos paper print runs have been delayed due to supply chain and production issues. New dates for print runs are as follows; print run 1 (25,000 copies) 15 Nov 22 – 31 Jan 23 – delivery to units Jan-Feb 23. Print Run 2 (35,000 copies) – 16 Mar - 27 April 23 – delivery to units Apr-May 23. |
Improvements to national selection board process for promotion, including new measures to reduce bias and foster inclusivity and diversity. Target: Nov 21 |
Completed. Improvements to the national selection board process for promotion are achieved/sustained, including new measures to reduce bias and foster inclusivity and diversity. Each selection board is comprised of a minimum of one voting member from an equity-seeking group to expand the perspectives applied when evaluating files. |
Review cultural and professional conduct training delivered during CAF recruit-level training programs, Target: Spring 2023 |
In progress. A thorough and comprehensive review of the approach to basic training is underway at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School (CFLRS). |
Implement enhanced processes and procedures to reinforce and support clear standards of behaviour and professional military conduct, for all CAF members. Target: Continuous |
In progress. During development of the Military Professional Code of Conduct, CPCC determined that clear, comprehensive, explicit and enforceable policies that articulate the organization’s expected conduct and behaviors were already existent in the new CAF Ethos, Trusted to Serve, as well as a revitalized Defence Ethics Program. A renewed focus on training, education and enforcement, of these existing tools can support positive culture change within the CAF. |
Official release of the CAF Employment Equity Plan 2021-2026. Target: Oct 21 |
Completed. The Employment Equity Plan 2021-2026 was approved in June 2021. This initiative is an ongoing multi-year commitment to eliminate systemic employment barriers for designated groups: women, aboriginal peoples, visible minorities and persons with disabilities. In addition, this new plan recognizes the LGBTQ2+ communities as a fifth equity seeking group. |
Consolidate Department-wide roadmaps for culture change to monitor progress across Defence Team. Target: FY 2022-2023 |
In progress. CPCC is tracking a number of key programs and grassroots initiatives related to culture change occurring across the Defence Team. CPCC is tracking a number of key programs and grassroots initiatives related to culture evolution occurring across the Defence Team. CPCC’s development of a Culture Evolution Framework, will establish standards, objectives and performance indicators to inform, align, guide and monitor progress of existing and future culture evolution initiatives across the Defence Team so as to build and maintain a healthy culture in alignment with our core values and principles, |
Develop engagement plan inclusive of external and internal stakeholders. Target: Winter 2023 |
In progress. Over 9000 Defence Team members, participated in the CPCC Defence Team Conduct and Culture consultations that concluded in February 2022. The outcomes of this consultation have been analyzed and compiled in a final report, which has been presented to leadership across the Defence Team, Defence Advisory Groups, and other key internal and external partners. The report has also been made available to the public at: Regular engagements with external stakeholders have commenced including technical briefings, regular roundtable discussions (6 in total since April 2021) and bilateral engagement at multiple levels. Consultations on the implementation of a long-term plan to support meaningful external engagement efforts through are underway, in order to ensure we meet the needs of our diverse community of stakeholders. The planned timeframe for the publication a final framework is winter 2023. |
Complete initial phase of dress instruction rewrite to remove sex/gender-based pronouns. Target: Aug 21 (revised to Jun 22) |
In progress. Initial Phase of the dress instruction rewrite was completed in Sep 2022 with the release of the amended Appearance Chapter in dress instructions. The inclusive appearance policy has one standard of appearance for all CAF members. The remainder of the dress instructions rewrite is still underway with an estimated completion date of Apr 2024. |
Improvements to General/Flag Officer selection processes. Target: Oct 21 |
Completed. The National Selection Boards for Fall 2021 were completed and have incorporated key changes. Candidates were required to complete three psychometric assessments (fluid intelligence / cognitive ability, leadership competencies and personality/integrity). A senior DND civilian executive was also included as a voting member to expand the perspectives brought to candidate files. Following the selection board, candidates recommended for promotion will undergo a multi-rater (i.e. 360) assessment and vetting for misconduct. |
Introduce expectations for Inclusive Leadership and include as part of the selection process for senior Defence team leaders. Target: Sep 21 |
Completed. On 28 September 2021, CPCC published an Initiating Directive to incorporate the measurement and evaluation of inclusive behaviours within existing Defence Team personnel performance and management frameworks. Implementation will cascade down through DND and CAF over the next three years. Placing value on the leadership attributes that foster inclusive and psychologically safe work environments will help to ensure that leaders selected for increasing levels of responsibility embody the characteristics required to lead a diverse and operationally effective organization. |
Initiatives for fiscal year 2022-2023
Support to Survivors
Initiative | Current Status |
Expand SMSRC (Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre) Response and Support Coordination services to three additional regions. Target: FY 2022-2023 |
In progress. The Quebec and Pacific regions are now actively providing services. The expansion of the three additional regions is currently underway. |
Expand transfer payment program to support community-based service providers, including sexual assault centres. Target: Mar 23 |
In progress. The current transfer payment program will continue to provide support to service providers until its end date in March 2023 as the new grant program is implemented. The first callout for the new Community Support for Sexual Misconduct Survivors Grant Program closed on 15 November 2022, and applications for funding are in the process of being reviewed. |
Establish a joint DND/VAC peer support program Phase 1: Launch pilot of initial online components of the joint DND/VAC Military Sexual Trauma (MST) peer support program. Target: Jun 22 |
Completed. The MST Peer Support Program launched an online peer support discussion platform through a third-party provider called Togetherall. Confidential, anonymous and clinically-moderated 24/7, the platform is available to all current and former CAF members/Veterans, DND public service employees as well as their family members/supporters aged 16 and older. This contracted solution was made available to the MST community 22 June 2022. As of today, there are 185 registrants who spend an average of 67 minutes on the site. |
Establish a joint DND/VAC peer support program Phase 2: Launch pilot of initial face-to-face components of the joint DND/VAC Military Sexual Trauma (MST) peer support program Target: Apr 23 |
In progress. The SMSRC and VAC will be holding an initial pilot/feedback session in early 2023 for the in-person and virtual (depending on interest) formal peer support offerings. The formal group would consist of a closed group of up to 12 participants who have lived experience with military sexual misconduct either in-person and/or virtually (depending on preference). While the formal group sessions would likely be conducted over 12 weeks, for the purposes of this initial pilot session, the group sessions will take place over six weeks. The group will be led and facilitated by a trained peer facilitator with lived experience and co-facilitated by a mental health professional. The mental health professional will explore various themes each week, such as coping with trauma, working with anger, building resiliency, etc. |
Include updated version of Military Sexual Trauma (MST) in Glossary of Terms 3.0. This will achieve a shared understanding of the common terms used to describe psychological trauma. Target: Winter 23 |
In progress. A draft definition has been finalized by the stakeholder community, validated with the lived experience community to ensure it resonates with them, and reviewed by SMSRC, VAC and CMP GENAD. The draft definition has been submitted to the Defence Terminology Board for review and approval. Once approved, it will be included in the Defence Terminology Bank (DTB), and in the Glossary of Terms 3.0. The date of announcement and publication is expected to be confirmed in January 2023. |
Establish an interim mechanism to provide victims access to independent legal information, advice and representation through a reimbursement mechanism. Target: To be determined |
Delayed. This is related to IECR recommendation #14 and IR3 recommendation #72. Immediate interim options were explored in light of Mme Arbour’s interim recommendation of 20 October 2021, and due diligence was conducted to ensure appropriate financial authorities were in place. Launch of an interim program model is planned for early 2023, which will provide reimbursement of legal expenses incurred by victims of sexual misconduct. |
Establish a long-term, sustainable independent legal advice program for victims to access legal information, advice and representation in both the civilian and military justice systems. Target: Sep 23 |
In progress. This is also related to IECR recommendation #14 and IR3 recommendation #72. The design and development of a permanent program model is underway. |
Increase and expand the functionality of the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC) application to encompass all requirements of existing SMSRC services and the online component of the peer support program. Target: FY 2023-24 |
Delayed. The application is still under development based on feedback from the testing and identification of new requirements. As we ensure the safety and confidentiality of the application, development and testing phases have taken longer than anticipated. It is unknown at this time when the public launch of the application will occur, but anticipate that it will be in mid to late 2023. |
Justice and Accountability
Initiative | Current Status |
Initiate the development of the CAF Grievance System Transformation Action Plan. Target: Jan 23 |
In progress. This initiative is related to IECR recommendation #10 and IR3 recommendations #86 to 94. In Jan 23, DND/CAF will initiate the development of the CAF Grievance System Transformation Action Plan to improve the current system. This will include assessing the status of the implementation of IR3 and IECR recommendations, the effectiveness of ongoing initiatives from the CDS Directive on CAF Grievance System Enhancement issued in March 2021, and developing an action plan that will articulate objectives, define key milestones and performance measurement indicators, identify critical resources and prioritize key activities. |
Complaint system review and process transformation Target: FY 2023-24 |
In progress. CPCC-led review and working groups consisting of leadership stakeholders and business process owners; seeking to achieve end-to-end improvement of the complaints process: beginning when someone first thinks they may wish to submit a complaint through final resolution, for all Defence Team members, and across all major complaints processes. Alongside, ADM (RS) undertook an advisory review of the CAF Grievance System which will inform next steps towards implementation of the IECR. A report from ADM (RS) is expected in April 2023. |
Interim Recommendation from Madame Arbour: “Implement recommendation 68 from the Fish report immediately. Offences of a sexual nature under the Criminal Code, including historical sexual offences, alleged to have been perpetrated by a CAF member, past or present (“sexual offences”) should be referred to civilian authorities. Consequently, starting immediately, the Canadian Forces Provost Marshal (CFPM) should transfer to civilian police forces all allegations of sexual offences, including allegations currently under investigation by the CFNIS, unless such investigation is near completion. In any event, in all cases charges should be laid in civilian court. Correspondingly, civilian authorities should exercise investigative and prosecutorial jurisdiction over all sexual offences by CAF members. Should civilian authorities decline to proceed, the matter should be returned to the CAF to determine whether disciplinary action is desirable under the National Defence Act. No target date. |
In progress. This initiative is related to IECR recommendation #5 and IR3 recommendations #65, 66 and 68. On November 4th, 2021, the Minister of National Defence accepted the interim recommendation of the Independent External Comprehensive Review and the Defence Team began immediate work toward implementation. The Canadian Forces Provost Marshal (CFPM) and the Director of Military Prosecutions (DMP) issued a joint statement on 5 Nov 21 that they would implement Justice Arbour’s interim recommendations immediately and the work on implementation is underway. Following this the CFPM issued direction in Dec 21 indicating that all allegations received by the MP regarding criminal offences of a sexual nature under the Criminal Code (as defined in the Police Policy Advisory 06/2021 (PPA)) were to be referred to the federal, provincial, and territorial (FPT) partners of concurrent jurisdiction. The MP were to remain poised to conduct investigations into any allegations refused by the FPT. Further, the MP were directed to conduct a review of any ongoing files into allegations of criminal offences of a sexual nature and where possible transfer the files to FPT of concurrent jurisdiction. This action has now been completed, with files transferred where possible. In Aug 22 the CFPM amended the original PPA issued in Dec 21 directing that all MP investigations into allegations of criminal offences of a sexual nature were to be processed through the civilian justice system. That is to say that the MP, when applicable, are to lay charges under the Criminal Code of Canada vice the National Defence Act (NDA). The actions of the CFPM to date are indicative of the desire to ensure that there is a victim-centered approach to address sexual misconduct, specifically as it refers to allegations that are of a criminal offence of a sexual nature, affording the ability for allegations of criminal offences of a sexual nature to be referred to the FPT meanwhile safeguarding, through the application of concurrent jurisdiction, the ability for the MP to continue to investigate allegations that are refused by FPT counterparts. The MP continue to work with their FPT counterparts to refer allegations of criminal offences of a sexual nature reported to the MP in a deliberate, victim-centric trauma informed approach. The Acting Judge Advocate General briefed at federal, provincial, and territorial meetings of Deputy Ministers, and Ministers of Justice and Public Safety on the implementation. The Minister of National Defence has also initiated conversations with provinces and territories to discuss and resolve any issues identified. |
Culture Change
Initiative | Current Status |
Define a framework for the monitoring and evaluation of Culture Change Target: FY 2022-2023 |
In progress. The Culture Evolution Framework is informed by academic research and the lived experience of Defence Personnel. The Culture Evolution Framework will establish standards, objectives and performance indicators to inform, align, guide and monitor progress of existing and future culture evolution initiatives across the Defence Team so as to build and maintain a healthy culture in alignment with our core values and principles, The Framework incorporates key initiatives, such as an Enterprise Approach to GBA Plus and implementation of an anti-racism lens to inform policy, practices, and initiatives. The performance measurement process will include the generation and publication of a yearly report. |
Publish an updated CAF Ethos to describe the foundational principles, values, professional expectations of CAF members. Target: Nov 21 (Publication expected in spring/summer 2022) |
In progress - Delayed. The Canadian Defence Academy published the new CAF ethos, Trusted to Serve in June 2022.This updated Ethos includes comprehensive learning aids to support the professional socialization of CAF Ethos. Additional socialization aids such as ethos-themed podcasts, an ethos-related military dilemmas game (app), and an ethos audio-book are forthcoming. Key to socialization efforts are leaders’ engagements with direct subordinates three times per year to discuss socialization of the CAF Ethos in unit lines. CAF Ethos paper print runs have been delayed due to supply chain and production issues. New dates for print runs are as follows; print run 1 (25,000 copies) 15 Nov 22 – 31 Jan 23 – delivery to units Jan-Feb 23. Print Run 2 (35,000 copies) – 16 Mar - 27 April 23 – delivery to units Apr-May 23. |
Review cultural and professional conduct training delivered during CAF recruit-level training programs, Target: Spring 2023 |
In progress. A thorough and comprehensive review of the approach to basic training is underway at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School (CFLRS). The development of a conduct and culture training and education framework is in progress. The framework will enhance education and awareness programs, related to conduct and culture. |
Implement enhanced processes and procedures to reinforce and support clear standards of behaviour and professional military conduct, for all CAF members. Target: Continuous |
In progress. During development of the Military Professional Code of Conduct, CPCC determined that clear, comprehensive, explicit and enforceable policies that articulate the organization’s expected conduct and behaviors were already existent in the new CAF Ethos, Trusted to Serve, as well as a revitalized Defence Ethics Program. A renewed focus on training, education and enforcement, of these existing tools can support positive culture change within the CAF. |
Consolidate Department-wide roadmaps for culture change to monitor progress across Defence Team. Target: FY 2022-2023 |
In progress. CPCC is tracking a number of key programs and grassroots initiatives related to culture evolution occurring across the Defence Team. CPCC’s development of a Culture Evolution Framework, will establish standards, objectives and performance indicators to inform, align, guide and monitor progress of existing and future culture evolution initiatives across the Defence Team so as to build and maintain a healthy culture in alignment with our core values and principles, |
Develop engagement plan inclusive of external and internal stakeholders. Target: Winter 2023 |
In progress. Over 9000 Defence Team members, participated in the CPCC Defence Team Conduct and Culture consultations that concluded in February 2022. The outcomes of this consultation have been analyzed and compiled in a final report, which has been presented to leadership across the Defence Team, Defence Advisory Groups, and other key internal and external partners. The report has also been made available to the public at: English: Defence Team Conduct and Culture Consultation Summary Report Regular engagements with external stakeholders have commenced including technical briefings, regular roundtable discussions (6 in total since April 2021) and bilateral engagement at multiple levels. Consultations on the implementation of a long-term plan to support meaningful external engagement efforts through are underway, in order to ensure we meet the needs of our diverse community of stakeholders. The planned timeframe for the publication a final framework is winter 2023. |
Complete initial phase of dress instruction rewrite to remove sex/gender-based pronouns. Target: Aug 21 (revised to Jun 22) |
In progress. Initial Phase of the dress instruction rewrite was completed in Sep 2022 with the release of the amended Appearance Chapter in dress instructions. The inclusive appearance policy has one standard of appearance for all CAF members. The remainder of the dress instructions rewrite is still underway with an estimated completion date of Apr 2024. |
Pathways to Progress (P2P) Conduct and Culture Change Progress Tracker
This document is meant to provide a progress/status update of P2P initiatives. The intent is to soon build a common database that will be kept up to date by Vice Chief of Defence Staff (VCDS)/Director General External Reviews Implementation Secretariat (DGERIS) with the latest developments provided by L1 organizations on every initiative. Until this tool has been developed and populated, a first tranche of status updates is focused on the initial group of initiatives promulgated by the Chief Professional Conduct and Culture (CPCC). This is intended as a baseline to measure progress going forward.
While an update is being sought from L1 organizations for P2P is considered up to date with information provided to DGERIS.
A Conduct and Culture Change Progress Tracker has been published on the Web (Conduct and culture change progress tracker) for the past several months and is meant to be updated on a quarterly basis.
This P2P tracker initially identified 40 initiatives which were divided into three distinct categories: Support to Survivors, Justice and Accountability and Culture Change. So far, 23 of those 40 initiatives have been posted to the tracker as completed.
The remaining 17 P2P initiatives are either in progress, pending or delayed.
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