Operation KOBOLD

Operation KOBOLD is the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) mission in Kosovo. Under the mandate of this mission, Canada contributes CAF personnel to the Kosovo Force (KFOR), a NATO-led peace-support operation.

How many people are deployed

Five CAF members are currently deployed on Operation KOBOLD. The Canadian Armed Forces has contributed a varying number of personnel to KFOR on a rotational basis since 2008.

What are they doing

CAF members deployed on Op KOBOLD provide logistics and headquarters support for things such as movement and transport of physical assets, information security, and border/customs officer duties. The Task Force Commander is also the chief of the NATO Joint Logistics Operation Center. In this role they are responsible for the routine and crisis management of all logistics operations, which can involve engineering and reconnaissance along with tasks such as unexploded ordinance disposal.

History and context of the operation

KFOR currently consists of approximately 3,500 troops provided by 27 countries. It continues to help maintain a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all people and communities in Kosovo, according to its mandate, which is to:

  • deter renewed hostility and threats against Kosovo by Yugoslav and Serb forces
  • establish a secure environment and ensure public safety and order
  • demilitarize the Kosovo Liberation Army
  • support the international humanitarian effort
  • coordinate with, and support, the international civil presence

Canadian Armed Forces’ relationship with KFOR

Canada is a NATO member and has contributed to KFOR since 2008.

Timeline of key events

  • KFOR was formed following Operation ALLIED FORCE. This was the NATO air campaign of March 23 to June 10, 1999.
  • NATO launched ALLIED FORCE to compel Serbia to cease military action against the Kosovo Liberation Army (Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës). This conflict had caused a humanitarian crisis in Kosovo.
  • On June 10, 1999, KFOR was formed as an international security force.
  • The KFOR NATO operation derives its mandate from United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) and the Military-Technical Agreement between NATO, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Serbia.
  • Kosovo declared independence from the Republic of Serbia on February 17, 2008.

Past deployments

Canada took part in the NATO air campaign in 1999 under Operation KINETIC.


Pertinent documents

Social Media
Canadian Joint
Operations Command

Image gallery


Page details

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