Canada – Saskatchewan Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement - 2021 to 2026

Official title: Canada-Saskatchewan Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement

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Canada-Saskatchewan Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement


Referred to collectively as the “Parties”.


Whereas, Canada and Saskatchewan agreed to a Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework on June 12, 2017 which articulated their shared vision for early learning and child care and describes their approach to achieve this vision.

Whereas, Canada and Saskatchewan will work together to build a community-based system of quality, regulated early learning and child care, aiming for all families to have access to high-quality, affordable, flexible and inclusive early learning and child care no matter where they live.

Whereas, building on the 2020 Fall Economic Statement (FES), Budget 2021 commits almost $30 billion over 5 years and provides permanent ongoing funding to work with provincial and territorial, and Indigenous partners to support quality, not-for-profit child care, and ensure early childhood educators are at the heart of the system. Combined with previous investments announced since 2015, approximately $9.2 billion per year ongoing will be invested in child care, including Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care, starting in fiscal year 2025 to 2026.

Whereas, Canada’s spending in early learning and child care (hereinafter “ELCC”) is intended to increase until it is roughly shared with provinces and territories by fiscal year 2025 to 2026.

Whereas, to further support a lasting federal commitment, Canada is committed to tabling Early Learning and Child Care Legislation in fall 2021, following consultations with stakeholders, provincial, territorial, and Indigenous partners—to enshrine the principles of a Canada-wide ELCC system into law.

Whereas, the Department of Employment and Social Development Act (DESDA) authorizes the Federal Minister to enter into agreements with the provinces and territories, for the purpose of facilitating the formulation, coordination and implementation of any program or policy falling within DESDA.

Whereas, the Executive Government Administration Act authorizes the Saskatchewan Minister to enter in agreements with the Government of Canada under which Canada undertakes to provide funding toward costs incurred by the Government of Saskatchewan for the provision of early learning and child care.

Whereas, Canada has, pursuant to its Policy on Transfer Payments, established a transfer payment program to provide funds to the provincial and territorial governments for the development and delivery of regulated child care programs and services.

Whereas, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada has called “upon the federal, provincial, territorial, and Indigenous governments to develop culturally appropriate early childhood education programs for Aboriginal families”.

Whereas, Canada and the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the Métis National Council jointly released the co-developed Indigenous ELCC Framework in September 2018, which establishes overarching principles and sets a vision for happy and safe Indigenous children and families, strong cultural identity, and a comprehensive and coordinated system that is anchored in self-determination and centered on children and grounded in culture, and can be used as a guide for all actors involved in Indigenous ELCC.

Whereas, Saskatchewan invests in early learning and child care for Indigenous children and Canada and Saskatchewan agree to work collaboratively with Indigenous governing bodies and organizations to achieve a Canada-wide ELCC system.

Now therefore, Canada and Saskatchewan agree as follows.

1.0 Vision for Canada-wide early learning and child care

2.0 Canada-wide early learning and child care objectives and areas of investment

2.1 Objectives

2.1.1 Canada and Saskatchewan commit to the following objectives, with “regulated” as defined in section 2.2.1(a):

2.1.2 Saskatchewan’s policy and approach to achieving these objectives is set out in its Action Plan attached as Annex 2.

2.2 Eligible areas of investment

2.2.1 Saskatchewan agrees to use funds provided by Canada under this Agreement to support the expansion of regulated child care, and prioritize not-for-profit (including publically delivered and family home child care) early learning and child care programs and services,for children under the age of 6, where:

  1. a) regulated programs and services are defined as those that meet standards that are established and/or monitored by provincial/territorial governments and Indigenous governing bodies and authorities
  2. b) not-for-profit providers/operations, which includes publically delivered operations, are defined as those that provide child care services to a community for a purpose other than generating a profit, typically improving family and/or child well-being and/or development. Providers may generate a profit, but the surplus earnings, or other resources, are directed towards improving child care services rather than distributed for the personal benefit of owners, members, investors or to enhance asset growth. Early learning and child care programs and services are defined as those supporting direct care and early learning for children in settings including, but not limited to, regulated child care centres, regulated family child care homes, early learning centres, preschools and nursery schools

2.2.2 In developing and delivering its ELCC programs and services, Saskatchewan agrees to take into account the needs of official language minority communities in its jurisdiction.

2.2.3 Acceptable investments under this Agreement may include, but are not limited to: capital and operating funding for regulated ELCC; fee subsidies; training, professional development and support for the early childhood workforce; quality assurance; parent information and referrals; and certain administration costs incurred by Saskatchewan to support the growth and expansion of the child care system, and the implementation and administration of this Agreement.

2.2.4 Canada and Saskatchewan also agree to promote, define, and deliver innovative approaches to enhance the quality, access, affordability, flexibility, and inclusivity of ELCC systems, with consideration for those more in need.

2.2.5 Canada and Saskatchewan agree that funding will be targeted toward regulated programs and activities, as described in section 2.2.1 to 2.2.4 for children under age 6, that will have an impact on families, including families more in need such as lower-income families, Indigenous families, lone-parent families, and families in underserved communities, including Black and racialized families; families of children with disabilities and children needing enhanced or individual supports; and families with caregivers who are working non-standard hours. Needs also include having limited or no access to ELCC programs and services in the children’s official language.

3.0 Period of agreement

3.1 This Agreement shall come into effect upon the last signature being affixed and will remain in effect until March 31, 2026, unless earlier terminated in writing by Canada or Saskatchewan in accordance with the terms hereof in section 10. Funding provided under this Agreement, in accordance with section 4, will cover the period from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2026 (hereinafter the “Term”).

3.2 Canada-wide early learning and child care bilateral agreements

3.2.1 In the event this Agreement is extended in accordance with the terms of sections 3.2.2 and 9.0, Saskatchewan may continue to use funding provided to cover the same eligible areas of investment as those covered through funding received for the period 2021 to 2026 subject to the terms and conditions of that extended agreement.

3.2.2 Extension of this Agreement beyond March 31, 2026 will provide Saskatchewan and Canada the opportunity to review and course correct, if required, and realign new priorities in future Agreements based on progress made to date.

4.0 Financial provisions

4.1 These contributions are in addition to and not in lieu of those that Canada currently pays to Saskatchewan through the Canada Social Transfer in order to support early childhood development and ELCC within Saskatchewan.

Allocation to Saskatchewan

4.2.1 Subject to Parliamentary approval of appropriations, Canada has designated the following maximum amounts to be transferred in total to all provinces and territories under this initiative with a fixed base rate of $2 million per year for each province and territory and the balance of the funding on a per child (0 to 12) basis for the period starting on April 1, 2021 and ending on March 31, 2026. This funding includes financial commitments made as part of the fiscal year 2021 to 2022 to fiscal year 2025 to 2026 Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreements.

  1. 2,948,082,433 for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2021
  2. 4,489,349,839 for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2022
  3. 5,538,345,183 for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2023
  4. 6,492,201,954 for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2024
  5. 7,718,943,823 for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2025

4.2.2 Subject to annual adjustment based on the formula described in section 4.2.3, Saskatchewan’s estimated projected share of the amounts described in section 4.2.1 will be:

Table 1: Saskatchewan’s estimated projected share of financial provisions by fiscal year
Fiscal year Estimated amount to be paid to Saskatchewan* (subject to annual adjustment for population change)
2021 to 2022 $114,410,468
2022 to 2023 $179,850,668
2023 to 2024 $223,996,682
2024 to 2025 $264,633,193
2025 to 2026 $316,567,960

* The notional allocations for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 use Statistics Canada’s population estimates as at July 1st 2020. Notional allocations for years fiscal year 2022 to 2023 through fiscal year 2025 to 2026 are calculated based on Statistics Canada’s longer-term population growth models using the Medium Growth M1 Population Growth Scenario from the previous fiscal year.

4.2.3 The final amount to be paid to Saskatchewan for the fiscal year will be calculated using the formula F x K/L plus $2 million, where:

4.2.4 For the purposes of the formula in section 4.2.3, the population of children aged 0 to 12 for Saskatchewan for each Fiscal Year and the total population of children aged 0 to 12 in all provinces and territories for that fiscal year are the respective populations as determined on the basis of the preliminary estimates of the respective populations on July 1 of that fiscal year. These estimates are released by Statistics Canada in September of each fiscal year.

4.3 In this Agreement, “fiscal year” means the period commencing on April 1 of any calendar year and terminating on March 31 of the immediately following calendar year.

4.4 Payment

4.4.1 Subject to Parliamentary approval of appropriations, Canada’s contribution will be paid in approximately equal semi-annual installments as follows:

4.4.2 The amount of the first installment will be an amount equal to 50% of the total amount of Canada’s maximum contribution to Saskatchewan for the fiscal year, which will be calculated using Statistics Canada 0 to 12 population estimates from the previous year.

4.4.3 The amount of the second installment will be an amount equal to the balance of Canada’s contribution to Saskatchewan for the fiscal year based on the actual amount of the contribution determined under sections 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 for the fiscal year.

4.4.4 Canada will notify Saskatchewan at the beginning of the fiscal year of their notional amount. The actual amount will be based on the Statistics Canada preliminary children (0 to 12) population estimates on July 1 of the preceding fiscal year.

4.4.5 In fiscal year 2023 to 2024, Canada shall withhold payment of its first installment if Canada has not received from Saskatchewan its Action Plan for fiscal year 2023 to 2024 through fiscal year 2025 to 2026, in accordance with requirements outlined in section 5.1 until such time as the Action Plan is provided.

4.4.6 Starting in fiscal year 2022 to 2023, Canada shall withhold payment of its first installment of a fiscal year if Canada has not received from Saskatchewan all information requested under section 4.4.7 for the payment of its second installment from the previous fiscal year.

4.4.7 Starting in fiscal year 2022 to 2023, Canada shall withhold payment of its second installment for that fiscal year until Saskatchewan provides an annual progress report outlining data and results achieved from the previous fiscal year in accordance with section 5.2.2 (a) and its annual audited financial statement of the previous fiscal year in accordance with section 5.2.2 (c).

4.4.8 Starting in fiscal year 2022 to 2023, Canada may withhold amounts payable in respect of fiscal year if Saskatchewan is unable to meet the objectives of the Agreement, in accordance with section 2. In such an event, Canada will provide Saskatchewan with no less than 30 days’ written notice of its intention to withhold amounts payable, and procedures for dispute resolution will be followed in accordance with Section 8.0.

4.4.9 The sum of both semi-annual installments constitutes a final payment and is not subject to any further adjustment once the second installment of that fiscal year has been paid, unless there is a debt due to Canada, which requires repayment in accordance with section 4.7.

4.4.10 Payment of Canada’s funding for each fiscal year of this Agreement is subject to an annual appropriation by the Parliament of Canada for this purpose. Likewise, use of the funding by Saskatchewan is subject to an annual appropriation by Saskatchewan’s Legislature.

4.5 Maximum annual contribution in respect of administration costs

4.5.1 Canada’s contribution in respect of Saskatchewan’s administration costs referred to in section 2.2.3 shall not exceed:

4.6 Carry forward

4.6.1 In fiscal year 2021 to 2022, at the request of Saskatchewan, and subject to approval of Canada’s Treasury Board, Saskatchewan may retain and carry forward to the following fiscal year any unexpended funds remaining from Saskatchewan’s annual contribution payable under section 4.2., up to a maximum of 60% of the contribution payable. Any unexpended funds in excess of 60% of the contribution payable represents an overpayment subject to section 4.7.

4.6.2 In fiscal year 2022 to 2023, at the request of Saskatchewan, and subject to approval of Canada’s Treasury Board, Saskatchewan may retain and carry forward to the following fiscal year any unexpended funds remaining from Saskatchewan’s annual contribution payable under section 4.2., up to a maximum of 30% of the contribution payable. Any unexpended funds in excess of 30% of the contribution payable represents an overpayment subject to section 4.7.

4.6.3 Starting in fiscal year 2023 to 2024 and for each subsequent fiscal year remaining in the Term of the Agreement, at the request of Saskatchewan, and subject to approval of Canada’s Treasury Board, Saskatchewan may retain and carry forward to the following fiscal year any unexpended funds remaining from Saskatchewan’s annual contribution payable under section 4.2., up to a maximum of 10% of the contribution payable. Any unexpended funds in excess of 10% of the contribution payable represents an overpayment subject to section 4.7.

4.6.4 Saskatchewan may only use the amount carried forward to the following fiscal year for expenditures on eligible areas of investment made under section 2.2 incurred that fiscal year.

4.6.5 For greater certainty, any amount carried forward under section 4.6.1 through 4.6.3 is supplementary to the maximum amount payable to Saskatchewan under section 4.2 of this Agreement during the fiscal year in which the funding is carried forward.

4.6.6 All amounts carried forward to the next fiscal year, pursuant to section 4.6.1 through 4.6.3 must be spent by the end of that fiscal year. Saskatchewan is not entitled to retain any such carried forward amounts that remain unexpended after the end of that fiscal year, nor is it entitled to retain any balance of Canada’s contribution payable pursuant to section 4.2. that remains unexpended at the end of that fiscal year and is not carried forward in accordance with section 4.6.1. Such amounts are considered debts due to Canada and shall be repaid in accordance with section 4.7.

4.7 Repayment of overpayment and underpayment

4.7.1 In the event payments made to Saskatchewan exceed the amount to which Saskatchewan is entitled under the Agreement and/or unexpended funding is in excess of the carry forward allowance, the amount of the excess is a debt due to Canada and shall be repaid to Canada upon receipt of notice to do so and within the period specified in the notice, which will be not be less than 30 days.

4.7.2 In the event that a payment made to Saskatchewan is determined to be less than the amount to which Saskatchewan is owed under the terms of section 4, Canada agrees to pay to Saskatchewan the amount determined to be outstanding upon receipt of written notice to do so and within the period specified in the notice, which will not be less than 30 days.

4.7.3 Canada shall, in addition to any other remedies available, have the right to recover the debt by deducting or setting-off the amount of the debt from any future contribution payable to Saskatchewan under this Agreement.

4.8 Use of funds

4.8.1 Canada and Saskatchewan agree that funds provided under this Agreement will only be used by Saskatchewan in accordance with the areas for investment outlined in section 2.2 of this Agreement.

4.8.2 Canada and Saskatchewan agree that, within each fiscal year of the Term of this Agreement, Saskatchewan may move funding between the individual programming categories outlined in its Action Plan in Annex 2 to ensure the maximum use of funding. Saskatchewan agrees to notify Canada in writing of any such change in funding allocation, including the rationale for the change. The change will be implemented upon agreement between Canada and Saskatchewan.

4.8.3 Canada and Saskatchewan agree that funds provided under this Agreement will be used to ensure improvements in ELCC as outlined in 2.1.1 and will not displace existing provincial or municipal spending in place on or before March 31, 2021.

5.0 Accountability

5.1 Action plan

5.1.1 Saskatchewan has completed and shared its Action Plan for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023 (Annex 2). Subsequently, Saskatchewan will provide an Action Plan for fiscal years 2023 to 2024 through fiscal year 2025 to 2026 by the beginning of fiscal year 2023 to 2024. Saskatchewan will publicly release their Action Plan which:

  1. outlines an implementation plan towards achieving objectives set out in Section 1, including priority areas for investment, and targets by indicator, within the Framework’s parameters
  2. identifies specific targets for each indicator that will be reported on annually for tracking progress in relation to the objectives set out under section 2.1.1, and as outlined in its Action Plan in Annex 2, which may include the following indicators below. The following indicators should be used where data is available; for the indicators that Saskatchewan is unable to report, it should indicate in its Action Plan in Annex 2 how it plans to investigate the production of these indicators over the course of the Agreement:
    1. total number of ELCC spaces available during the fiscal year - broken down by age groups of child and type of setting (such as, for profit/not-for-profit/public regulated child care centres, regulated family child care homes, etc.)
    2. the number of net new spaces created during the fiscal year - broken down by age groups of child and type of setting (such as, for profit/not-for-profit/public regulated child care centres, regulated family child care homes, etc.)
    3. total number of inclusive (as defined in Section 2.1.1) spaces created/converted – broken down by age group of child and type of setting
    4. average daily parental out-of-pocket fee for regulated child care spaces at the end of each fiscal year, including at the beginning of fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and at the end of 2022
    5. number of children under age 6 and 6 to 12 years receiving fee subsidies, broken down by families receiving partial and full subsidies
    6. number and proportion of children under age 6 and 6 to 12 years in flexible regulated ELCC arrangements and number and proportion of centers/providers that provide flexible arrangements (such as, non-traditional arrangements such as flexible/irregular hours, weekend and emergency services; and geographic distribution of spaces)
    7. number of children under age 6 and 6 to 12 years with disabilities and children needing enhanced or individual supports that are in regulated ELCC spaces
    8. number or proportion of child care service providers who provide services that are adapted to the needs of children with disabilities and children needing enhanced or individual supports
    9. number of Indigenous children under age 6 years in regulated ELCC spaces, distinction-based (First Nations, Inuit, Metis) where possible
    10. number of racialized children, including Black children under age 6 in regulated ELCC spaces
    11. number and percentage of staff working in regulated child care programs in Saskatchewan who fully meet the province’s certification/educational requirements
    12. annual public expenditure on training and professional development of the early childhood workforce
    13. wages of the early childhood workforce according to the categories of certification, including any wage enhancements, top-ups and/or supplements
  3. identifies additional jurisdiction-specific indicators for tracking progress in relation to the objectives of the Agreement
  4. describes how Saskatchewan plans to address the ELCC needs of its children/families more in need, as described in section 2.2.5
    1. if available, number and proportion of children under age 6 and 6 to 12 years from families more in need that are in regulated ELCC spaces
  5. outlines any additional available information to be reported annually that would be useful to demonstrate progress, including:
    1. information about waiting lists to access regulated ELCC spaces
    2. total child care subsidies provided by parents’ income level
    3. average child-to-staff ratio among licensed child care service providers
    4. total annual investment in ELCC
  6. a description of consultation processes referred to in section 5.1.2, the type of groups consulted and annual priorities related to stakeholder feedback

5.1.2 Saskatchewan will consult with parents, child care providers, experts, Indigenous peoples, official language minority communities and other interested parties as an important step in developing and revising its Action Plan. Saskatchewan will outline the results of consultations in its Action Plan as well as through its annual reporting.

5.1.3 The Parties agree that, where they appear in this Agreement, the words “consult”, “consulted” and “consultation” are not used for the purposes of fulfilling the Crown’s duty to consult and accommodate with First Nation and Métis communities and that nothing in this Agreement is intended to derogate or abrogate from the Crown’s legal duty to consult and accommodate.

5.1.4 By the beginning of fiscal year 2023 to 2024, Saskatchewan commits to share with Canada its fiscal year 2023 to 2024 through fiscal year 2025 to 2026 Action Plan. The Action Plan shall include the elements described in section 5.1.1 a) to f). Once the Parties agree that the annual Action Plan is final, the action plan may be published by one or both of the Parties and Canada will be able to provide Saskatchewan with its first payment for the fiscal year 2023 to 2024 according to section 4.4.

5.2 Reporting

5.2.1 In the first fiscal year, Saskatchewan agrees to provide baseline data on indicators set out in their Action Plan as soon as possible after the Parties sign this Agreement.

5.2.2 Starting in fiscal year 2022 to 2023, by no later than October 1 of each fiscal year during the Term of this Agreement, Saskatchewan agrees to:

  1. provide to Canada an Annual Report in the format and manner decided jointly by Canada and Saskatchewan. The report shall show separately the results attributable to the funding provided by Canada under this Agreement and shall include:
    1. description of the activities, expenditures and results of the Agreement as set out in Annex 2
    2. results achieved in working towards the vision for Canada-wide ELCC set out in this Agreement, including average child care fees and progress toward the average 50% reduction in fees by the end of 2022 and reaching an average fee of $10/day by fiscal year 2025 to 2026
    3. results achieved according to the indicators and targets referred to in Annex 2
    4. the impact on families more in need, as described in section 2.2.5, including progress toward specific Saskatchewan targets as described in Annex 2, such as the numbers of inclusive spaces supported by federal funding and by category. For the elements that Saskatchewan is unable to report, it should indicate in its Action Plan in Annex 2 how it plans to investigate the production of these elements over the course of the Agreement
    5. additional available information to be reported annually that would be useful to demonstrate progress
    6. description of any relevant consultation processes, the type of groups consulted and annual priorities related to stakeholder feedback referred to in Annex 2
    7. any additional results of an annual child care census as per section 5.2.2 (f) and any evaluation activities undertaken in the fiscal year, as available
  2. continue to provide to Canada additional data required for the publication of the annual National Progress Report
  3. provide to Canada an audited financial statement of revenues received from Canada under this Agreement during each Fiscal Year, indicating:
    1. the revenue section of the statement shall show the amount received from Canada under this Agreement during the fiscal year
    2. the total amount of funding used for ELCC programs and services under section 2.2
    3. the administration costs incurred by Saskatchewan in developing and administering ELCC programs under section 2.2.3
    4. if applicable, the amount of any amount carried forward by Saskatchewan under section 4.6
    5. if applicable, the amount of any surplus funds that are to be repaid to Canada under section 4.7
    The financial statement shall be prepared in accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and the audit shall be performed by the Saskatchewan Auditor General or his/her delegate, or by an independent public accounting firm registered under the laws of Saskatchewan and shall be conducted in accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Auditing Standards
  4. provide financial and administrative information, as required, to demonstrate progress in meeting the requirements in this Agreement
  5. Canada and Saskatchewan recognize the importance of reporting to the public on results achieved under this Agreement. Within 365 days of the end of each fiscal year during the Term of this Agreement, Saskatchewan agrees to report to the people of Saskatchewan and Canada on the results and expenditures of ELCC programs and services. The report shall show separately the results attributable to the funding provided by Canada under this Agreement and be consistent with the Annual Report outlined under section 5.2.2 (a)
  6. to inform reporting on results related to Saskatchewan’s Action Plan, Saskatchewan agrees to undertake, and share results with Canada from, an annual census of child care providers and other participants in the sector in Saskatchewan to collect information, including: number of children enrolled, capacity (number of spaces), number of ECEs, ECE wages and qualifications, fee charged to parents, subsidies, number of First Nations, Inuit or Metis child care spaces supported, etc.. Costs of undertaking such a census would be eligible expenses under this Agreement, to the maximum set out in section 4.5.1

5.2.3 Canada, with 10 days prior notice to Saskatchewan, may incorporate all or any part or parts of the Annual Report described under section 5.2.2 (a) into any public report that Canada may prepare for its own purposes, including any reports to the Parliament of Canada or reports that may be made public.

5.3 Audit

  1. Saskatchewan will ensure that expenditure information presented in the annual report is, in accordance with Saskatchewan’s standard accounting practices, complete and accurate

5.4 Evaluation

  1. As per established policies and processes with respect to program effectiveness, Saskatchewan will evaluate programs and services receiving funds provided under this Agreement and may decide to make public some or all of the results of any such evaluations
  2. Saskatchewan may be asked to participate in the evaluation by Canada of the initiatives under this Agreement and agrees to provide information as requested by Canada in accordance with relevant legislation during and following the Agreement in order for Canada to evaluate relevant initiatives under this Agreement. Evaluation results may be made available to the public

6.0 Long-term collaboration

6.1 Understanding that building a new social program is complex, and that both governments are committed to achieving $10 a day child care, Canada and Saskatchewan will create an officials-level Implementation Committee that will monitor progress towards this goal in consultation with stakeholders. Saskatchewan will provide data to support the work of the Implementation Committee.

6.2 Canada and Saskatchewan, through the Implementation Committee and/or Designated Officials, agree to meet at least twice annually, timed to coincide with the planning and reporting cycles, or as agreed to by the Parties to discuss and exchange on issues related to this Agreement, including:

  1. administration and management of the Agreement, including providing a forum for the exchange of information on annual planning priorities and reporting
  2. exchanging information on local challenges and priorities and the results of engagement with relevant stakeholders, including official language minority communities
  3. providing a forum to exchange information on best practices and have discussions related to the implementation of the Agreement, for example, status of data collection, results, expenditures and approach to licensing
  4. improving data collection and dissemination on key ELCC information, including culturally oriented ELCC information for indigenous children, Black and other racialized children, newcomer children, and other groups of children that may require additional consideration for accessing programs and services
  5. review and provide direction to resolve any issues arising from the implementation and management of this Agreement, and from the evaluation of provincial programs supported under this Agreement
  6. monitor progress towards the shared goal of $10/day child care, in consultation with stakeholders
  7. in December 2022, report to the Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan on progress towards Canada and Saskatchewan’s shared goals to date and for the remaining Term of the Agreement

6.3 Canada and Saskatchewan agree to share and release data as available, and share knowledge, research and information on effective and innovative practices in ELCC, to further support the development of and reporting on quality and outcomes. Canada and Saskatchewan agree to work together, and with stakeholders, towards the development of additional measures and indicators that could be included in bilateral agreements in the future that could reinforce the vision for Canada-wide ELCC.

7.0 Communications

7.1 Canada and Saskatchewan agree on the importance of communicating with citizens about the objectives of this Agreement in an open, transparent, effective and proactive manner through appropriate public information activities.

7.2 Canada and Saskatchewan recognize the importance of ensuring that the public is informed of Canada’s financial contributions to Saskatchewan’s ELCC programs and services, funded under this Agreement.

7.3 Saskatchewan agrees to acknowledge Canada’s contribution by including federal identification in all public communications and marketing products, promotional material and advertising. Each government will receive the appropriate credit and visibility when investments financed through funds granted under this Agreement are announced to the public.

7.4 For the purposed visual identity, Canada’s identification are to be determined by Canada, and Saskatchewan’s identification is to be determined by Saskatchewan. The mutually agreed upon visual identity decided by the Parties through their Designated Officials will be applied to all communications materials going forward.

7.5 Canada reserves the right to conduct public communications, announcements, events, outreach and promotional activities about the Framework and bilateral agreements. Canada agrees to give Saskatchewan 10 days’ advance notice and advanced copies of public communications related to the Framework, bilateral agreements, and results of the investments of this Agreement.

7.6 Saskatchewan reserves the right to conduct public communications, announcements, events, outreach and promotional activities about the Framework and bilateral agreements. Saskatchewan agrees to give Canada 10 days’ advance notice and advance copies of public communications related to the Framework, bilateral agreements, and results of the investments of this Agreement.

7.7 Canada and Saskatchewan agree to participate in a joint announcement upon signing of this Agreement.

7.8 Canada and Saskatchewan agree to work together to identify opportunities for joint announcements relating to programs funded under this Agreement.

7.9 Saskatchewan will make best efforts to require service providers, funded under this Agreement to display federal identification to recognize that the programs and services provided receive Canada’s financial assistance.

7.10 Saskatchewan agrees that promotional communications to all groups receiving funding through this Agreement (for example, child care centres, regulated family child care homes, early learning centres, preschools and nursery schools, before-and after-school programming, businesses, associations, unions, training institutions, universities, colleges, and career colleges) will include federal identification and recognize Canada’s financial assistance.

7.11 Canada will provide a mutually agreed upon standard letter to Saskatchewan for use in notifying all recipients of funding from this Agreement, to include federal and Saskatchewan identification and recognize Canada’s financial assistance. Parties may collectively agree on an alternate version that appropriately identifies and recognizes both Parties.

8.0 Dispute resolution

8.1 Canada and Saskatchewan are committed to working together and avoiding disputes through government-to-government information exchange, advance notice, early consultation, and discussion, clarification, and resolution of issues, as they arise.

8.2 If at any time either Canada or Saskatchewan is of the opinion that the other Party has failed to comply with any of its obligations or undertakings under this Agreement or is in breach of any term or condition of the Agreement, Canada or Saskatchewan, as the case may be, may notify the other party in writing of the failure or breach. Upon such notice, Canada and Saskatchewan will endeavour to resolve the issue in dispute bilaterally through their Designated Officials.

8.3 If a dispute cannot be resolved by Designated Officials, then the dispute will be referred to the Deputy Ministers most responsible for ELCC, and if it cannot be resolved by them, then the Federal Minister and Saskatchewan Minister shall endeavour to resolve the dispute.

8.4 If either Party has failed to comply with its obligations or undertakings and where Saskatchewan and Federal Ministers are unable to resolve related disputes, a termination of the Agreement may be pursued in accordance with Section 10.

9.0 Amendments to the agreement

9.1 This Agreement, including all attached annexes, except Annex 1, may be amended at any time by mutual consent of the Parties. To be valid, any amendments shall be in writing and signed by the Parties.

9.2 Waiver

9.3 Failure by any Party to exercise any of its rights, powers, or remedies under this Agreement or its delay to do so does not constitute a waiver of those rights, powers, or remedies. Any waiver by either Party of any of its rights, powers, or remedies under this Agreement must be in writing; and, such a waiver does not constitute a continuing waiver unless it is so explicitly stated.

10.0 Termination

10.1 Canada may terminate this Agreement at any time if the terms of this Agreement are breached by Saskatchewan by giving at least 6 months’ written notice of Canada’s intention to terminate the Agreement. Saskatchewan may terminate this Agreement at any time if the terms of this Agreement are breached by Canada by giving at least 6 months written notice of Saskatchewan’s intention to terminate the Agreement.

10.2 As of the effective date of termination of this Agreement under section 10.1, Canada shall have no obligation to make any further payments to Saskatchewan after the date of effective termination.

11.0 Notice

11.1 Any notice, information or document provided under this Agreement will be effectively delivered or sent by letter, postage or other charges prepaid. Any notice that is delivered will have been received in delivery; and, except in periods of postal disruption, any notice mailed will be deemed to have been received 8 calendar days after being mailed.

The address for notice or communication to Canada shall be:

Social Policy Directorate
140 Promenade du Portage
Gatineau QC  K1A 0J9

The address for notice or communication to Saskatchewan shall be:

Ministry of Education
5th Floor, 2220 College Ave
Regina SK  S4P 4V9

12.0 General

12.1 This Agreement, including Annexes 1 and 2, comprise the entire Agreement entered into by the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.

12.2 This Agreement does not displace federal investments in ELCC, based on the Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework, Annex 1, concluded on June 12, 2017.

12.3 This Agreement shall be interpreted according to the laws of Canada and Saskatchewan.

12.4 No member of the House of Commons or of the Senate of Canada or of the Legislature of Saskatchewan shall be admitted to any share or part of this Agreement, or to any benefit arising therefrom.

12.5 If for any reason a provision of this Agreement that is not a fundamental term is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be or to have become invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, it will be deemed to be severable and will be deleted from this Agreement, but all the other provisions of this Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable.

12. 6 This Agreement is drafted in English at the request of the Parties.

Signed on behalf of Canada by the Minister of Families Children and Social Development at Regina this 13 day of August, 2021.

[Signed by] The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development

Signed on behalf of Saskatchewan by the Minister of Education at Regina this 13 day of August 2021.

[Signed by] The Honourable Dustin Duncan, Minister of Education.

Annex 1: Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework

Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers most responsible for Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC)Footnote 1 agree on the importance of supporting parents, families and communities in their efforts to ensure the best possible future for their children. For more details on this agreement, please consult the Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework.

Annex 2: Part 1 - Saskatchewan’s Canada-wide action plan for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023

In this section


Saskatchewan’s integrated approach to early learning and child care recognizes high quality care and holistic, play-based approaches that best support the development of young children. Investments by Saskatchewan for young children and families are based on research that supports the social, physical, emotional and intellectual development of a child’s early years by helping them to reach their full future potential.

Saskatchewan is committed to building an early learning and child care (ELCC) system guided by a shared vision with Canada, and focused on principles of affordability, accessibility, inclusivity, and high quality. This system is in addition to previous investments made through the fiscal year 2017 to 2018 through fiscal year 2020 to 2021 Canada-Saskatchewan Bilateral Early Learning and Child Care Agreement. In addition, Canada and Saskatchewan are working on extending a current Early Learning and Child Care Agreement to fiscal year 2024 to 2025 which will also include a one-time workforce development investment to support the recruitment and retention of early childhood educators (ECEs), as well as provincial investments in early learning and child care spanning decades. These investments are the foundation upon which the architecture of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Bilateral Agreement will be built.

This system will also be framed by Saskatchewan’s comprehensive approach to early learning and child care, as described by Play and Exploration: Early Learning Program Guide, which is the foundational curriculum to guide quality practice and approaches in the sector. The guide lays out the principles of holistic, responsive and developmentally appropriate early learning and child care programs. High quality programs focus on the healthy development of the whole child – social, emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual development. These programs engage children and their families through healthy, safe, culturally sensitive and stimulating programs that promote children’s abilities and interests. Saskatchewan’s vision is that all programs will reflect the vision, principles and quality elements described in the Play and Exploration curriculum, which has the flexibility to adapt to the particular needs of children and families they serve and the community context in which they operate.

This provincial early learning framework places good child outcomes at the centre of the work of educators, families, and communities. Saskatchewan recognizes its role in supporting good outcomes for young children and their families as part of the extended community in which children grow and learn. The child care sector in Saskatchewan is diverse and reflects the various needs and choices of families. In addition to child care centres, there are also numerous other arrangements in the province, such as family child care homes, private preschools, and before and after-school child care programs.

The early years sector further extends beyond child care in the province, and includes Early Childhood Intervention Programs, KidsFirst, Family Resource Centres, Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten, and the library and literacy sector.Footnote 2 Child care is embedded within the early years sector, and throughout Saskatchewan’s realization of the principles of this agreement, the province will continue to build bridges across programs to support early childhood educators and other service providers to meet the needs of Saskatchewan’s children and families.

Key principles

Shared vision: Saskatchewan and Canada are committed to collaborating on a universal high quality early learning and child care system that is inclusive, affordable, flexible and accessible to all Saskatchewan children and families.

Affordability: This agreement demonstrates a commitment to further expand the provision of average parent fees of $10 a day, for child care for children under 6 (ages 0 to 5) for all regulated spaces by the end of fiscal year 2025 to 2026.

Access: Saskatchewan and Canada agree to make investments directed towards increasing the number of spaces so that families have access to affordable, high quality early learning and child care opportunities.

Inclusive: This agreement supports inclusive programming for children that require additional supports to access early learning programs, as well as vulnerable children and children from diverse populations. This agreement focuses on working collaboratively with First Nations and Metis partners to ensure Indigenous children have access to affordable, high-quality, and culturally appropriate early learning and child care.

Quality: Qualified early childhood educators (ECEs) are a significant factor predicting good outcomes for young children. Focusing on ensuring there is a qualified workforce to support the developmental outcomes of young children is essential.

Saskatchewan’s approach to a Canada-wide system

Priority 1: Enhance affordability

Under the principle of affordability, the Canada-Saskatchewan action plan includes reducing out-of- pocket parent fees for regulated early learning and child care spaces for children aged 0 to 5:

To address affordability, Saskatchewan will work to enhance our existing system through fee reductions for parents as well as through modification in how child care operators are currently funded to meet all the principles under this agreement.

Sustainable predictable child care funding

A change in how child care is funded in the province provides a wonderful opportunity to ensure that child care operators have access to sustainable long-term funding to sustain their core operations. The intent of the revised approach to funding would reflect the way that child care facilities operate and to ensure child care quality is not impacted by lower parent fees.

This will provide the foundation for future expansion of regulated child care facilities to ensure there is a long term sustainable, high quality, child care system in Saskatchewan that will offer choice for parents.

Child care fee reductions for parents

Starting in fiscal year 2021 to 2022, regulated not-for-profit child care providers will be eligible for parent fee reduction funding to ensure that parents out of pocket fees will be reduced by an average of 50% from March 2019 levels. This will reduce the range of variability by bringing the out of pocket fees closer, and ultimately aligned at $10 per day.

Ongoing core funding will be provided to regulated non-profit child care operators to reduce parent fees by one half for children 0 to 5 years of age in accordance with the target date of December 2022.

Beginning in fiscal year 2021 to 2022, with the help of an enhanced core operational funding and an aligned child care subsidy program, work on affordability will focus on movement to reach the target of an average of $10/day child care fees by the end of fiscal year 2025 to 2026. Increased funding for operations will be combined with direction for restructured fees for parents. These changes will culminate in defined child care fees consistent with the targets. This increased funding will result in reduced fees for virtually all families with children 0 to 5 years old in regulated childcare who are paying more than $200/month even bringing a small percentage of fees down to $10/day. This is expected to benefit approximately 22,000 children by the end of fiscal year 2022 to 2023.

To put this in perspective, the range of monthly fees in Saskatchewan licensed facilities as of March 31, 2021 are as follows:

Table 2: Range of monthly fees in Saskatchewan
Age group Low – centre based High – centre based Low – home based High – home based
Infant $400 $1,300 $550 $1,200
Toddler $400 $1,180 $450 $1,150
Preschool $400 $1,180 $350 $950
Kindergarten $335 $820 $350 $950

Regulated providers can expect an increased amount of operational funding for each age category that will be ensure parents experience reduced fees.

By December 2022 or earlier, average fees will be reduced by at least 50% of the 2019 provincial average in each category, down to a minimum of $200 per month (no fees less than $10/day).

Table 3: Investment for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023 to achieve the affordability target
Target Investment for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 (in $ millions) Investment for fiscal year 2022 to 2023 (in $ millions)
Affordability - Reduction in parent fees by 50% $93.558 $125.474
Affordability targets

Priority 2: Access

Increasing access to quality early learning and child care is fundamental to this agreement. As of March 31, 2021, Saskatchewan had 17,665 (full-time equivalent) licensed child care spaces. The majority (98%) of Saskatchewan’s early learning and child care spaces are in not-for-profit centres and homes. Only not-for-profit child care centres are eligible to receive grant funding from the Ministry of Education.

Under this agreement, Saskatchewan will increase regulated spaces to ensure anyone in Saskatchewan who wants child care will be able to access it. By the end of fiscal 2025 to 2026, Saskatchewan will increase the net number of regulated spaces for children age 0 to 5 by at least 28,000. This is the estimated number of new full-time equivalent spaces required to reach a 59% coverage rate in Saskatchewan and to meet the expected demand for spaces in the province at the $10/day average price for child care targeted for fiscal year 2025 to 2026.

Saskatchewan will also develop an expansion and strategy plan as part of preparations for the second (fiscal year 2023 to 2024 through fiscal year 2025 to 2026) action plan under the agreement with a focus on ensuring additional centre based spaces will be available in more urban areas, as population warrants. The expansion plan may also include, for example:

To support the development of this plan, Saskatchewan will continue to work with communities and partners to enhance early learning and child care so families who would like to have access to affordable, high quality ELCC opportunities regardless of where they live. This consultation with communities and partners will:

Our experience in providing dedicated child care for pandemic response workers in 2020 demonstrated a need and openness to more flexible/extended hours and consideration would be given to provide ongoing support for sustained availability of such a service. Building on existing and establishing new partnerships will ensure that child care in Saskatchewan is reflective of the diverse communities in the province.

For fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023, Saskatchewan will target to increase regulated child care spaces by 12,100 (full-time equivalent) by using a range of flexible options including regulated not-for-profit child care centres, small child-care facilities, and family-based child care. This will provide a foundation to achieve a target of 28,000 new regulated not-for-profit regulated spaces by the end of the agreement in fiscal year 2025 to 2026.

Table 4: Target and investment for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023 for the creation of new regulated not-for-profit spaces
Indicator Fiscal year 2021 to 2022 target Fiscal year 2021 to 2022 investment (in $ millions) Fiscal year 2022 to 2023 target Fiscal year 2022 to 2023 investment (in $ millions) Cumulative target Total investment (in $ millions)
Increase spaces 6,000
16.326 6,100
33.501 12,100
Access targets

Priority 3: Inclusion

Child care should be responsive to the unique needs of all children and families taking into consideration culture, identity, language, and individual needs.

As detailed below, Saskatchewan will work with a range of partners to develop plans and options to ensure that vulnerable children from diverse populations will have equitable access to regulated child care that meets their unique needs.

To facilitate parental choice and relevant child care options, Saskatchewan will invest in fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023 in defining a range of child care options that best meets the needs and interests of our diverse population. This range of options will inform the space development for vulnerable families such as newcomers to Canada, Black and racialized children, and official language minorities, to ensure that the choices are flexible yet responsive to families who may not be best served by traditional child care models in later years of the agreement. Saskatchewan will draw on the expertise of early childhood experts, families, and service providers to define the range of relevant models that meet unique needs.

Saskatchewan has enjoyed measured progress in working with First Nations and Métis partners to develop responsive child care including working with First Nations to develop more child care spaces and meeting regularly with Métis officials regarding early learning and child care priorities and initiatives for their members. With the Canada-Saskatchewan ELCC Agreement fiscal year 2017 to 2018 through fiscal year 2020 to 2021, Saskatchewan invested in professional development, and resources for the early learning and child care sector including aboriginal awareness training (over 1000 participants), indigenous early learning books for early learning programs and consulted with First Nations organizations and elders in the creation of spiritual development materials for educators to facilitate a sense of belonging, culture and awareness. Saskatchewan also has mechanisms in place to license on-reserve child care centres if a First Nation invites the province to do so. There are currently 2 on-reserve child care centres that are provincially licensed.

In fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023, Saskatchewan will invest in engaging with First Nations and Métis organizations to develop a plan for a coordinated system that reflects the needs and demands of Saskatchewan’s First Nations and Métis peoples that is centered on children, grounded in culture, guided by leaders in indigenous early learning and child care in the province. The resulting plan will guide the actions for access to affordable, high quality and culturally relevant early learning and child care in fiscal year 2024 to 2025 and fiscal year 2025 to 2026.

In fiscal year 2021 to 2022, Saskatchewan will focus on supporting vulnerable children who are not currently engaged or who have minimal involvement to make smooth transitions to child care. This will be accomplished through partnerships between early childhood development programs working with vulnerable families and child care to support children to transition to developmentally appropriate child care programs. This action will focus on identifying children for transition, creating awareness amongst families about the importance and value of early learning and care, and helping families to navigate supports and services.

Supporting inclusive early learning and child care opportunities for young children experiencing disability is a priority for Saskatchewan. The Saskatchewan Plan for Growth lays out the goal that Saskatchewan will be the best place in Canada to live for persons with disabilities. This goal is affirmed in The Saskatchewan Disability Strategy, which aims to improve programs, and services so that Saskatchewan is the best place in Canada to live for persons experiencing disability, including through Recommendation #8:

Saskatchewan’s Disability Strategy strives to take an inclusive approach to disability by developing environments that consider everyone’s needs. The province has worked towards inclusion of children in child care settings as a foundational approach. Currently the province does not designate specific spaces for children experiencing disabilities allowing for children to access child care as any other child. Funding is provided for children with additional needs through 2 funding envelopes.

With the Canada-Saskatchewan ELCC Agreement fiscal year 2017 to 2018 through fiscal year 2020 to 2021, Saskatchewan invested in professional development invested in inclusion training for early childhood educators and enhanced accessibility funding. Building on the success of recent initiatives for children with disabilities and drawing on the skills and experience of our early learning community, Saskatchewan will continue to improve access to child care for children with disabilities. In fiscal year 2022 to 2023, Saskatchewan will strive to further build capacity within the child care sector to fully engage children with disabilities in child care programs. This will be accomplished by leveraging the skills, tools, and existing relationships with early childhood development partners to facilitate program planning for Early Childhood Educators working directly with children with disabilities. It is anticipated that this investment will result in improved child development, greater participation in child care and improved skills and knowledge for early childhood educators.

Saskatchewan’s funding model review will consider the need to review support for enhanced accessibility for children with disabilities with the goal of identifying opportunities for greater efficiency and effectiveness. It is anticipated with fee reductions and supported transition that there will be a greater need for enhanced accessibility support. From fiscal year 2021 to 2022 through fiscal year 2022 to 2023, Saskatchewan will invest additional enhanced accessibility support for children experiencing disability. The enhanced accessibility grant provides $2000 a month to support the full inclusion of children in the care program. In addition, this coupled with the increased capacity of sector professionals to engage children with disabilities will facilitate enhanced individual supports for children with disabilities.

Table 5: Saskatchewan’s targets and investment for inclusion
Component Target for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 Investment for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 (in $ millions) Target for fiscal year 2022 to 2023 Investment for fiscal year 2022 to 2023 (in $ millions) Cumulative target Total investment (in $ millions)
First Nations and Métis engagement N/A 0.400 N/A 0.300 N/A 0.700
Develop a range of flexible options N/A 0.250 N/A 0.250 N/A 0.500
Transitioning vulnerable children 150
0.975 150
0.975 300 children 1.95
Children experiencing disability 100
0.251 100
0.251 200 children 0.502
Enhance accessibility 100
0.200 100
0.200 200 children 0.400
Child care subsidy TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
Total N/A 2.076 350 children 1.976 700 children 4.052
Inclusion targets

Priority 4: Quality

Supporting the quality of the early learning and child care system has always been a priority for Saskatchewan, and this priority was reaffirmed by Saskatchewan’s Early Years Plan and the Education Sector Strategic Plan. Investing in quality is important because it yields dividends for child outcomes. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Starting Strong III, “well-educated, well-trained professionals are the key factor in providing high-quality [early childhood education] with the most favourable cognitive and social outcomes for children.”

The foundation of quality in Saskatchewan’s early learning and child care programs is the early learning framework Play and Exploration: Early Learning Program Guide. Quality educator practice is guided by this framework, and an array of related professional development supports that are currently housed on the province’s online resource repository, the Early Learning Portal. Saskatchewan will continue to support and encourage the adoption of this early learning framework in new child care spaces that are developed in the province. Saskatchewan will also enhance investments in the province’s Professional Development Grant proportional to the creation of new spaces to support ECEs and child care home providers to participate in professional learning opportunities.

In addition, under the 2017 to 2021 Canada-Saskatchewan Bilateral Early Learning and Child Care Agreement, Saskatchewan has been working toward the development and implementation of a differential monitoring system. This tool will allow for a greater focus on child care facilities that struggle with compliance and in turn lead to additional support for those facilities to meet regulated standards. In addition, there will be a quality measure integrated in this tool to assess high quality in early learning and child care programs, surpassing regulated standards. Early learning and child care programs that demonstrate higher quality environments are shown to be better equipped to foster outcomes like improved child developmental outcomes and school readiness. 

The province will continue to collaborate with experts in the field of risk-based assessment so that the differential monitoring system will reflect current research and best practice. This change in approach to licensing will also provide the opportunity to develop innovation and quality measures for child care in Saskatchewan in a more systematic way. This will provide a basis for better data-informed decision making within the licensed system.

In addition, the province has a series of regulations that outline the standards of quality delivery which are further detailed in the licensees manual that are provided to each operator in the province. We provide board training to all of the not-for-profit operators to ensure they understand their role in the delivery of high quality child care in their facility.

This investment builds upon quality in Saskatchewan early years settings, the foundation of which is the province’s overarching early learning framework Play and Exploration: Early Learning Program Guide. Quality educator practice is guided by the foundational curriculum of the framework, and a constellation of related professional development supports. The guide lays out the principles of holistic, responsive and developmentally appropriate early learning and child care programs. High quality programs focus on the healthy development of the whole child – social, emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual development. These programs engage children and their families through healthy, safe, culturally sensitive and stimulating programs that promote children’s abilities and interests.

Saskatchewan will support the momentum of the forthcoming fiscal year 2021 to 2022 Early Childhood Education workforce initiative components, including: increased support for early childhood educators, building a qualified workforce and continuous professional learning and skills enhancement.

As the Government of Saskatchewan registers regulated providers and administers the fee reduction grant, the Government will ensure that regulatory regime achieves the same or higher standards of quality, including safety and qualifications for operators, as mandated in its current regulatory requirements.

The Government of Saskatchewan will also continue to consult with child care providers, parents, and stakeholders on requirements and opportunities to access further training, professionalization and career development opportunities.

Providers who have previously operated a home child care for more than one year and choose to become registered will have until August 31, 2023 to fully meet the educational requirements.

Component 1: Increased support for ECEs
Component 2: Building a qualified workforce
Component 3: Continuous professional learning and skills enhancement

In fiscal year 2022 to 2023, Saskatchewan will invest in professional development activities responsive to the needs and interests of the sector, in consultation with the province’s child care association and provincial training partners. Saskatchewan will also extend the professional development grant to ensure that more ECEs are able to access the grant, in proportion to any increases in regulated child care spaces.

Fiscal year 2022 to 2023 targets and estimates – Quality (sustaining ECE workforce initiatives and planning for future needs)

As the Government of Saskatchewan registers regulated providers and administers the fee reduction grant, the Government will ensure that regulatory regime achieves the same or higher standards of quality, including safety and qualifications for operators, as mandated in its current regulatory requirements.

The Government of Saskatchewan will also continue to consult with child care providers, parents, and stakeholders on requirements and opportunities to access further training, professionalization and career development opportunities.

Table 6: Saskatchewan’s ECEs target and estimates for fiscal year 2022 to 2023
Component Target Estimate (in $ millions)
Increased support for
  • Core funding to support ECE compensation in licensed facilities
Building a qualified workforce
  • Continuing with bursaries of up to $5,000 provided to full-time ECE students in the 2023 academic year
  • Post-secondary institutions will be prepared to respond to any demands in increased ECE training seats, and the development and delivery of non-traditional and flexible ECE models will be explored
  • An enhancement to the tuition reimbursement grant funding envelope will be made in anticipation of space increases (and corresponding need for additional ECEs)
Continuous professional learning and skills enhancement
  • Professional learning opportunities addressing the interests and needs of the sector will be developed in consultation with sector partners.
  • An enhancement to the professional development grant funding envelope will be made in anticipation of space increases (and corresponding need for additional ECEs)
Total N/A 15.7
Quality targets

Priority 5: reporting and administration

The Canada-wide Agreement allows for up to 10% of the maximum annual allocation to support costs incurred by Saskatchewan to support the growth, expansion and administration of the agreement in fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023 Saskatchewan will invest in administration funding for additional staffing, program and policy development, and system enhancements to support implementation, data collection, reporting, and accountability.

To support the expanded system, Saskatchewan will increase the sector resource to drive the implementation and continued level of quality in the system through increased resources for licensing, monitoring, policy development, accountability and reporting and program implementation.

Saskatchewan will invest in a child care data system that is in alignment with future funding of childcare, and will make available relevant financial and administrative data needed to demonstrate progress. Effort will be made to ensure that data system is capable of reporting on the desired attributes of children, as defined in the agreement. Data may also be acquired through an annual census when necessary.

Saskatchewan will conduct an annual census of child care providers and will share the results with Canada.

To support the ongoing improvement of Saskatchewan’s system, the province will also utilize standard program review processes to identify how it could enhance its public management of its system, planning and reporting.

Saskatchewan will also examine a variety of ways to support its overall management of Canada-wide child care implementation. As plans develop, this could include, but not be limited to:

Summary of investments for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023

Note: This table was changed for accessibility reasons.

Table 7: Summary of investments for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023
Category of investment Summary of Canada-wide investments Fiscal year 2021 to 2022 (in $ millions) Fiscal year 2022 to 2023 (in $ millions)
Affordability 50% reduction in parent fees for regulated spaces 66.967 71.565
Affordability Parent fee reduction for expansion 26.591 53.909
Affordability Subtotal 93.558 125.474
Access (59% coverage rate) Increase in Spaces (12,100 by 2022 to 2023) 16.326 33.501
Inclusion First Nations and Metis engagement 0.400 0.300
Inclusion Inclusion initiatives in child care and early learning 1.676 1.676
Inclusion Subsidy TBD TBD
Quality Workforce strategy - ECE compensation* ELCC – forthcoming early childhood workforce funding agreement – fiscal year 2021 to 2022 11.000
Quality Training and qualifications* ELCC – forthcoming early childhood workforce funding agreement – fiscal year 2021 to 2022 4.700
Planning, reporting and administration Child care system strategy 0.250 N/A
Planning, reporting and administration Data system - development 1.000 2.000
Planning, reporting and administration Administration (up to 10%) 1.200 1.200
All Total 114.410 179.851
N/A Available funding 114.410 179.851

*The funding identified for fiscal year 2022 to 2023 will continue to build on early childhood workforce investments for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 that are fully outlined in the forthcoming Canada-Saskatchewan Early Learning and Child Care Agreement – fiscal year 2021 to 2022 though fiscal year 2025 to 2026.

Canada-wide ELCC reporting indicators

A Canada-wide child care system requires significant expansion of data and reporting to ensure a system that is accessible, affordable, inclusive and of high-quality for all Canadian families, including families in Saskatchewan. The table below provides an outline of data that will be captured with federal funds, and where current gaps exist in reporting capacity. This data collection will help monitor progress, identify gaps in the system and inform policy development to support the Canada-wide child care vision.

Table 8: Saskatchewan’s reporting indicators to support the Canada-wide vision

Note: This table was changed for accessibility reasons.

Table 8a: Saskatchewan’s reporting indicators to support the Canada-wide vision – Principle: Affordability
Outcome Indicator Targets Current data availability Annual report
Decrease the average daily child care fee Average daily parental out-of-pocket fee for regulated child care spaces at the end of each Fiscal Year 50% reduction in parent fees by 2022
An average of $10 a day by fiscal year 2025 to 2026 for all regulated child care spaces
Administrative data TBD
Decrease the average daily child care fee Number of children aged under age 6 and 6 to 12 years receiving fee subsidies, broken down by families receiving partial and full subsidies TBD Administrative data TBD
Table 8b: Saskatchewan’s reporting indicators to support the Canada-wide vision – Principle: Access
Outcome Indicator Targets Current data availability Annual report
Increase number of ELCC spaces available Number of ELCC spaces available during the Fiscal Year - broken down by age groups of child and type of setting Approximately 28,000 full-time equivalent spaces for children aged 0 to 5 by fiscal year 2025 to 2026 Administrative data TBD
Increase number of ELCC spaces available Number of net new spaces created during the Fiscal Year - broken down by age groups of child and type of setting 6000 new full-time equivalent spaces for children aged 0 to 5 by fiscal year end of fiscal year 2021 to 2022.
6,100 new full-time equivalent spaces for children aged 0 to 5 by end of fiscal year 2022 to 2023.
Administrative data TBD
Increase number of ELCC spaces available Number of children on waiting lists to access regulated ELCC spaces TBD Data currently not available TBD
Table 8c: Saskatchewan’s reporting indicators to support the Canada-wide vision – Principle: Quality
Outcome Indicator Targets Current data availability Annual report
Increase quality early learning and child care Number and percentage of staff working in regulated child care programs in who fully meet the certification/educational requirements 15 percentage point increase of staff working in regulated child care programs who fully meet certification/educational requirements Administrative data TBD
Increase quality early learning and child care Wages of the early childhood workforce according to the categories of certification, including any wage enhancements, top-ups and/or supplements Develop and implement a wage grid Administrative data annual
Increase quality early learning and child care Annual public expenditure on training and professional development of the early childhood workforce TBD Administrative data TBD
Increase quality early learning and child care Average child-to-staff ratio among licensed child care service providers Maximum centre size: 90 spaces (maximum of 12 infant spaces); Maximum staff-child ratios: Infants (less than 18 months) 1 to 3; Toddlers (19  to 29 months) 1 to 5; Preschool (30 months to 6 years) 1 to 10; School-age (grade 1 to 12 years) 1 to 15 Administrative data TBD
Table 8d: Saskatchewan’s reporting indicators to support the Canada-wide vision – Principle: Inclusivity
Outcome Indicator Targets Current data availability Annual report
Increase number of inclusive spaces Number of inclusive spaces created/converted – broken down by age group of child and type of setting TBD Data not currently available TBD
Increase number of inclusive spaces Number of children receiving the Enhanced Accessibility Grant 200 children will benefit from this grant Administrative data TBD
Increase number of inclusive spaces Number and proportion of centers/providers that provide flexible arrangements (such as, non-traditional arrangements such as flexible/irregular hours, weekend and emergency services; and geographic distribution of spaces) for harder-to-serve populations of children TBD Data not currently available TBD
Increase number of inclusive spaces Number of children under age 6 and 6 to 12 years with disabilities/varying abilities that are in regulated ELCC  spaces TBD Data not currently available TBD
Increase number of inclusive spaces Number or proportion of child care service providers who provide services that are adapted to the needs of children with disabilities or special needs TBD Data not currently available TBD
Increase number of inclusive spaces Number of Indigenous children under age 6 years in regulated ELCC spaces, where possible broken down by distinction-based TBD Data not currently available TBD
Increase number of inclusive spaces Number of racialized Canadian children, including Black Canadian children under age 6 in regulated ELCC spaces TBD Data not currently available TBD

Table 9: Targeted Canada-wide ELCC Improvements for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023

Note: This table was changed for accessibility reasons.

Table 9a: Targeted Canada-wide ELCC Improvements for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023 – Affordability
Initiative Proposed activity and expected impacts Target Fiscal year 2021 to 2022 (in $ millions) Fiscal year 2022 to 2023 (in $ millions)
Fee reduction through core funding To support a 50% fee reduction for children aged 0 to 5, Saskatchewan will implement an increase in core funding.  Approximately 22,000 children expected to benefit by end of calendar year 2022 Fee reduction by an average of 50% by end of the calendar year 2022 for all children aged 0 to 5 who want a space
Fee reduction to an average of $10/day by the end of fiscal year 2025 to 2026 for all children aged 0 to 5 who want a space
93.558 125.474
Table 9b: Targeted Canada-wide ELCC Improvements for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023 – Access
Initiative Proposed activity and expected impacts Target Fiscal year 2021 to 2022 (in $ millions) Fiscal year2022 to 2023 (in $ millions)
Increased infant, toddler, pre- kindergarten, and preschool spaces Increase regulated spaces to ensure anyone in Saskatchewan who wants child care will be able to access it. By the end of fiscal year 2025 to 2026, Saskatchewan will increase the net number of regulated spaces for children age 0 to 5 by at least 28,000.This is the estimated number of new full-time equivalent spaces required to reach a 59% coverage rate. 6000 new full-time equivalent spaces for children aged 0 to 5 by end of fiscal year 2021 to 2022
6100 new full-time equivalent spaces for children aged 0 to 5 by end of fiscal year 2022 to 2023
28,000 FTE spaces for children age 0 to 5 by fiscal year 2025 to 2026
16.326 33.501
Develop an expansion and strategy plan as part of preparations for the second (fiscal year 2023 to 2024 to fiscal year 2025 to 2026) action plan under the agreement The expansion and strategy plan as part of preparations for the fiscal year 2023 to 2024 to fiscal year 2025 to 2026 action plan under the agreement will focus on ensuring additional centre based spaces will be available in more urban areas, as population warrants Plan completed by end of fiscal year 2022 to 2023 N/A N/A
Table 9c: Targeted Canada-wide ELCC Improvements for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023 – Inclusion
Initiative Proposed activity and expected impacts Target Fiscal year 2021 to 2022 (in $ millions) Fiscal year 2022 to 2023 (in $ millions)
Develop collaborative plan with relevant stakeholder groups including but not limited to children with disabilities, newcomers, black and other racialized and official minorities In fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023, Saskatchewan will invest in engaging with relevant stakeholder groups to develop a plan for flexible models including space creation Plan completed by end of fiscal year 2022 to 2023 0.250 0.250
Transitioning vulnerable children Saskatchewan will focus on supporting vulnerable children who are not currently engaged or who have minimal involvement to make smooth transitions to child care 300 vulnerable children will be supported 0.975 0.975
Develop a collaborative plan with relevant First Nations and Métis Nation organizations in Saskatchewan In fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023, Saskatchewan will invest in engaging with First Nations and Métis organizations to develop a plan for a coordinated system Plan completed by end of fiscal year 2022 to 2023 0.400 0.300
Increased supports for children with disabilities Additional investments through the Enhanced Accessibility Grant to support the full inclusion of children in the care program 200 children will benefit from this grant 0.200 0.200
Increased supports for children with disabilities Build capacity within the child care sector to fully engage children with disabilities in child care programs 200 children will benefit from this increased support 0.251 0.251
Table 9d: Targeted Canada-wide ELCC Improvements for fiscal year 2021 to 2022 and fiscal year 2022 to 2023 – Quality
Initiative Proposed Activity and Expected Impacts Target Fiscal year 2021 to 2022 Fiscal year 2022 to 2023 (in $ millions)
Registration of regulated providers and administration of the fee reduction grant Ensure that regulatory regime achieves the same or higher standards of quality, including safety and qualifications for operators, as mandated in its current regulatory requirements as the Government of Saskatchewan registers regulated providers and administers the fee reduction grant Ongoing N/A N/A
Consultations with child care providers, parents, and stakeholders Continued consultations with child care providers, parents, and stakeholders on requirements and opportunities to access further training, professionalization and career development opportunities Ongoing N/A N/A
Increased support for ECEs Increased support for qualified Early Childhood Educators Develop a wage grid by fiscal year 2022 to 2023
78% of staff certified to receive additional support in fiscal year 2021 to 2022 (early ELCC Workforce Agreement funding – fiscal year 2021 to 2022)
Support an estimated 1800 ECEs
N/A. Complemented by fiscal year 2021 to 2022 ELCC Workforce Agreement funding 11 (separate from 2021 to 2022 workforce funding)
Building a Qualified Workforce Continuing enhance certification levels and bring more qualified ECEs into the profession
Supporting education costs for prospective and current ECEs
15 percentage point increase of staff working in regulated child care programs who fully meet certification/educational requirements.
Up to 150 bursaries
Up to 500 ECEs with training support grant
N/A. Complemented by fiscal year 2021 to 2022 ELCC Workforce Agreement funding 3.55
Continuous professional learning and skills enhancement Professional learning opportunities addressing the interests and needs of the sector will be developed in consultation with sector partners 50% of child care staff participate in continuous professional learning and skills enhancement N/A. Complemented by fiscal year 2021 to 2022 ELCC Workforce Agreement funding 1.15

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