Caregiver readiness

Transcript - Caregiver readiness


We think about taking care of people in our lives every day.
We make plans for our career, retirement, even inheritance.
But do we ever think about preparing to be a caregiver?
Today, over 8 million Canadians are caregivers for someone they know.
And this number is expected to increase as a result of our aging population.
At some point - you will likely need to care for someone you know by helping them with groceries, appointments or finances.
From a physical disability, mental health challenge to long term illness —
a family member, a close friend or a neighbour might need your help.
Now is the time to make a plan.
Talk about it.
Start a care conversation now.
Before an emergency happens.
Think about what matters to both of you and review a checklist together.
Know the care options.
Talk to the health care providers.
Know who to call in an emergency.
Reach out for support. And remember the number one rule:
take care of yourself first.
Because being healthy means you‘ll be ready to care for those you love.
So talk about it. Plan now.
Being prepared helps. For more information, go to

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