Government of Canada seeks projects to help increase access for persons with disabilities

News release

October 18, 2023          Gatineau, Quebec            Employment and Social Development Canada

All Canadians should have equal access to programs, services and supports. That is why the Government of Canada continues to invest in programs that help remove barriers to accessibility, increase inclusion, and empower persons with disabilities to fully engage in their communities.

Today, Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, Kamal Khera, launched a new call for proposals (CFP) under the Enabling Accessibility Fund’s (EAF) mid-sized projects component. Up to $3 million per project is available under this CFP to support larger new construction, renovation and/or retrofit projects. Proposed projects can take place in workplaces, respite centers, sport centers, and community centers, and aimed at increasing access to programs and services targeted to persons with disabilities who are on active waitlists.

To be eligible for this funding, the facility must be used by an organization that either exclusively serves persons with disabilities or offers more than one program, service and/or support targeted to persons with disabilities.  An example would be the expansion of a respite center to help accommodate more participants in day programs and thereby reduce an existing waitlist of persons with disabilities seeking access to these programs.

Eligible organizations are invited to submit their funding application(s) by December 13, 2023 (TBC) at 5:00 p.m. EST online at information sessions will be offered to support organizations through the application process. More information on those information sessions will be available on the Enabling Accessibility Fund funding page link.

This funding supports the development of accessible and inclusive communities, aligning with the Government’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan, which strive to build a truly inclusive Canada, free of physical, societal, and attitudinal barriers.


“Sometimes, all a person with disabilities needs to fully engage in their communities is a ramp to access the service centers they use or accessible washrooms at their workplace. Through the Enabling Accessibility Fund, we're empowering organizations across the country to create meaningful improvements to their facilities, ensuring more persons with disabilities can readily access the services and programs they deserve. This initiative isn't just about infrastructure; it's about fostering a more inclusive Canada, where everyone has the opportunity to participate fully and equally."

Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, Kamal Khera

Quick facts

  • The 2017 Canada Survey on Disability found that one in five Canadians aged 15 and over—or about 6.2 million persons—report having a disability.

  • The Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) is a federal grants and contributions program that supports construction, renovation and retrofit projects across Canada that improve the accessibility, safety, and inclusion of persons with disabilities in communities and the labour market. Over 7,200 projects have been funded under the EAF since its launch in 2007, helping thousands of Canadians gain access to programs, services, and employment opportunities in their communities.

  • Budget 2023 committed $10 million over two years, beginning in 2024-25, to support additional projects under the mid-sized component of EAF and help address the unique needs and ongoing barriers faced by persons with disabilities in communities and workplaces across the country.

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For media enquiries, please contact:

Laurent de Casanove
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities

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Employment and Social Development Canada

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