Numeracy self-assessment

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Numeracy is the ability to use and understand numbers. Strong numeracy skills are essential in both workplace tasks (for example budgeting, performing calculations, taking measurements) and in everyday life (for example managing money, baking, estimating driving distances). Complete this self-assessment to help you understand your numeracy strengths and areas for improvement.


  1. Read each statement in Section 1 and place a check mark in the column that best describes how well you can complete that task. Tip: Think about your work and life experiences as you consider each task.
  2. Review your responses for each task. If you have checked five or more in the “Somewhat” and/or “No” columns, you may want to consider upgrading your numeracy skills.
  3. Complete Section 2 to identify your training needs.

Section 1: Self-assessment

I can... Yes Somewhat No
Perform simple calculations such as addition and subtraction.      
Receive cash payments and make change.
Calculate the cost of items on a bill.
Take simple measurements (for example length, weight, temperature).
Make comparisons (for example taller or shorter, heavier or lighter, greater than or less than).
Record time using digital and standard clocks, watches, or timers.
Estimate quantities (for example I need approximately 20 copies).
Estimate measurements (for example it is approximately three feet wide).
Perform calculations that require multiplication and/or division.
Calculate percentages.
Calculate the area of common shapes (for example square, triangle, circle).
Create and balance budgets.
Create and monitor schedules (for example staffing or project schedules).
Perform measurement conversions (for example inches to centimetres, millilitres to litres).
Calculate simple averages.
Estimate the time required to complete specific tasks.
Perform calculations that require multiple steps or operations.
Calculate areas and volumes of irregular shapes.
Measure curved and irregular lengths.
Take precise measurements using specialized equipment.
Analyze and compare statistical data.
Compare similar products with differing cost structures to determine the best value.
Manage complex budgets (for example preparing financial statements, forecasting materials).
Make accurate estimates when information is limited.

Section 2: Personal development

Completing this section will help you make informed training decisions.

Numeracy strengths

I am confident that I can…

For example receive cash payments and make change.

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

Tip: Consider using your strengths to help a colleague, friend or family member improve their numeracy skills.

Areas for improvement

I would like to improve my ability to…

For example calculate areas and volumes of irregular shapes.

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

Tip: When developing your training plan, focus on improving one or two abilities at a time.

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