Quarterly Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security benefit amounts and related figures – April to June 2023

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Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP): Type of benefit
New benefits

Maximum amount 2023
CPPFootnote 1 QPPFootnote 1
Retirement (at age 65) $1,306.57 $1,306.57
Post–Retirement Benefit (CPP) (at age 65)Footnote 2 $40.25 not applicable
Retirement Pension Supplement (QPP) not applicable $31.72
Disability $1,538.67 $1,537.13
CPP post-retirement disability benefitFootnote 3 $558.74 not applicable
Survivor: younger than 65 $707.95 (Details QPP)
Survivor: 65 and older $783.94 $804.13
Children of disabled contributor $281.72 $89.45
Children of deceased contributor $281.72 $281.72
Death (maximum one-time payment) $2,500.00 $2,500.00
Combined benefits
Survivor and retirement
(retirement at 65)
$1,313.13 $1,315.95
Survivor and disability $1,542.77 $1,868.59
Disability and survivor amounts 2023
Flat amount Earnings-related portion Total
CPP disability benefit $558.74 $979.93 $1,538.67
CPP post-retirement disability benefitFootnote 3 $558.74 $0.00 $558.74
CPP survivor benefit: younger than 65 $217.99 $489.96 $707.95
QPP disability benefit $558.71 $978.42 $1,537.13
QPP additional amount for disabilityFootnote 3 $558.71 $0.00 $558.71
Details of QPP benefits
QPP survivor benefit: younger than 45
Flat amount Earnings-related portion Total
Not disabled, no child $143.10 $506.10 $649.20
Not disabled, with child $518.78 $506.10 $1,024.88
Disabled $558.71 $506.10 $1,064.81
QPP survivors: age 45 to 64 $558.71 $506.10 $1,064.81
Old Age Security (OAS): Type of benefit
April to June 2023
Maximum amount Footnote 4 Income level cut-off Footnote 5 Income level cut-off for top-ups Footnote 5
Old Age Security pension (at age 65 to 74) Footnote 6, Footnote 7 $691.00 not applicable not applicable
Old Age Security pension (age 75 and over) Footnote 6, Footnote 7 $760.10 not applicable not applicable
Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
Single $1,032.10 $20,952 $9,680
Spouse or common-law partner of someone who:
does not receive an OAS pension $1,032.10 $50,208 $19,360
receives an OAS pension $621.25 $27,648 $8,416
is an Allowance recipient $621.25 $38,736 $8,416
Allowance $1,312.25 $38,736 $8,416
Allowance for the Survivor $1,564.30 $28,224 $9,680
Other CPP and QPP figures
Year's maximum pensionable earnings (YMPE) (2023) $66,600.00 $66,600.00
Year's basic exemption (2023) $3,500.00 $3,500.00
Contributions (2021 to 2022) $64,640 million $18,400 million
Number of contributors (2020) 14.4 million (estimated) 4.2 million
Indexation rate (January 2023) 6.5% 6.5%
Base Enhancement Total Base Enhancement Total
Contribution rate for employee and employer 4.95% 1.00% 5.95% 5.40% 1.00% 6.40%
Employee and employer maximum contribution $3,123.45 $631.00 $3,754.45 $3,407.40 $631.00 $4,038.40
Contribution rate for self-employed 9.90% 2.00% 11.90% 10.80% 2.00% 12.80%
Self-employed maximum contribution $6,246.90 $1,262.00 $7,508.90 $6,814.80 $1,262.00 $8,076.80

Find more information about monthly statistics on OAS and CPP beneficiaries and benefits

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