- Footnote 1
Maximum benefit amounts reflect the CPP/QPP enhancement. CPP and QPP maximum amounts in this table are for benefits beginning in January 2023. Maximum CPP and QPP new benefit amounts increase every month as a result of the enhancement.
Return to first footnote 1 referrer
- Footnote 2
Each year a valid contribution is made to the CPP while a retirement pension is being received, the person becomes eligible for a post-retirement benefit (PRB) in January of the following year and thus can receive more than one PRB.
Return to footnote 2 referrer
- Footnote 3
This amount is added to the retirement benefit.
Return to first footnote 3 referrer
- Footnote 4
The maximum amount includes the top-ups for the GIS and the Allowances. The top-ups are provided to GIS and Allowance recipients with the lowest incomes.
Return to footnote 4 referrer
- Footnote 5
The income level cut-offs do not include the OAS pension, the first $5,000 of employment or self employment income and 50% of employment or self employment income between $5,000 and $15,000.
Return to first footnote 5 referrer
- Footnote 6
The OAS pension repayment range in 2023 is for net world income from $86,912 to $142,124, for individuals aged 65-74. For those aged 75 and over, the upper threshold is $147,645. Net world income includes the OAS pension.
Return to footnote 6 referrer
- Footnote 7
Individuals can defer receiving the OAS pension beyond age 65 in exchange for a higher pension. The monthly OAS pension is increased by 0.6% for every month it is delayed up to a maximum of 36% at age 70.
Return to footnote 7 referrer