- Footnote 1
Return to footnote 1 referrer
Amounts in this table are maximum amounts for new CPP benefits beginning in January 2025. They reflect the CPP enhancement that began in 2019. These amounts increase every month as a result of the enhancement (monthly data available on Statistics on CPP monthly maximum amounts for new benefits).
- Footnote 2
Return to footnote 2 referrer
Each year a valid contribution is made to the CPP while a retirement pension is received, the person becomes eligible for a Post-Retirement Benefit (PRB) in January of the following year and thus can receive more than one PRB.
- Footnote 3
Return to footnote 3 referrer
This amount is added to the retirement pension.
- Footnote 4
Return to footnote 4 referrer
The estate of a contributor who dies before collecting a retirement or disability pension and does not leave behind a survivor is entitled to an additional $2,500.
- Footnote 5
Return to footnote 5 referrer
The maximum amount includes the top-ups for the GIS and the Allowances. The top-ups are provided to GIS and Allowance recipients with the lowest incomes.
- Footnote 6
Return to footnote 6 referrer
The income level cut-offs do not include the OAS pension, the first $5,000 of employment or self-employment income and 50% of employment or self-employment income between $5,000 and $15,000.
- Footnote 7
Return to footnote 7 referrer
The OAS pension repayment range in 2025 is for net world income from $93,454 to $151,668, for individuals aged 65 to 74. For those aged 75 and over, the upper threshold is $157,490. Net world income includes the OAS pension.
- Footnote 8
Return to footnote 8 referrer
Individuals can defer receiving the OAS pension beyond age 65 in exchange for a higher pension. The monthly OAS pension is increased by 0.6% for every month it is delayed, up to 36% at age 70.